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Guide to Custom dnsadmin Plugins - The Setup Module


The Setup module creates the node configuration file for a new DNS node. Store the Setup module as a file with the .pm extension in the /usr/local/cpanel/Cpanel/NameServer/Setup/Remote/ directory, which corresponds to the Cpanel::NameServer::Setup::Remote namespace. You can find additional example modules in the /usr/local/cpanel/Cpanel/NameServer/Setup/Remote/ directory on your cPanel & WHM server.

Each Setup module corresponds to a server type in the Backend Type menu in WHM's DNS Cluster interface (WHM >> Home >> Clusters >> DNS Cluster).

Setup modules must include both the get_config() and setup() subroutines.

  • The get_config() subroutine generates the interface that displays after users select that Setup module's server type and click Configure .
  • The setup() subroutine processes the data that the user enters.

Basic usage

The following example code creates the MySetupModule server type:

# Package the module.
package Cpanel::NameServer::Setup::Remote::MySetupModule;

# Use statements go here.
use Cpanel::AccessIds              ();
use Cpanel::AcctUtils              ();
use Cpanel::FileUtils::Copy        ();
use Cpanel::Form                   ();
use Cpanel::Hostname               ();
use Cpanel::Validate::IP::v4       ();
use cPanel::PublicAPI::WHM::DNS    ();
use cPanel::PublicAPI::WHM::Legacy ();
use Cpanel::Validate::Domain       ();
use Cpanel::Validate::IP           ();
use Socket;
use Whostmgr::ACLS                 ();
use Whostmgr::HTMLInterface        ();
use Whostmgr::Version              ();

# Initialize WHM's ACLs.

# Create the configuration form in the WHM interface.
sub get_config {
    my %config = (
        'options' => [
                'name'        => 'host',
                'type'        => 'text',
                'locale_text' => 'Remote MySetupModule DNS host',
                'name'        => 'user',
                'type'        => 'text',
                'locale_text' => 'Remote Server Username',
                'name'        => 'pass',
                'type'        => 'bigtext',
                'locale_text' => 'Remote Server API token',
                'name'        => 'recurse',
                'locale_text' => 'Set Up Reverse Trust Relationship',
                'type'        => 'binary',
                'default'     => 1,
                'name'        => 'debug',
                'locale_text' => 'Debug Mode',
                'type'        => 'binary',
                'default'     => 0,
        'name' => 'MySetupModule',
    return wantarray ? %config : \%config;

# Process data from the configuration form.
sub setup {
    my $self = shift;
    my %OPTS = @_;

    # Make sure that the user uses DNS clustering.
    if ( !Whostmgr::ACLS::checkacl('clustering') ) {
        return 0, 'The user does not use DNS clustering.';

    # Make sure that the username and password are available.
    return 0, 'No user given.'        if !defined $OPTS{'user'};
    return 0, 'No API token given.' if !defined $OPTS{'pass'};
    return 0, 'No host given.'        if !defined $OPTS{'pass'} && !defined $OPTS{'accesshash'};

    # Validate the remote user.
    my $safe_remote_user = $ENV{'REMOTE_USER'};
    $safe_remote_user =~ s{/}{}g;

    # Get the user's home directory, hostname, and version of WHM.
    my $homedir      = Cpanel::AcctUtils::gethomedir($safe_remote_user);
    my $selfhostname = Cpanel::Hostname::gethostname();
    my $selfversion  = Whostmgr::Version::getversion();

    # Validate whether to use debug mode.
    my $debug = $OPTS{'debug'} ? 1 : 0;

    # Validate the host paramenter.
    my $clustermaster = $OPTS{'host'};
    my $hostname = Cpanel::Validate::Domain::Normalize::normalize($clustermaster);

    # Perform a DNS lookup for the master cluster server.
    my $inetaddr;
    if ( Cpanel::Validate::IP::v4::is_valid_ipv4($clustermaster) ) {
        if ( $inetaddr = gethostbyname($clustermaster) ) {
            $clustermaster = inet_ntoa($inetaddr);
        else {
            return 0, "DNS Lookup failed for $clustermaster";

    # Validate the user paramenter.
    my $user = $OPTS{'user'};
    $user =~ tr/\r\n\f\0//d;
    $user =~ s/^\s+//g;
    $user =~ s/\s+$//g;
    return 0, 'Invalid user given' if !$user;

    # Validate the pass paramenter.
    my $pass = $OPTS{'pass'};
    $pass =~ tr/\r\n\f\0//d;
    $pass =~ s/^\s*\-+BEGIN\s+WHM\s+ACCESS\s+KEY\-+//g;
    $pass =~ s/\-+END\s+WHM\s+ACCESS\s+KEY\-+\s*$//g;
    $pass =~ s/^\s+//g;
    $pass =~ s/\s+$//g;
    return 0, 'Invalid API token!' if !$pass;

    # Pass values to the PublicAPI.
    my $whm = cPanel::PublicAPI->new(
        'host'       => $clustermaster,
        'user'       => $user,
        'token' => $pass,
        'usessl'     => 1,
    # If you MUST use self-signed certificates,
    # Set ssl_no_verify to 0. Default is 1.

    # Check the remote server's WHM version.
    my $version;
    $version = $OPTS{'version'} if defined $OPTS{'version'};
    if ( $OPTS{'recurse'} ne '0' ) {
        $version = $whm->version();
    else {
        $version = '10.0.0';

    # Return an error if the server did not accept the API token.
    if ( $whm->{'error'} && $whm->{'error'} ne '' ) {
        if ( $whm->{'error'} =~ /401/ ) {
            return 0, "The remote server did not accept the API token. Please verify the API token and username and try again. The exact message was $whm->{'error'}. For more information check /usr/local/cpanel/logs/login_log on the remote server.";
        else {
            return 0, "There was an error while processing your request: cPanel::PublicAPI returned [$whm->{'error'}]";

    # Prevent cyclic trust relationships.
    elsif ( grep { $_ eq $clustermaster } Cpanel::Ips::fetchipslist() ) {
        return 0, "The specified IP address would create a cyclic trust relationship: $clustermaster";

    # Prevent invalid hostnames.
    if ( exists $OPTS{'recurse'} && $OPTS{'recurse'} ne '0' ) {
        my $remote_hostname = $whm->showhostname();
        if ( $remote_hostname =~ /[\r\n\0]/ ) {
            return 0, "The remote host returned an invalid hostname.";
        else {
            $hostname = $remote_hostname;

    # Return an error if the version of WHM is not high enough.
    my ( $majorv, $minorv, $rev ) = split( /\./, $version );
    if ( $majorv < 6 ) {
        return 0, "This operation requires the remote server to be running WHM 6.0 or later. The server reported version $version";
    my $success_msg = '';
    my $notices     = '';

    # Set up the necessary cluster directories.
    mkdir '/var/cpanel/cluster', 0700 if !-e '/var/cpanel/cluster';
    mkdir '/var/cpanel/cluster/' . $safe_remote_user, 0700 if !-e '/var/cpanel/cluster/' . $safe_remote_user;
    mkdir '/var/cpanel/cluster/' . $safe_remote_user . '/config', 0700 if !-e '/var/cpanel/cluster/' . $safe_remote_user . '/config';

    # Set up the node configuration file.
    if ( open my $config_fh, '>', '/var/cpanel/cluster/' . $safe_remote_user . '/config/' . $clustermaster ) {
        chmod 0600, '/var/cpanel/cluster/' . $safe_remote_user . '/config/' . $clustermaster
          or warn "Failed to secure permissions on cluster configuration: $!";
        print {$config_fh} "#version 2.0\nuser=$user\nhost=$hostname\npass=$pass\nmodule=MySetupModule\ndebug=$debug\n";
        close $config_fh;
        $success_msg .= "The Trust Relationship has been established. ";
        $success_msg .= "The remote server, $hostname is running WHM version: $version ";
    else {
        warn "Could not write DNS trust configuration file: $!";
        return 0, "The trust relationship could not be established, please examine /usr/local/cpanel/logs/error_log for more information.";

    if ( !-e '/var/cpanel/cluster/root/config/' . $clustermaster && Whostmgr::ACLS::hasroot() ) {
        Cpanel::FileUtils::Copy::safecopy( '/var/cpanel/cluster/' . $safe_remote_user . '/config/' . $clustermaster, '/var/cpanel/cluster/root/config/' . $clustermaster );

    if ( exists $OPTS{'recurse'} && $OPTS{'recurse'} ne '0' ) {
        my $access_hash = Cpanel::AccessIds::loadfile_as_user( $ENV{'REMOTE_USER'}, $homedir . '/.accesshash' );
        local $whm->{'timeout'} = 20;
        if ( $whm->addtocluster( $safe_remote_user, $selfhostname, $access_hash, $selfversion ) ) {
            $success_msg .= "The reverse trust relationship has been established from the remote server to this server as well. ";
        else {
            $notices .= "The reverse trust relationship could not be established from the remote server to this server.   You must login to the remote server and add this server to it's cluster manager manually if you want the other server to be able to access this one.";
    return 1, $success_msg, $notices, $clustermaster;


The get_config() subroutine

The get_config() subroutine returns a hash reference that WHM uses to create a DNS Remote Configuration form. The get_config() subroutine must return the %config hash reference.

The %config hash reference includes the following parameters and values:

Parameter Type Description Possible values Example
options array of hashes Required
An array of hashes of form settings.
This array's hashes contain the name, type, locale_text, and default parameters.  
    name string Required
The node configuration file value to which the form field corresponds.

You must include hashes for the user, host, and pass values.
A valid string.

For more information, read our Node Configuration Files documentation.
    type string The form input type to use in the WHM interface for this value.
  • text — A single-line text box.
  • bigtext — A multi-line text box.
  • radio — A radio button. If you set the type value to radio, you must also include the options parameter.
  • binary — A single checkbox. If you set the type value to binary, you must also include the default parameter.
    locale_text string Required
The text that the WHM interface will display.
A string value. Remote Server Username
    default Boolean The default value to assign to values that use the binary type.
  • 1 — The setting defaults to true (selected).
  • 0 — The setting defaults to false (unselected).
    options array of hashes An array of hashes of the available choices for values that use the radio type. This array of hashes includes the value and label parameters.

This array must contain at least two value elements and one label element.
        value string The radio button's value. A valid string. choice1
        label string The radio button's display label. A valid string. Choice #1
name string The module's name. This value displays at the top of the WHM interface. A string value. MySetupModule

The setup() subroutine

The setup() subroutine must perform the following actions:

  • Validate the input from the get_config() subroutine.
  • Write the node configuration to the /var/cpanel/cluster/username/config/node file, where username is the account username and node is the node name.

Order of operations

We strongly recommend that your setup() subroutine use the following order of operations:

  1. Receive the get_config() function's parameters. For example:
    my (undef, %OPTS ) = @_;

    This code assigns all of the get_config() subroutine's input to the %OPTS hash.

  2. Validate the parameters.
  3. Ensure that the parameters will function correctly on the system.
  4. Create the /var/cpanel/cluster/username/config/node file, if it does not already exist. We recommend that you use the name of your product or hostname as the node configuration file's name.
  5. Write the configuration settings to the file.
    • This file must contain values for the user and module settings, and must begin with the following string: #version 2.0
    • The system also uses any optional data that you include in the file in order to create the remote object instance that queries the remote system.
    • For more information, read our Node Configuration Files documentation.

Return data

The setup() subroutine returns data in the following format:

return $boolean, $msg, $notices, $nodename;

This example uses the following variables:

Variable Type Description Possible values Example
$boolean Boolean Whether the module successfully set up the node.
  • 1 — Success.
  • 0 — Failure.
$msg string A success message or reason for failure. A string value. This is an error message.
$notices string One or more important messages that display regardless of success or failure. A string value. Good news, everyone!
$nodename string The node's name, as it appears in the /var/cpanel/cluster/username/config file. A string value. nodename