
    # Arguments received by this template:
    # This list may not be exhaustive, and other parameters may be added or available.
    # external_auth_modules - What are the currently enabled external authentication modules (cpanel, google, facebook, etc)
    # page_to_show - Page to display
    # user - The cPanel user (or virtual user that is logged in)
    # parameterized_form - A dump of the postdata that is uri encoded
    # theme - The current cPanel theme that the user is using
    # goto_uri - The uri that the user requested



SET query = {
    'user' => user,
    'theme' => theme,
    'parameterized_form' => parameterized_form,
    'goto_uri' => goto_uri,
    'goto_app' => goto_app,
IF page_to_show == 'token_denied';
    query.token_denied = 1;

IF external_auth_modules.size > 0 && external_auth_modules

<div id="external-auth-container">
    <div class="or-separator">
        <span class="or-separator-label">[% locale.maketext('OR[comment,this is a decoration separator, shortest form is best]') %]</span>
        <span class="or-separator-secondary-label">[% locale.maketext("Log in via"); %]</span>
    <div class="controls external-auth-items">
        [% FOR auth_mod = external_auth_modules %]
          IF oidc_failed == auth_mod.provider_name;
                # This must match use the same regex as unprotected/cpanel/js/login.js
                IF ENV_REQUEST_URI.match('^\/(?:logout|login|openid_connect_callback)\/?');
                    SET xauth_link = auth_mod.link.html();
                    SET xauth_link = ENV_REQUEST_URI.html;
            SET xauth_link = auth_mod.link.html() _ '?' _ HTTP.make_query_string(query);
          END; %]
          <div class="external-auth-btn">
              <a class="external-auth-link" href="[% xauth_link %]" title="[% auth_mod.label.html() %]" style="background-color:#[% auth_mod.color %];color:#[% auth_mod.textcolor %]">
                  <i class="external-auth-icon" style="background-image:url(data:[% auth_mod.icon_type %];base64,[% auth_mod.icon %])"></i>
                  [% IF auth_mod.label == 'Log in via ' _ auth_mod.display_name %]
                    <span class="external-auth-btn-label">[% locale.maketext('Log in via [_1]', auth_mod.display_name.html()) %]</span>
                  [% ELSE %]
                    <span class="external-auth-btn-label">[% auth_mod.label.html() %]</span>
                  [% END %]
        [% END %]
[% END %]