
    # Arguments received by this template:
    # This list may not be exhaustive, and other parameters may be added or available.

[% WRAPPER 'templates/_error_wrapper' -%]
    <p>[% locale.maketext('The requested page was not found.') %]</p>
    <h2>[% locale.maketext('Possible reasons why you are seeing this page:') %]</h2>
        <li>[% locale.maketext('A bookmarked URL may have changed since you last visited.') %]</li>
        <li>[% locale.maketext('The URL was entered incorrectly.') %]</li>
        <li>[% locale.maketext('The URL was entered with inaccurate capitalization (URLs are [output,url,_1,case sensitive]).','http://wikipedia.org/wiki/Case_sensitivity') %]</li>
    <p>[% locale.maketext('Please re-check the URL you are trying to reach. ([output,url,_1,Go Back])', 'javascript:history.back()' ) %]</p>
[% END -%]