This function requests that the IMAP Full-Text Search Indexing (powered by Apache Solr™) plugin rescan an email account.
To enable this function, you must install the IMAP Full-Text Search Indexing (powered by Apache Solr™) plugin in WHM's Manage Plugins interface (WHM >> Home >> cPanel >> Manage Plugins). For more information, read our install_dovecot_fts script documentation.
When you disable the Receive Mail role, the system disables this function.
uapi --output=jsonpretty \ --user=username \ Email \ fts_rescan_mailbox \ account=''
{- "apiversion": 3,
- "func": "fts_rescan_mailbox",
- "module": "Email",
- "result": {
- "data": 1,
- "errors": null,
- "messages": null,
- "metadata": { },
- "status": 1,
- "warnings": null