This function lists information for the cPanel account's Site Publisher websites.
To retrieve the list of Site Publisher website information, the function queries the configurations.json
file in each domain's document root. For more information, read our Guide to Site Publisher Templates documentation.
When you disable the Web Server role, the system disables this function.
uapi --output=jsonpretty \ --user=username \ SiteTemplates \ list_user_settings
{- "apiversion": 3,
- "func": "list_user_settings",
- "module": "SiteTemplates",
- "result": {
- "data": [
- {
- "documentroot": "/home/example/public_html",
- "domain": "",
- "homedir": "/home/example",
- "serveralias": [
- ""
], - "template_settings": {
- "is_empty": 0,
- "path": "/usr/local/cpanel/3rdparty/share/site_templates/",
- "template": "mytemplate"
}, - "type": "main"
], - "errors": null,
- "messages": null,
- "metadata": {
- "transformed": 1
}, - "status": 1,
- "warnings": null