This function returns the PHP version of every virtual host that a reseller controls.
You can get the version of a single virtual host by providing an optional vhost
This document only applies to systems that run EasyApache 4.
When you disable the Web Server role, the system disables this function.
uapi --output=jsonpretty \ --user=username \ LangPHP \ php_get_vhost_versions
{- "apiversion": 3,
- "func": "php_get_vhost_versions",
- "module": "LangPHP",
- "result": {
- "data": [
- {
- "account": "blee",
- "account_owner": "blee",
- "documentroot": "/home/blee/public_html",
- "homedir": "/home/blee",
- "main_domain": 1,
- "php_fpm": 1,
- "php_fpm_pool_parms": {
- "pm_max_children": 5,
- "pm_max_requests": 20,
- "pm_process_idle_timeout": 10
}, - "phpversion_source": [
- {
- "domain": "",
- "system_default": 1
], - "version": "ea-php72",
- "vhost": ""
], - "errors": null,
- "messages": null,
- "metadata": {
- "transformed": 1
}, - "status": 1,
- "warnings": null