This function creates a randomly named MySQL® database and user. This allows a 3rdparty tool to create its own DB without needing any knowledge of cPanel internals such as quotas or other limits. These will simply be passed back as an error.
When you disable the MySQL/MariaDB role and remote MySQL is not already configured, the system disables this function.
uapi --output=jsonpretty \ --user=username \ Mysql \ setup_db_and_user \ prefix='wp'
{- "apiversion": 3,
- "func": "setup_db_and_user",
- "module": "Mysql",
- "result": {
- "data": {
- "database": "cpuser_wp_gwl7vpix28owo855yjomc7rsghkbjv0d0kf45kcvzip9tyxw9kdd",
- "database_user": "cpuser_wp_dji1jdt7nhjiwjcjju45",
- "database_user_password": ";1t/U:wnFkCRL9q68]/+<TX=.C#7]n",
- "hostname": "localhost",
- "port": 3306
}, - "errors": null,
- "messages": null,
- "metadata": { },
- "status": 1,
- "warnings": null