This function configures a server's backup system. The system saves these settings in the /var/cpanel/backups/config
backup_daily_enable | integer Default: 1 Whether to enable daily backups.
Example: backup_daily_enable=1 |
backup_daily_retention | integer >= 0 Default: 5 The number of daily backups to retain. Example: backup_daily_retention=5 |
backup_monthly_dates | integer [ 1 .. 31 ] Default: 1 Which days of the month to run backups. Note: To add multiple days, use a comma-delimited list. Example: backup_monthly_dates=1 |
backup_monthly_enable | integer Default: 0 Whether to enable monthly backups.
Example: backup_monthly_enable=0 |
backup_monthly_retention | integer >= 0 Default: 1 The number of monthly backups to retain. Example: backup_monthly_retention=5 |
backup_weekly_day | integer [ 1 .. 6 ] Default: 0 Which day of the week to run weekly backups.
Example: backup_weekly_day=1 |
backup_weekly_enable | integer Default: 0 Whether to enable weekly backups.
Example: backup_weekly_enable=0 |
backup_weekly_retention | integer >= 0 Default: 4 The number of weekly backups to retain. Example: backup_weekly_retention=4 |
backupaccts | integer Default: 1 Whether to back up cPanel user accounts.
Note: This setting affects whether the system enables the File and Directory Restoration interfaces in cPanel and in WHM. For more information, read the How to Manage Metadata Settings documentation. Example: backupaccts=1 |
backupbwdata | integer Default: 1 Whether to back up bandwidth tracking data.
Example: backupbwdata=1 |
backupdays | string [ 0 .. 6 ] Default: "0,2,4,6" Which days of the week to run daily backups.
Note: For multiple days, use a comma-delimited list. Example: backupdays=0,1,2,3,4,5,6 |
backupdir | string Default: "/backup" The primary backup directory. Example: backupdir=/backup |
backupenable | integer Default: 0 Whether to enable backups.
Note: This setting affects whether the system enables the File and Directory Restoration interfaces in cPanel and in WHM. For more information, read the How to Manage Metadata Settings documentation. Example: backupenable=0 |
backupfiles | integer Default: 1 Whether to back up system files.
Example: backupfiles=1 |
backuplogs | integer Default: 0 Whether to back up the error logs.
Example: backuplogs=0 |
backupmount | integer Default: 0 Whether to mount a backup partition.
Note: This setting affects whether the system enables the File and Directory Restoration interfaces in cPanel and in WHM. For more information, read the How to Manage Metadata Settings documentation. Example: backupmount=0 |
backupsuspendedaccts | integer Default: 0 Whether to back up suspended accounts.
Example: backupsuspendedaccts=0 |
backuptype | string Default: "compressed" The type of backup to create.
Example: backuptype=compressed |
check_min_free_space | integer Default: 1 Whether to ensure that the destination server possesses the minimum free disk space available.
Example: check_min_free_space=1 |
disable_metadata | integer Default: 0 Whether the backup system will create metadata when a backup runs.
Note: This setting affects whether the system enables the File and Directory Restoration interfaces in cPanel and in WHM. For more information, read the How to Manage Metadata Settings documentation. Example: disable_metadata=0 |
errorthreshhold | integer >= 0 Default: 3 The number of times that the system will try to use the additional backup destination. Example: errorthreshhold=3 |
force_prune_daily | integer Default: 0 Whether to strictly enforce the value of the
Example: force_prune_daily=0 |
force_prune_monthly | integer Default: 0 Whether to strictly enforce the value of the
Example: force_prune_monthly=0 |
force_prune_weekly | integer Default: 0 Whether to strictly enforce the value of the
Example: force_prune_weekly=0 |
gziprsyncopts | string Default: "" The Example: gziprsyncopts=--rysncable |
keeplocal | integer Default: 1 Whether to delete backups from the local directory.
Note: This setting affects whether the system enables the File and Directory Restoration interfaces in cPanel and in WHM. For more information, read the How to Manage Metadata Settings documentation. Example: keeplocal=1 |
linkdest | integer Default: 0 Whether to check the
Example: linkdest=0 |
localzonesonly | integer Default: 0 Whether to use a local zone file from the
Example: localzonesonly=0 |
maximum_restore_timeout | integer >= 0 Default: 21600 How long a restoration will attempt to run, in seconds. If the restoration does not succeed in this amount of time, it will stop. Example: maximum_restore_timeout=21600 |
maximum_timeout | integer >= 0 Default: 7200 How long a backup will attempt to run, in seconds. If the backup does not succeed in this amount of time, it will stop. Example: maximum_timeout=7200 |
min_free_space | integer >= 0 Default: 5 The minimum amount of free disk to check for on the destination server. Note: If the value of the Example: min_free_space=1024 |
min_free_space_unit | string Default: "percent" The units of measurement of disk space for the
Example: min_free_space_unit=MB |
mysqlbackup | string Default: "accounts" The backup method to use for MySQL® databases.
Example: mysqlbackup=accounts |
postbackup | integer Default: 0 Whether to run the
Example: postbackup=0 |
prebackup | integer Default: 1 Whether to run the
Example: prebackup=1 |
psqlbackup | integer Default: 0 Whether to back up PostgreSQL® databases.
Example: psqlbackup=0 |
remote_restore_staging_dir | string The directory that temporarily stores a remote backup's data during a backup restoration.
The data is a compressed ( Important: The system restores backups one at a time. The backup staging directory must be large enough to contain the largest remote backup file that you wish to restore. For example, if you wish to restore three backups, sized 1.5 GB, 528 MB, and 950 MB each, your backup staging directory must be able to hold at least 1.5 GB. Note: The system empties the directory after the system restores the backup. Example: remote_restore_staging_dir=/backup |
HTTP Request was successful.
object |
whmapi1 --output=jsonpretty \ backup_config_set
{- "metadata": {
- "command": "backup_config_set",
- "reason": "OK",
- "result": 1,
- "version": 1