cPanel API 2 Functions - CustInfo::savecontactinfo


The cPanel API 2 system is deprecated. We strongly recommend that you use UAPI instead of cPanel API 2.


This function modifies an account's contact and notification settings.


We strongly recommend that you use the following UAPI function instead of this function:

Note: cPanel & WHM preserves the current setting.



For more information, read our Calls from the WHM API documentation.

LiveAPI PHP Class

$cpanel = new CPANEL(); // Connect to cPanel - only do this once.

// Modify contact information.
$save_contact = $cpanel->api2(
    'CustInfo', 'savecontactinfo',
          email => '',
          notify_account_authn_link => '0'
          notify_account_authn_link_notification_disabled => '0',
          notify_account_login => '0',
          notify_account_login_for_known_netblock => '0',
          notify_autossl_expiry => 1,
          notify_autossl_expiry_coverage => 1,
          notify_autossl_renewal_coverage_reduced => 1,
          notify_autossl_renewal => 1,
          notify_autossl_renewal_coverage => 1,
          notify_account_login_notification_disabled => '0',
          notify_bandwidth_limit => '0',
          notify_contact_address_change => '0',
          notify_contact_address_change_notification_disabled => '0',
          notify_disk_limit => '0',
          notify_email_quota_limit => '0',
          notify_password_change => '0',
          notify_password_change_notification_disabled => '0',
          notify_ssl_expiry => '1',
          notify_twofactorauth_change => '0',
          notify_twofactorauth_change_notification_disabled => '0',
          pushbullet_access_token => 'a1b2c3d4e5f6g7h8i9j10',
          second_email => '',
          username => ''

For more information, read our Guide to the LiveAPI System.

LiveAPI Perl Module

my $cpliveapi = Cpanel::LiveAPI->new(); # Connect to cPanel - only do this once.

#  Modify contact information.
my $save_contact = $cpliveapi->api2(
    'CustInfo', 'savecontactinfo',
          email => '',
          notify_account_authn_link => '0'
          notify_account_authn_link_notification_disabled => '0',
          notify_account_login => '0',
          notify_account_login_for_known_netblock => '0',
          notify_account_login_notification_disabled => '0',
          notify_autossl_expiry => 1,
          notify_autossl_expiry_coverage => 1,
          notify_autossl_renewal_coverage_reduced => 1,
          notify_autossl_renewal => 1,
          notify_autossl_renewal_coverage => 1,
          notify_bandwidth_limit => '0',
          notify_contact_address_change => '0',
          notify_contact_address_change_notification_disabled => '0',
          notify_disk_limit => '0',
          notify_email_quota_limit => '0',
          notify_password_change => '0',
          notify_password_change_notification_disabled => '0',
          notify_ssl_expiry => '1',
          notify_twofactorauth_change => '0',
          notify_twofactorauth_change_notification_disabled => '0',
          pushbullet_access_token => 'a1b2c3d4e5f6g7h8i9j10',
          second_email => '',
          username => ''

For more information, read our Guide to the LiveAPI System.

cPanel Tag System (deprecated)
  • cPanel tags are deprecated . We strongly recommend that you only use the LiveAPI system to call the cPanel APIs. Examples are only present in order to help developers move from the old cPanel tag system to our LiveAPI .
  • cPanel API 2 calls that use cPanel tags vary in code syntax and in their output.
  • For more information, read our Deprecated cPanel Tag Usage documentation.

Command Line

cpapi2 --user=username CustInfo savecontactinfo notify_account_authn_link=1 notify_account_authn_link_notification_disabled=1 notify_account_login=1 notify_account_login_for_known_netblock=1 notify_account_login_notification_disabled=1 notify_autossl_renewal_coverage_reduced=1 notify_bandwidth_limit=1 notify_contact_address_change=1 notify_contact_address_change_notification_disabled=1 notify_disk_limit=1 notify_email_quota_limit=1 notify_password_change=1 notify_password_change_notification_disabled=1 notify_twofactorauth_change=1 notify_twofactorauth_change_notification_disabled=1 pushbullet_access_token=a1b2c3d4e5f6g7h8i9j0 notify_autossl_expiry=1 notify_autossl_expiry_coverage=1 notify_autossl_renewal=1 notify_autossl_renewal_coverage=1 notify_ssl_expiry=1
  • You must URI-encode values.
  • username represents your account-level username.
  • You must include the --user=username option.
  • For more information and additional output options, read our Guide to cPanel API 2 documentation or run the cpapi2 --help command.
  • If you run CloudLinux™, you must use the full path of the cpapi2 command:

Output (JSON)

    "cpanelresult": {
        "apiversion": 2,
        "func": "savecontactinfo",
        "event": {
            "result": 1
        "module": "CustInfo",
        "data": [{
            "display_value": "",
            "value": "",
            "name": "email",
            "descp": "Enter an email address to receive account notifications and password reset confirmations. Do not use an email address that your cPanel account owns."
        }, {
            "descp": "Enter a second email address to receive account notifications and password reset confirmations.",
            "value": "",
            "name": "second_email",
            "display_value": ""
        }, {
            "descp": "An access token for Pushbullet.",
            "value": "a1b2c3d4e5f6g7h8i9j0",
            "name": "pushbullet_access_token",
            "display_value": "a1b2c3d4e5f6g7h8i9j0"
        }, {
            "display_value": "on",
            "name": "notify_contact_address_change",
            "value": 1,
            "descp": "My contact email address changes."
        }, {
            "name": "notify_contact_address_change_notification_disabled",
            "value": 1,
            "descp": "My preference for contact email address change notifications is disabled.",
            "display_value": "on"
        }, {
            "display_value": "on",
            "descp": "My account approaches its disk quota.",
            "value": 1,
            "name": "notify_disk_limit"
        }, {
            "display_value": "on",
            "name": "notify_bandwidth_limit",
            "value": 1,
            "descp": "My account approaches its bandwidth usage limit."
        }, {
            "display_value": "on",
            "descp": "Any of my account's email accounts approaches or is over quota.",
            "value": 1,
            "name": "notify_email_quota_limit"
        }, {
            "value": 1,
            "name": "notify_password_change",
            "descp": "My account's password changes.",
            "display_value": "on"
        }, {
            "display_value": "on",
            "descp": "My preference for account password change notifications is disabled.",
            "value": 1,
            "name": "notify_password_change_notification_disabled"
        }, {
            "display_value": "on",
            "value": 1,
            "descp": "Someone logs in to my account.",
            "name": "notify_account_login"
        }, {
            "descp": "Send login notifications, even when the user logs in from an IP address range or netblock that contains an IP address from which a user successfully logged in previously.",
            "value": 1,
            "name": "notify_account_login_for_known_netblock",
            "display_value": "on"
        }, {
            "value": 1,
            "descp": "My preference for successful login notifications is disabled.",
            "name": "notify_account_login_notification_disabled",
            "display_value": "on"
        }, {
            "name": "notify_account_authn_link",
            "value": 1,
            "descp": "An external account links to my account for authentication.",
            "display_value": "on"
        }, {
            "value": 1,
            "descp": "My preference for external account link notifications is disabled.",
            "name": "notify_account_authn_link_notification_disabled",
            "display_value": "on"
        }, {
            "descp": "AutoSSL has renewed a certificate.",
            "display_value": "off",
            "name": "notify_autossl_renewal",
            "value": 1
        }, {
            "descp": "AutoSSL cannot add any additional domains because domains that fail Domain Control Validation exist on the current certificate.",
            "display_value": "off",
            "name": "notify_autossl_renewal_coverage",
            "value": 1
        }, {
            "descp": "AutoSSL cannot renew a certificate because domains that fail Domain Control Validation exist on the current certificate.",
            "display_value": "off",
            "name": "notify_autossl_expiry_coverage",
            "value": 1
        }, {
            "descp": "AutoSSL certificate expiry.",
            "display_value": "off",
            "name": "notify_autossl_expiry",
            "value": 1
        }, {
            "descp": "SSL certificate expiry.",
            "display_value": "off",
            "name": "notify_ssl_expiry",
            "value": 1
        },  {
            "descp": "AutoSSL has renewed a certificate, but the new certificate lacks at least one domain that the previous certificate secured.",
            "display_value": "off",
            "name": "notify_autossl_renewal_coverage_reduced",
            "value": 1

Use cPanel's API Shell interface (cPanel >> Home >> Advanced >> API Shell) to directly test cPanel API calls.


Parameter Type Description Possible values Example
email string

The primary contact email address.

This parameter defaults to an empty string.

A valid email address.
second_email string

A secondary contact email address.

This parameter defaults to an empty string.

A valid email address.
notify_account_authn_link Boolean

Whether to send a notification when the user enables [External Authentication](/guides/guide-to-external-authentication/guide-to-external-authentication-openid-connect/).

This parameter defaults to 1.

  • 1 — Send notification.
  • 0 — Do not send notification.



Whether to send a notification when the notify_account_authn_link parameter is 0.

This parameter defaults to 1.

  • 1 — Send notification.
  • 0 — Do not send notification.
notify_account_login Boolean

Whether to send a notification when the user logs in to their account.

This parameter defaults to 1.

  • 1 — Send notification.
  • 0 — Do not send notification.
notify_account_login_for_known_netblock Boolean

Whether to send a notification when the user logs in to their account, regardless of the user's previously known IP address history.

This parameter defaults to 1.

  • 1 — Send notification.
  • 0 — Do not send notification.
notify_account_login_notification_disabled Boolean

Whether to send a notification when the notify_account_login parameter is 0.

This parameter defaults to 1.

  • 1 — Send notification.
  • 0 — Do not send notification.
notify_autossl_expiry Boolean

Whether to send a notification upon AutoSSL certificate expiry.

We added this parameter in cPanel & WHM version 68.

This parameter defaults to 1.

  • 1 — Send notification.
  • 0 — Do not send notification.
notify_autossl_expiry_coverage Boolean

Whether to send a notification when AutoSSL cannot renew a certificate because domains that fail Domain Control Validation (DCV) exist on the current certificate.

We added this parameter in cPanel & WHM version 68.

This parameter defaults to 1.

  • 1 — Send notification
  • 0 — Do not send notification.
notify_autossl_renewal_coverage_reduced Boolean

Whether to send a notification when AutoSSL renews a certificate, but the new certificate lacks at least one domain that the previous certificate secured.

This parameter defaults to 1.

  • 1 — Send notification
  • 0 — Do not send notification.
notify_autossl_renewal Boolean

Whether to send a notification when AutoSSL renews a certificate.

We added this parameter in cPanel & WHM version 68.

This parameter defaults to 1.

  • 1 — Send notification.
  • 0 — Do not send notification
notify_autossl_renewal_coverage Boolean

Whether to send a notification when AutoSSL cannot add any additional domains because domains that fail DCV exist on the current certificate.

We added this parameter in cPanel & WHM version 68.

This parameter defaults to 1.

  • 1 — Send notification.
  • 0 — Do not send notification.
notify_bandwidth_limit Boolean

Whether to send a notification when the user approaches their bandwidth limit.

  • The function ignores this parameter if you have not configured the account to receive any bandwidth limit notification.
  • The function ignores this parameter when you authenticate as a Subaccount or use the username parameter with a Subaccount.

This parameter defaults to 1.

  • 1 — Send notification.
  • 0 — Do not send notification.
notify_contact_address_change Boolean

Whether to send a notification when the contact address changes.

  • We introduced this parameter in cPanel & WHM version 11.48.
  • The function ignores this parameter when you authenticate as a Subaccount or use the username parameter with a Subaccount.

This parameter defaults to 1.

  • 1 — Send notification.
  • 0 — Do not send notification.
notify_contact_address_change_notification_disabled Boolean

Whether to send a notification when the notify_contact_address_change parameter is 0.

  • We introduced this parameter in cPanel & WHM version 11.48.
  • The function ignores this parameter when you authenticate as a Subaccount or use the username parameter with a Subaccount.

This parameter defaults to 1.

  • 1 — Send notification.
  • 0 — Do not send notification.
notify_disk_limit Boolean

Whether to send a notification when the user approaches their disk quota.

The function ignores this parameter when you authenticate as a Subaccount or use the username parameter with a Subaccount.

This parameter defaults to 1.

  • 1 — Send notification.
  • 0 — Do not send notification.
notify_email_quota_limit Boolean

Whether to send a notification when an email user approaches or exceeds their quota.

The function ignores this parameter when you authenticate as a Subaccount or use the username parameter with a Subaccount.

This parameter defaults to 1.

  • 1 — Send notification.
  • 0 — Do not send notification.
notify_password_change Boolean

Whether to send a notification when the user changes their password.

The function ignores this parameter when you authenticate as a Subaccount or use the username parameter with a Subaccount.

This parameter defaults to 1.
  • 1 — Send notification.
  • 0 — Do not send notification.
notify_password_change_notification_disabled Boolean

Whether to send a notification when the notify_password_change_notification_disabledparameter is 0.

  • We introduced this parameter in cPanel & WHM version 11.48.
  • The function ignores this parameter when you authenticate as a Subaccount or use the username parameter with a Subaccount.
This parameter defaults to 1.
  • 1 — Send notification.
  • 0 — Do not send notification.
notify_ssl_expiry Boolean

Whether to send a notification about SSL certificate expiry.

We added this parameter in cPanel & WHM version 68.

This parameter defaults to 1.

  • 1 — Send notification.
  • 0 — Do not send notification.
notify_twofactorauth_change Boolean

Whether to send a notification when the user's Two-Factor Authentication for WHM configuration changes.

This parameter defaults to 1.

  • 1 — Send notification.
  • 0 — Do not send notification.
notify_twofactorauth_change_notification_disabled Boolean

Whether to send a notification when the notify_twofactorauth_change parameter is 0.

This parameter defaults to 1.

  • 1 — Send notification.
  • 0 — Do not send notification.
pushbullet_access_token string

An access token for Pushbullet notifications.

  • We introduced this parameter in cPanel & WHM version 11.52.
  • The function ignores this parameter when you authenticate as a Subaccount or use the username parameter with a Subaccount.
This parameter defaults to an empty string.
A valid string. a1b2c3d4e5f6g7h8i9j0
username string

The cPanel account or Subaccount in which to save the contact information.

We introduced this parameter in cPanel & WHM version 11.56.

This parameter defaults to any empty string.
  • A valid Subaccount username.
  • A valid cPanel account username.


Return Type Description Possible values Example
display_value string The notification setting's display value. A valid string.
desc string A notification setting's description. A valid string. This is an email address at which the system can contact you. This should be an email address that is not on your account.
name string The notification setting's name.
  • email
  • second_email
  • notify_account_authn_link
  • notify_account_authn_link_notification_disabled
  • notify_account_login
  • notify_account_login_for_known_netblock
  • notify_account_login_notification_disabled
  • notify_autossl_expiry
  • notify_autossl_expiry_coverage
  • notify_autossl_renewal_coverage_reduced
  • notify_autossl_renewal
  • notify_autossl_renewal_coverage
  • notify_bandwidth_limit
  • notify_contact_address_change
  • notify_contact_address_change_notification_disabled
  • notify_disk_limit
  • notify_email_quota_limit
  • notify_password_change
  • notify_password_change_notification_disabled
  • notify_ssl_expiry
  • notify_twofactorauth_change
  • notify_twofactorauth_change_notification_disabled
  • pushbullet_access_token
value string The notification setting's value. A valid string or Boolean value.
reason string

A reason for failure.

This function only returns a reason value if it failed.

A string that describes the error.

This is an error message.
result Boolean

Whether the function succeeded.

  • 1 — The function succeeded.
  • 0 — The function failed.