cPanel API 2 Functions - EmailTrack::search


The cPanel API 2 system is deprecated. We strongly recommend that you use UAPI instead of cPanel API 2.


This function displays tracking information for the messages in the account's message queue.


We strongly recommend that you use UAPI instead of cPanel API 2. However, no equivalent UAPI function exists.



For more information, read our Calls from the WHM API documentation.

LiveAPI PHP Class

$cpanel = new CPANEL(); // Connect to cPanel - only do this once.

// Displays tracking information for email on the account.
$email_search = $cpanel->api2(
    'EmailTrack', 'search',
       'success'     => '1',
       'defer'  => '0'

For more information, read our Guide to the LiveAPI System.

LiveAPI Perl Module

my $cpliveapi = Cpanel::LiveAPI->new(); # Connect to cPanel - only do this once.

# Displays tracking information for email on the account.
my $email_search = $cpliveapi->api2(
    'EmailTrack', 'search',
        'success'           => '1',
        'defer'        => '0'

For more information, read our Guide to the LiveAPI System.

cPanel Tag System (deprecated)

  • cPanel tags are deprecated . We strongly recommend that you only use the LiveAPI system to call the cPanel APIs. Examples are only present in order to help developers move from the old cPanel tag system to our LiveAPI .
  • cPanel API 2 calls that use cPanel tags vary in code syntax and in their output.

Command Line

cpapi2 --user=username EmailTrack search success=1 defer=0
  • You must URI-encode values.
  • username represents your account-level username.
  • You must include the --user=username option.
  • For more information and additional output options, read our Guide to cPanel API 2 documentation or run the cpapi2 --help command.
  • If you run CloudLinux™, you must use the full path of the cpapi2 command:

Output (JSON)

   "cpanelresult" : {
      "apiversion" : 2,
      "data" : [],
      "event" : {
         "result" : 1
      "func" : "search",
      "metadata" : {
         "overflowed" : 0
      "module" : "EmailTrack"

Use cPanel's API Shell interface (cPanel >> Home >> Advanced >> API Shell) to directly test cPanel API calls.


Parameter Type Description Possible values Example


Whether to return messages with a success status.

This parameter defaults to 0 .

  • 1 — Return messages with a success status.
  • 0 — Do not return messages with a success status.




Whether to return messages with a defer status.

This parameter defaults to 0.

  • 1 — Return messages with a defer status.
  • 0 — Do not return messages with a defer status.


Return Type Description Possible values Example
transport string The mail transfer agent (MTA) A valid cPanel-supported MTA. Exim
ip string The recipient's IP address. A valid IP address.
transport_is_remote Boolean Whether the MTA was remote.
  • 1 — Remote.
  • 0Not remote.
deliveredto string The delivery attempt's final destination. A valid email address.
size integer The size of the message, in bytes. A positive integer that represents the size of the messages, measured in bytes.. 12345
deliveryuser string The user that delivered the mail. A valid username. postmaster
sendunixtime string The message's send time. A valid timestamp, in Unix time format. 1415392926
senderhost string The sender's hostname. A valid hostname.
domain string The sender's domain name. A valid domain name.
actionunixtime string The time of the delivery attempt. A valid timestamp, in Unix time format. 1415392926
msgid string The message ID. A valid string. This is a message id
user string The sender's username. A valid username. sender
recipient string The recipient's email address. A valid email address.
actiontime string The time that the delivery attempt occurred, in human-readable format.

A valid timestamp, in YYYY-DD-MM HH:MM:SS format, where:

  • YYYY represents the year.
  • DD represents the day.
  • MM represents the month.
  • HH represents the hour.
  • MM represents the minute.
  • SS represents the second.
2014-02-06 14:17:51
deliverydomain string The recipient's domain. A valid domain name.
host string The hostname that received the message. A valid hostname.
router string

The method that the system uses to deliver mail to the specified address.

lookuphost is the only possible value.

message string The action that the mail server executed. A valid string. Domain has exceeded the max defers and failures per hour (5/5 (100%)) allowed. Message discarded).
senderauth string The user's authentication method. A valid authentication method. DKIM
sender string The sender's full email address. A valid email address.
spamscore integer The message's Apache SpamAssassin™ score. A positive integer. 1
senderip string The sender's IP address. A valid IP address.
type string The delivery status.
  • success
  • defer
  • failure
  • inprogress
reason string

A reason for failure.

This function only returns a reason value if it failed.

A string that describes the error.

This is an error message.
result Boolean

Whether the function succeeded.

  • 1 — The function succeeded.
  • 0 — The function failed.