cPanel API 2 Functions - SSL::listcrts


The cPanel API 2 system is deprecated. We strongly recommend that you use UAPI instead of cPanel API 2.


This function lists the account's SSL certificates.


We strongly recommend that you use the following UAPI function instead of this function:


When you disable the Calendars and Contacts, Receive Mail, Web Disk, Webmail, and Web Server roles, the system disables this function.



For more information, read our Calls from the WHM API documentation.

LiveAPI PHP Class

$cpanel = new CPANEL(); // Connect to cPanel - only do this once.

// Retrieve a list of SSL certificates.
$list_certificates = $cpanel->api2(
    'SSL', 'listcrts'

For more information, read our Guide to the LiveAPI System.

LiveAPI Perl Module

my $cpliveapi = Cpanel::LiveAPI->new(); # Connect to cPanel - only do this once.

# Retrieve a list of SSL certificates.
my $list_certificates = $cpliveapi->api2(
    'SSL', 'listcrts',

For more information, read our Guide to the LiveAPI System.

cPanel Tag System (deprecated)

  • cPanel tags are deprecated . We strongly recommend that you only use the LiveAPI system to call the cPanel APIs. Examples are only present in order to help developers move from the old cPanel tag system to our LiveAPI .
  • cPanel API 2 calls that use cPanel tags vary in code syntax and in their output.
  • For more information, read our Deprecated cPanel Tag Usage documentation.

Command Line

cpapi2 --user=username SSL listcrts
  • You must URI-encode values.
  • username represents your account-level username.
  • You must include the --user=username option.
  • For more information and additional output options, read our Guide to cPanel API 2 documentation or run the cpapi2 --help command.
  • If you run CloudLinux™, you must use the full path of the cpapi2 command:

Output (JSON)

    "cpanelresult": {
        "apiversion": 2,
        "func": "listcrts",
        "data": [{
            "ssltxt": "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----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-----END CERTIFICATE-----",
            "issuer": "",
            "expiredate": "Oct  6 18:36:57 2015 GMT",
            "host": ""
        "event": {
            "result": 1
        "module": "SSL"

Use cPanel's API Shell interface (cPanel >> Home >> Advanced >> API Shell) to directly test cPanel API calls.


This function does not accept parameters.


Return Type Description Possible values Example
ssltxt string The certificate data.

The certificate file contents.

This data always begins with -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- and ends with -----END CERTIFICATE-----.

-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- MIIDcTCCAlmgAwIBAgIFAU+BNVgwDQYJKoZIhvcNAQEFBQAwUTESMBAGA1UEAwwJ c2lza28udGxkMQswCQYDVQQGEwJVUzEPMA0GA1UECgwGY1BhbmVsMQswCQYDVQQI DAJUWDEQMA4GA1UEBwwHSG91c3RvbjAeFw0xNDEwMDYyMjI2MTlaFw0xNTEwMDYy MjI2MTlaMFExEjAQBgNVBAMMCXNpc2tvLnRsZDELMAkGA1UEBhMCVVMxDzANBgNV BAoMBmNQYW5lbDELMAkGA1UECAwCVFgxEDAOBgNVBAcMB0hvdXN0b24wggEiMA0G CSqGSIb3DQEBAQUAA4IBDwAwggEKAoIBAQC9zx6zGiHdmWA0dKtoXmJiWXpZ9E3P Xx3YHsjFEWW7e5pH0vZ+jVMzDmm5nsJ7RXrAkZO1IvpIpVLvoQfiJOWVvkD+o9fW voK1tWJS72FSgPju+58mA2ieBuc87A790Pzuv1P3NR3zFLAjUR99zkHR1fpri/da M3PBWO8ET48FWkyU1kOeZaUlF67/+wrEiNgg+t1qhKOCAB61PdNVkLaSGHimksuC +Czk8Kq9nuS0E0TCnDtjjEyJ455FUcaCfczlTb8xkB/F9ORe74yTzD+vlk0tFMG6 PLj/ajIwWqwO0qmQ8wX3NRxkWgGz5kVO1wrVJarKQ5EYQ3/mgvit0v6dAgMBAAGj UDBOMB0GA1UdDgQWBBRw+wKBo34+bgexjAa3EMDsgSCd7zAfBgNVHSMEGDAWgBRw +wKBo34+bgexjAa3EMDsgSCd7zAMBgNVHRMEBTADAQH/MA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBBQUA A4IBAQCHRXIs53opzKM2rM8Qe8lcw524WK6hqy2EWrZHp78N7rU7/6DQ/I3hv3Wh cDDIO04I2/Xhe88MLBaLoM367Ya+vy7CaLr14aLi/SfQszMA0ALBvMao+Fis0iVw FYq/NLgSXw+fgnpFskt8v8iQZ+4Kaal8U8e9sVgu8m0RgO7rzym1eRiIKpsKd1rh /SD7LbSN7M7TRL3QqF7ltw9sQhAAsQcRaBBF21pdWrqhiGZ+Eioo3hhgwNavH2ag qz78ddHwrFpHFwrEeUk1OfpPb76MYIce7xIy/4oQNdg6fOq4l/FrajBv+WkzDVPa Km6r7YmwfLN/YMZBHXSR58oOGP9W -----END CERTIFICATE-----
issuer string The signing authority that issued the certificate.

The signing authority's hostname. Self-signed certificates will return the account's primary domain.
expiredate string The certificate's expiration date.

A date and time, in Mon DD HH:MM:SS YYYY Zone format.

  • Mon — The month's three-letter abbreviation.
  • DD — The date.
  • HH:MM:SS — The hour, minute, and second.
  • YYYY — The four-digit year.
  • Zone — The three-letter timezone designator.
Oct 6 18:36:57 2015 GMT
host string

The certificate's hostname.

A valid hostname.
reason string

A reason for failure.

A string that describes the error. This is an error message.
result Boolean

Whether the function succeeded.

  • 1 — The function succeeded.
  • 0 — The function failed.