Return backup modules list

This function lists backup modules and their descriptions.


HTTP Request was successful.

Response Schema: application/json
Request samples
whmapi1 --output=jsonpretty \
Response samples
  • "data": {
    • "modules": [
      • {
        • "module": "APITokens",
        • "restricted_available": 1,
        • "summary": [
          • "The APITokens module restores the API tokens for an account."
      • {
        • "module": "Account",
        • "restricted_available": 1,
        • "restricted_summary": [
          • "Force mode is not available in restricted mode."
        • "summary": [
          • "This creates the cPanel account and system user."
      • {
        • "module": "AuthnLinks",
        • "restricted_available": 1,
        • "summary": [
          • "This restores the account’s external authentication links."
      • {
        • "module": "AutoSSL",
        • "restricted_available": 1,
        • "summary": [
          • "This restores AutoSSL settings."
      • {
        • "module": "BackupConfig",
        • "restricted_available": 1,
        • "summary": [
          • "This installs the backup configuration based on the target system’s defaults."
      • {
        • "module": "BandwidthData",
        • "restricted_available": 1,
        • "summary": [
          • "This restores the bandwidth data."
      • {
        • "module": "CpUser",
        • "restricted_available": 1,
        • "restricted_summary": [
          • "The system discards configuration data that is unknown or that the system cannot validate."
        • "summary": [
          • "This restores the cPanel account’s configuration data."
      • {
        • "module": "Cron",
        • "restricted_available": 1,
        • "summary": [
          • "This restores crontab entries."
      • {
        • "module": "CustomLocale",
        • "restricted_available": 0,
        • "summary": [
          • "This restores custom locales."
      • {
        • "module": "DKIM",
        • "restricted_available": 1,
        • "summary": [
          • "This restores DKIM (DomainKeys Identified Mail) keys and updates records for the current server."
      • {
        • "module": "DNSAuthority",
        • "restricted_available": 1,
        • "summary": [
          • "This module reports whether this system is authoritative for each of the new accounts’ DNS (Domain Name System) zones."
      • {
        • "module": "DNSSEC",
        • "restricted_available": 1,
        • "summary": [
          • "This module restores the DNSSEC keys for an account."
      • {
        • "module": "DigestShadow",
        • "restricted_available": 1,
        • "summary": [
          • "This restores password data for digest authentication."
      • {
        • "module": "Domains",
        • "restricted_available": 1,
        • "restricted_summary": [
          • "The system will restore subdomains, parked domains, and addon domains if they pass the server’s domain creation rules. If the server rejects the restoration of an addon domain, it will still create a subdomain associated with that addon domain."
        • "summary": [
          • "This restores subdomains, parked domains, and addon domains."
      • {
        • "module": "FeatureList",
        • "restricted_available": 1,
        • "summary": [
          • "This restores the account’s feature list setting."
      • {
        • "module": "FileProtect",
        • "restricted_available": 1,
        • "summary": [
          • "This configures the account for cPanel FileProtect."
      • {
        • "module": "Ftp",
        • "restricted_available": 1,
        • "summary": [
          • "This restores FTP (File Transfer Protocol) accounts."
      • {
        • "module": "Homedir",
        • "restricted_available": 1,
        • "restricted_summary": [
          • "If the home directory does not already exist, the system will not create it."
        • "summary": [
          • "This restores the home directory’s contents."
      • {
        • "module": "Htaccess",
        • "restricted_available": 1,
        • "summary": [
          • "This repairs EasyApache4 and removes legacy Frontpage entries from .htaccess."
      • {
        • "module": "IPAddress",
        • "restricted_available": 1,
        • "summary": [
          • "This sets up a dedicated IP address."
      • {
        • "module": "Integration",
        • "restricted_available": 0,
        • "summary": [
          • "Implementor Error: The summary for this module is missing."
      • {
        • "module": "LinkedNodes",
        • "restricted_available": 1,
        • "summary": [
          • "This module handles the linked node setup."
      • {
        • "module": "LinkedNodesSubarchives",
        • "restricted_available": 1,
        • "summary": [
          • "This module restores linked-node configurations when the archive contains linked node data."
      • {
        • "module": "LocalConfig",
        • "restricted_available": 1,
        • "summary": [
          • "This module updates the local user’s configuration."
      • {
        • "module": "Logs",
        • "restricted_available": 1,
        • "summary": [
          • "This restores service access logs."
      • {
        • "module": "Mail",
        • "restricted_available": 1,
        • "summary": [
          • "This resets email quotas to safe values and restores email aliases, filters and mail items."
      • {
        • "module": "MailFix",
        • "restricted_available": 1,
        • "summary": [
          • "This repairs mail permissions and upgrades the system to the latest storage methods."
      • {
        • "module": "MailLimits",
        • "restricted_available": 1,
        • "summary": [
          • "This restores any holds or suspensions on outgoing messages for a user’s email accounts."
      • {
        • "module": "MailRouting",
        • "restricted_available": 1,
        • "summary": [
          • "This updates MX (Mail eXchange) records."
      • {
        • "module": "MailSync",
        • "restricted_available": 1,
        • "summary": [
          • "This copies any new mail to the local server that the remote account received during the transfer."
      • {
        • "module": "Mailman",
        • "restricted_available": 1,
        • "summary": [
          • "This restores mailing lists."
      • {
        • "module": "ManualMX",
        • "restricted_available": 1,
        • "summary": [
          • "This configures the source server’s manual MX entries to send mail to the destination server."
      • {
        • "module": "Mysql",
        • "restricted_available": 1,
        • "summary": [
          • "This restores MariaDB/MySQL databases, users, and grants."
      • {
        • "module": "MysqlRemoteNotes",
        • "restricted_available": 1,
        • "summary": [
          • "The MysqlRemoteNotes module restores the Remote MySQL comments for an account."
      • {
        • "module": "NobodyFiles",
        • "restricted_available": 1,
        • "summary": [
          • "This restores ownership of files previously owned by the “nobody” user in the home directory."
      • {
        • "module": "OldHomedirs",
        • "notes": [
          • "Symbolic links for former home directories ensure that applications with hard-coded paths continue to work when transferred between servers."
        • "restricted_available": 0,
        • "summary": [
          • "This creates symbolic links to former home directory paths."
      • {
        • "module": "Package",
        • "notes": [
          • "If the target server does not have the package that the user has been assigned, the system will use the account’s properties to recreate the package."
        • "restricted_available": 0,
        • "summary": [
          • "This recreates account packages."
      • {
        • "module": "Password",
        • "restricted_available": 1,
        • "summary": [
          • "This restores the encrypted system password."
      • {
        • "module": "PostRestoreActions",
        • "notes": [
          • "This module updates system databases and name server IP address lists, restarts services, unblocks dynamic content, and runs custom post-restoration scripts."
        • "restricted_available": 1,
        • "summary": [
          • "This runs post-restoration actions and cleanups."
      • {
        • "module": "Postgres",
        • "restricted_available": 0,
        • "restricted_summary": [
          • "PostgreSQL version “8.4” or later is required to restore databases in restricted mode."
        • "summary": [
          • "This restores PostgreSQL databases, users, and grants."
      • {
        • "module": "PreRestoreActions",
        • "notes": [
          • "This module temporarily lifts the account’s quota and runs custom pre-restoration scripts."
        • "restricted_available": 1,
        • "summary": [
          • "This performs pre-restoration actions and cleanups."
      • {
        • "module": "ProxySubdomains",
        • "notes": [
          • "This module ensures that service subdomains such as “cpanel”, “cpcalendars”, and “cpcontacts” are configured properly."
        • "restricted_available": 1,
        • "summary": [
          • "This restores service subdomains."
      • {
        • "module": "PublicContact",
        • "restricted_available": 1,
        • "summary": [
          • "This restores the account’s public contact data."
      • {
        • "module": "PublicHtmlSymlinks",
        • "notes": [
          • "Symbolic links for former web root directories ensure that applications with hard-coded paths will continue to work when transferred between servers."
        • "restricted_available": 1,
        • "restricted_summary": [
          • "The system does not recreate symbolic links outside of the account’s home directory in restricted mode."
        • "summary": [
          • "This creates symbolic links to former web root directory paths."
      • {
        • "module": "PublishZones",
        • "restricted_available": 1,
        • "summary": [
          • "This module ensures all zones have been synced out and reloaded across the DNS (Domain Name System) cluster."
      • {
        • "module": "Quota",
        • "restricted_available": 1,
        • "summary": [
          • "This restores the account’s data storage quota."
      • {
        • "module": "Reseller",
        • "notes": [
          • "This restores all of the privileges the account previously had. This includes the “all” privilege, which is equivalent to root access."
        • "restricted_available": 0,
        • "summary": [
          • "This restores reseller privileges."
      • {
        • "module": "ResyncHomedir",
        • "restricted_available": 1,
        • "restricted_summary": [
          • "If the home directory does not already exist, the system will not create it."
        • "summary": [
          • "This module will resynchronize the home directory from the source server. The module preserves any changes that occurred during the transfer."
      • {
        • "module": "Roundcube",
        • "restricted_available": 1,
        • "summary": [
          • "This restores Roundcube configuration and preferences."
      • {
        • "module": "SPF",
        • "restricted_available": 1,
        • "summary": [
          • "This restores SPF (Sender Policy Framework) records and updates them for the target server."
      • {
        • "module": "SSL",
        • "restricted_available": 1,
        • "summary": [
          • "This restores SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) keys, certificates, and virtual host entries."
      • {
        • "module": "ServiceProxy",
        • "restricted_available": 1,
        • "summary": [
          • "This module sets up applicable service proxying to the destination servers."
      • {
        • "module": "Shell",
        • "restricted_available": 1,
        • "restricted_summary": [
          • "In restricted mode, the system will set any account that requests a shell other than “noshell” or “jailshell” to use “jailshell”."
        • "summary": [
          • "This restores the account’s shell."
      • {
        • "module": "SpamAssassin",
        • "restricted_available": 0,
        • "summary": [
          • "This module will disable SpamAssassin for the restored user if they had it enabled at the source."
      • {
        • "module": "Subaccount",
        • "restricted_available": 0,
        • "summary": [
          • "Implementor Error: The summary for this module is missing."
      • {
        • "module": "Suspend",
        • "restricted_available": 1,
        • "restricted_summary": [
          • "The system will not restore the suspension reason or old shell for the account and instead will use a default."
        • "summary": [
          • "This module will suspend the restored user if they were suspended at the source."
      • {
        • "module": "Unsuspend",
        • "restricted_available": 1,
        • "summary": [
          • "This unsuspends .htaccess files."
      • {
        • "module": "VhostIncludes",
        • "restricted_available": 0,
        • "summary": [
          • "This restores custom virtual host includes."
      • {
        • "module": "Vhosts",
        • "restricted_available": 1,
        • "summary": [
          • "This module installs the web server configuration and restarts the web server."
      • {
        • "module": "WebCalls",
        • "restricted_available": 1,
        • "summary": [
          • "This module restores the account’s web call data."
      • {
        • "module": "WebDiskHomedir",
        • "restricted_available": 1,
        • "summary": [
          • "This rewrites web disk home directories to the correct location on the new server."
      • {
        • "module": "ZoneFile",
        • "restricted_available": 1,
        • "summary": [
          • "This restores custom DNS (Domain Name System) Zone entries."
      • {
        • "module": "userdata",
        • "restricted_available": 1,
        • "restricted_summary": [
          • "Restricted Restore does not restore the entire userdata file; instead, the system will create a new one and copy in certain information. Customizations to the userdata file in the archive will not be in the newly-created userdata file."
        • "summary": [
          • "This restores website configuration (userdata)."
  • "metadata": {
    • "command": "restore_modules_summary",
    • "reason": "OK",
    • "result": 1,
    • "version": 1