WHM API 1 Filter Output


You can use additional variables to filter WHM API 1 output.


You can test WHM API 1 functions in WHM's API Shell interface (Home >> Development >> API Shell). Click Show Sort/Filter/Paginate Options to display the additional text boxes.

Filter output

WHM API 1 filters use four basic variables:


Description: Whether to enable filtering.

Type: Boolean

Possible values:

  • 1 - Enable filtering.
  • 0 - Disable filtering.


Description: The return to match against.

Type: string

Possible values:

The name of one of the function's returns. You can use the asterisk character (*) to filter across all of a function's returns.


Description: The return value to match.

Type: string

Possible values:

An integer or string value.


Description: The match type. This variable defaults to contains.

  • If the api.filter.a.arg0 value is a string, use a string operator.
  • If the api.filter.a.arg0 value is an integer, use a numeric operator.

Type: string

Possible Values:

Numeric operators:

  • == - The numeric value is equal to the match value.
  • lt - The value is less than the match value. This match type cannot handle unlimited values.
  • lt_equal - The value is less than or equal to the match value. This match type cannot handle unlimited values.
  • lt_handle_unlimited - The value is less than the match value. This match type can handle unlimited values.
  • gt - The value is greater than the match value. This match type cannot handle unlimited values.
  • gt_equal - The value is greater than or equal to the match vale. This match type cannot handle unlimited values.
  • gt_handle_unlimited - The value is greater than the match value. This match type can handle unlimited values.

String operators:

  • begins - The value begins with the match value's string.
  • contains - The value contains the match value's string.
  • eq - The string value is equal to the match value.


The following example function calls execute the listaccts function and filter the results to return only accounts with a maximum of 400 subdomains:



Command Line

whmapi1 listaccts api.filter.enable=1 api.filter.a.field=maxsub api.filter.a.arg0=400 api.filter.a.type=%3D%3D

Use multiple filters

To use multiple filters on a single WHM API 1 call, increment the letter in each filter variable.

For example, use the following variables to pass two sets of filter information:

  • Pass the first set of filter information to the api.filter.a.field , api.filter.a.arg0 , and api.filter.a.type variables.
  • Pass the second set of filter information to the api.filter.b.field , api.filter.b.arg0 , and api.filter.b.type variables


Do not include more than one api.filter.enable Boolean variable.

More Examples

The following example function calls execute the listaccts function and filter the results to return only accounts with a maximum of 400 subdomains that use the paper_lantern theme:



Command Line

whmapi1 listaccts api.filter.enable=1 api.filter.a.field=maxsub api.filter.a.arg0=400 api.filter.a.type=%3D%3D api.filter.b.field=theme api.filter.b.arg=paper_lantern api.filter.b.type=eq