cPanel API 2 Functions - Branding::preloadconf


The cPanel API 2 system is deprecated. We strongly recommend that you use UAPI instead of cPanel API 2.



Ruby on Rails does not function on Amazon Linux servers.

This function returns the dynamicui.conf file's contents.


cPanel API 2's Branding module only modifies data for the x3 theme. We removed the x3 theme. For more information, read our cPanel Deprecation Plan documentation.


We strongly recommend that you use UAPI instead of cPanel API 2. However, no equivalent UAPI function exists.



For more information, read our Calls from the WHM API documentation.

LiveAPI PHP Class

$cpanel = new CPANEL(); // Connect to cPanel - only do this once.

// Return the contents of the dynamicui.conf file.
$get_dynamicui = $cpanel->api2(
    'Branding', 'preloadconf'

For more information, read our Guide to the LiveAPI System.

LiveAPI Perl Module

my $cpliveapi = Cpanel::LiveAPI->new(); # Connect to cPanel - only do this once.

# Return the contents of the dynamicui.conf file.
my $get_dynamicui = $cpliveapi->api2(
    'Branding', 'preloadconf',

For more information, read our Guide to the LiveAPI System.

cPanel Tag System (deprecated)

  • cPanel tags are deprecated . We strongly recommend that you only use the LiveAPI system to call the cPanel APIs. Examples are only present in order to help developers move from the old cPanel tag system to our LiveAPI .
  • cPanel API 2 calls that use cPanel tags vary in code syntax and in their output.
  • For more information, read our Deprecated cPanel Tag Usage documentation.

Command Line

cpapi2 --user=username Branding preloadconf
  • You must URI-encode values.
  • username represents your account-level username.
  • You must run the --user=username option.
  • For more information and additional output options, read our Guide to cPanel API 2 documentation or run the cpapi2 --help command.
  • If you run CloudLinux™, you must use the full path of the cpapi2 command:

Output (JSON)

  "cpanelresult": {
    "apiversion": 2,
    "func": "preloadconf",
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        "subtype": "img",
        "imgtype": "icon",
        "searchtext": "backup wizard restore",
        "url": "backup/wizard.html",
        "type": "image"
        "width": "2",
        "subtype": "bg",
        "imgtype": "ui",
        "file": "tbl-bg-over",
        "type": "image",
        "height": "21"
    "event": {
      "result": 1
    "module": "Branding"

Use cPanel's API Shell interface (cPanel >> Home >> Advanced >> API Shell) to directly test cPanel API calls.


This function does not accept parameters.



On servers that run CentOS 7, you may see a named warning about the absence of SPF resource records on DNS.

  • This warning is not relevant on CentOS 7 servers, because RFC 7208 deprecated SPF records . CentOS 7 servers use TXT records instead of SPF records.
  • Red Hat 7.1 and CentOS 7.1 both contain bind-9.9.4-23.el7 , which is an updated version of BIND that complies with RFC 7208. To resolve this issue, update your operating system to a version that contains the updated version of BIND. For more information, read the Red Hat Bugzilla case about SPF record errors .

Return Type Description Possible values Example
item name hash

A hash of information about each dynamicui.conf item.

The hash's name is the item's name.

Each hash includes the width, integer, file, itemdesc, height, if, feature, subtype, group, searchtext, itemtype, url, type, text, and module returns if they exist in the dynamicui.conf file.



The item's icon's width.

The function returns this value in the item name hash.

An integer that represents an image's width, in pixels. 33



The item's display order.

The function returns this value in the item name hash.

An integer that represents the item's display order.

For example, groups display the item that has an itemorder value of 1 first.




The item's icon filename.

The function returns this value in the item name hash.

An image's filename.

This image must exist in the /usr/local/cpanel/base/frontend/theme/branding/ directory, where theme is the current branding theme.




The item's display name.

The function returns this value in the item name hash.

A string value.

Getting Started Wizard



The item's icon's height.

The function returns this value in the item name hash.

An integer that represents an image's height, in pixels. 32



Conditional arguments that determine whether to display the item, if any exist.

The function returns this value in the item name hash.

Conditional arguments that determine whether to display the item.

For example, $isreseller indicates that the item only displays for reseller accounts.

For more information, read our [Guide to cPanel Variables](/guides/guide-to-cpanel-variables/) documentation.




A feature name. The item will only display if the cPanel user has access to this feature.

The function returns this value in the item name hash.

A feature name. getstart



The item's subtype.

The function returns this value in the item name hash.

img is the only possible value. img



The item's group.

The function returns this value in the item name hash.

A string value. pref



One or more search terms. The item will display when users enter these search terms in the Quick Find text box.

The function returns this value in the item name hash.

A space-separated list of search terms. getting started wizard



The item's image type.

The function returns this value in the item name hash.

icon is the only possible value. icon



The location to which the item's icon links.

The function returns this value in the item name hash.

A valid file path or URL. getstarted/index.html



The item's type.

The function returns this value in the item name hash.

image is the only possible value. image



The name of a touch file that controls whether the item displays in the cPanel interface.

The function returns this value in the item name hash.

A touch file's filename. ftp



The name of the related cPanel API 2 module.

The function returns this value in the item name hash.

A cPanel API 2 module name. BoxTrapper
result Boolean

Whether the function succeeded.

  • 1 — The function succeeded.
  • 0 — The function failed.