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Guide to API Privilege Escalation - Application Files

The application file contains the functions that you wish for the system to escalate. The application file performs the following steps:

  1. Receives and sanitizes the data.
  2. Authorizes the action.
  3. Performs the requested action.
  4. Returns the result.

How to write the application

You can write your AdminBin application in any programming language. However, we recommend that you write the file as a Perl module that uses the Cpanel::AdminBin::Base module.

  • The root user must own the file.
  • You must set the file to 0700 permissions (writable, readable, and executable by owner).
  • Store this file with the configuration file in a new namespace in the /usr/local/cpanel/bin/admin/ directory.
    • The namespace and the directory name that you create in the /usr/local/cpanel/bin/admin/ must be identical.
    • For example, you could create the TheNameSpace namespace and /usr/local/cpanel/bin/admin/TheNameSpace directory.
  • The configuration file should contain the following text:

The Admin module method


We strongly recommend that you use this method.

This example file shows the admin module's basic usage:

package Cpanel::Admin::Modules::GreatHosting::GreatThings;

use strict;
use warnings;

use parent 'Cpanel::Admin::Base';

use constant _actions => (

# This function returns the string, “hello”.
sub SAY_HI {
    return 'hello';

# This function returns a list of values. The first-returned value is an array reference that
# contains all of the values that the caller sent.
sub GET_INFO {
    my ($self, @args) = @_;

    return (


The Wrap method


The application file must sanitize its own inputs. The system does not sanitize them.

This example file uses simple mode. However, we recommend that you use full mode whenever possible.

use strict;
use Cpanel::AdminBin::Serializer ();
use Cpanel::Logger               ();
use Cpanel::PwCache              ();

my $stdin = <STDIN>;
chomp $stdin;
my ($uid,$function,$data) = split (/ /,$stdin,3);
 sanitize the input; in this case, only alphanumeric, underscore, space,
 period, and exclamation are allowed $data =~ s/![\w \.\!]//g;  

# make a note in the logs! my $user = (Cpanel::PwCache::getpwuid($uid))[0];
my $logger = Cpanel::Logger->new();
$logger -> warn("Myexample called by user $user with function: $function");

if ($function eq 'ECHO') {
        print $data;

elsif ($function eq 'MIRROR') {
        print scalar reverse($data);

elsif ($function eq 'BOUNCY') {
        print _bouncy($data);

elsif ($function eq 'HASHIFY') {
        print ".\n" . Cpanel::AdminBin::Serializer::Dump ({ 'ourdata' =>  $data} );

else {
        print "Invalid function specified to MyExample adminbin function";


sub _bouncy {
        my $data_in = shift;
        my $data_out = q{};
        for my $i (0..length($data_in)-1) {
                if ($i % 2) {
                        $data_out .= substr( $data_in,$i,1); }
                else {
                        $data_out .= uc(substr( $data_in,$i,1)); }}
        return $data_out;


The parameter order that the system passes to the Cpanel::Wrap::send_cpwrapd_request method is constant. However, some parameters' behavior depends on the configuration file's mode value.

For more information, read our Configuration Files documentation.

Parameter Type Description Possible values Example
uid integer Required
The authenticated user's user ID. The system passes this value automatically.

The configuration file's mode value determines this parameter's behavior.
A valid system user ID. 1000
function string Required
The application's pseudo-function.

The configuration file's mode value determines this parameter's behavior.
A valid string. ECHO
data scalar or data structure Required
The data to process.

The configuration file's mode value determines this parameter's behavior.
  • A scalar value, if the configuration mode value is simple.
  • A data structure, if the configuration mode value is full.
action string Required
The output's behavior. This value defaults to run.

If the AdminBin application module return starts with .\n, the system automatically switches the action to fetch.
  • run — Return the output as a string.
  • fetch — Serialize the output into a JSON structure.
  • stream — Streams the results. This causes the AdminBin server to send the output directly to the filehandle that the system passed in the stream key to the Cpanel::Wrap::send_cpawrapd_request call.
env hash reference Required
A hash reference of keys and values to set in the environment before the AdminBin application executes.
  • WHM50
  • cp_security_token
  • Cpanel::Wrap::Config::safe_hashref_of_allowed_env
module string Required
The application's filename.
The application file's filename. Example
namespace string Required
The application's namespace.
The application's namespace. This value is identical to the directory name. NameSpace
stream string A filehandle to which the system streams the application's output.

Only use this parameter if you set the action parameter to stream.
A valid filehandle. Filehandle
version string Always set this value to Cpanel::AdminBin::Serializer::VERSION. Cpanel::AdminBin::Serializer::VERSION Cpanel::AdminBin::Serializer::VERSION