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Guide to cPanel Variables


The LiveAPI system and dynamicui files can access cPanel's global variables. These variables return data about the server's configuration and the authenticated user.

  • These variables are not compatible with WHM plugin development. Only use them in code for cPanel plugin development.
  • The examples below use the following LiveAPI system methods:
    • The cpanelif()method evaluates a logic operator or cPanel variable as true or false.
    • The cpanelprint()method returns a cPanel variable's value.
    • To check the environment variables for a process, run the following command, where processname represents the name of the process:
      ps auxwwe | grep processname

Logic operators


Description: This logic operator reverses the action of another logic operator.

Example: The following code returns true if a does not equal b:

<cpanelif !a==b>


Description: This logic operator checks whether the first argument is equal to the second argument.

Example: The following code returns true if a equals b:

<cpanelif a==b>


Description: This logic operator checks whether the first argument is equal to the second argument.

Example: The following code returns true if 1 equals 1:

<cpanelif 1=et=1>


Description: This logic operator checks whether the first argument is greater than the second argument.

Example: The following code returns true if 4 is greater than 3:

<cpanelif 4=gt=3>


Description: This logic operator checks whether the first argument is greater than or equal to the second argument.

Example: The following code returns true if 4 is greater than or equal to 3:

<cpanelif 4=gtet=3>


Description: This logic operator checks whether the first argument is less than the second argument.

Example: The following code returns true if 3 is less than 4:

<cpanelif 3=lt=4>


Description: This logic operator checks whether the first argument is less than or equal to the second argument.

Example: The following code returns true if 3 is less than or equal to 4:

<cpanelif 3=ltet=4>

cPanel variables


Description: This variable returns the absolute path to the authenticated user's home directory.

If the user's home directory is a symlink, this variable returns the absolute path to the symlink's target.

Example: The following code prints the absolute path to the authenticated user's home directory:



Description: This variable returns the current cPanel & WHM application.

For example, this variable returns cpanel if you call it from the cPanel interface, or webmail if you call it within a cPanel account's webmail interface.

Example: The following code prints the current cPanel & WHM application:



Description: This variable returns the absolute path to the current directory.

Example: The following code prints the current directory's path:



Description: This variable returns the absolute path to the current file.

Example: The following code prints the current file's location:



Description: This variable returns the string cpanel_magic_revision_random, where random is a random integer, and the relative path to the specified image file (key).

This path is relative to the /usr/local/cpanel/base/ directory.

Example: The following code prints the relative path to the email-pass.gif file:



Description: This variable returns the user's current branding package.

Example: The following code prints the current branding package's name:



Description: This variable returns the value for a specific setting (key) in the /var/cpanel/cpanel.config file.

Example: The following code prints the server's mysql-version setting:



Description: This variable returns the value for a specific setting (key) in the authenticated user's data file.

The system retrieves this information from the hash of settings in the /var/cpanel/users/username file, where username is the cPanel or WHM account username.


We strongly recommend that you use the UAPI Variables::get_user_information function to return a key's value.

Example: The following code prints the user's CONTACTEMAIL setting:



Description: This variable returns most recent error that the specified module (module) returned.

Module names must be in lowercase.

Example: The following code prints the most recent error for the email module:



Description: This variable returns the value of a cPanel variable that you set elsewhere in the same page.

This variable will check any cPanel variables that you set with a cpanel function or a <cpanel setvar> tag.

Example: The following code prints the test variable's most recent value:



Description: This variable returns the GET or POST data for a specific variable (key) that a user passes to a page as part of a form.

To return the URI-encoded version of the value, use the $URI_ENCODED_FORM{'KEY'} variable.

Example: The following code prints the test variable's value:



Description: This variable returns the entire contents of the $FORM{} hash, which contains all of the GET or POST data that a user passes to a page.

Use this variable to debug an interface form.

Example: The following code prints the contents of the $FORM{} hash:



Description: This variable returns a Boolean value that indicates whether anonymous FTP is enabled on the server.

  • A value of 1 indicates that anonymous FTP is enabled.
  • A value of 0 indicates that anonymous FTP is disabled.

Example: The following code prints a Boolean value, as described above:



Description: This variable returns a Boolean value that indicates whether the authenticated account has a dedicated IP address.

  • A value of 1 indicates that the account has a dedicated IP address.
  • A value of 0 indicates that the account does not have a dedicated IP address.

Example: The following code prints a Boolean value, as described above:



Description: This variable returns a Boolean value that indicates whether RubyGems are enabled for the authenticated account.

  • A value of 1 indicates that RubyGems are enabled.
  • A value of 0 indicates that RubyGems are disabled.

Example: The following code prints a Boolean value, as described above:



Description: This variable returns a Boolean value that indicates whether the mod_deflate Apache module is available on the server.

  • A value of 1 indicates that the module is available.
  • A value of 0 indicates that the module is not available.

Example: The following code prints a Boolean value, as described above:



Description: This variable returns a Boolean value that indicates whether the mod_proxy Apache module is available on the server.

  • A value of 1 indicates that the module is available.
  • A value of 0 indicates that the module is not available.

Example: The following code prints a Boolean value, as described above:



Description: This variable returns a Boolean value that indicates whether PHP PEAR is installed.

  • A value of 1 indicates that PHP PEAR is installed.
  • A value of 0 indicates that PHP PEAR is not installed.


The following code prints a Boolean value, as described above:



Description: This variable returns a Boolean value that indicates whether PostgreSQL® is installed.

  • A value of 1 indicates that PostgreSQL is installed.
  • A value of 0 indicates that PostgreSQL is not installed.

Example: The following code prints a Boolean value, as described above:



Description: This variable returns a Boolean value that indicates whether the authenticated account uses the Pure-FTPd FTP server.

  • A value of 1 indicates that the account uses Pure-FTPd.
  • A value of 0 indicates that the account does not use Pure-FTPd.

Example: The following code prints a Boolean value, as described above:



Description: This variable returns a Boolean value that indicates whether Ruby on Rails® is enabled for the authenticated account.

  • A value of 1 indicates that Ruby on Rails is enabled.
  • A value of 0 indicates that Ruby on Rails is disabled.

Ruby on Rails does not function on Amazon Linux servers.

Example: The following code prints a Boolean value, as described above:



Description: This variable returns a Boolean value that indicates whether the authenticated account has shell access.

  • A value of 1 indicates that the account has shell access.
  • A value of 0 indicates that the account does not have shell access.

Example: The following code prints a Boolean value, as described above:



Description: This variable returns the absolute path to the authenticated user's home directory.

Example: The following code prints the authenticated user's home directory path:



Description: This variable returns the server's hostname.

Example: The following code prints the server's hostname:



Description: This variable returns the current HTTP host that connects to the cPanel daemon.

Example: The following code prints the current HTTP host:



Description: This variable returns the authenticated user's primary IP address.

Example: The following code prints the authenticated user's primary IP address:



Description: This variable returns a Boolean value that indicates whether the authenticated user can use cPanel's SSL features.

  • A value of 1 indicates that the following conditions are true:
    • The cPanel account has a dedicated IP address.
    • The server administrator has enabled the Allow cPanel users to install SSL hosts if they have a dedicated IP setting in WHM's Tweak Settings interface ( WHM >> Home >> Server Configuration >> Tweak Settings ).
  • A value of 0 indicates that at least one of these conditions is not true and the authenticated user cannot use cPanel's SSL features.

Example: The following code prints a Boolean value, as described above:



Description: This variable returns a Boolean value that indicates whether the authenticated user has reseller privileges.

  • A value of 1 indicates that the user has reseller privileges.
  • A value of 0 indicates that the user does not have reseller privileges.

Example: The following code prints a Boolean value, as described above:



Description: This variable returns a Boolean value that indicates whether the current session used the root password or a reseller account password to authenticate.

  • A value of 1 indicates that the current session authenticated with the root password or a reseller account password.
  • A value of 0 indicates that the current session did not authenticate with the root password or a reseller account password.

Example: The following code prints a Boolean value, as described above:



Description: This variable returns a Boolean value that indicates whether the a reseller account owns the authenticated account.

  • A value of 1 indicates that a reseller account owns the authenticated account.
  • A value of 0 indicates that the root user owns the authenticated account.

Example: The following code prints a Boolean value, as described above:



Description: This variable returns the mail host's configuration from WHM's Tweak Settings interface (WHM >> Home >> Server Configuration >> Tweak Settings).

Example: The following code prints the server's mail host configuration:



Description: This variable returns the port on which Apache is currently listening. Typically, this is port 80.

Example: The following code prints the port on which Apache is listening:



Description: This variable returns the server's MySQL® version number.

Example: The following code prints the server's MySQL version:



Description: This variable returns the contents of the specified file (key) in a user's home/.cpanel/nvdata/ directory.

Example: The following code prints the contents of the home/.cpanel/nvdata/test file:



Description: This variable generates a random number that is between 1 and 1,000,000.

Example: The following code prints a random number:



Description: This variable returns the port on which Apache currently listens for SSL connections. Typically, this is port 443.

Example: The following code prints the SSL port on which Apache is listening:



Description: This variable returns the GET or POST data for a specific variable (key) that a user passes to a page as part of a form, in a URI-encoded format.

To return the non-URI-encoded version of the value, use the $FORM{'KEY'} variable.

Example: The following code prints the value that the user passes in for the test variable, in a URI-encoded format:



Description: This variable returns the authenticated account's username.

Example: The following code prints the authenticated user's username:



Description: This variable returns the server's current cPanel & WHM version.

Example: The following code prints the server's current cPanel & WHM version:


Deprecated and removed variables


Description: This variable returns a Boolean value that indicates whether Urchin is installed on the server.

  • A value of 1 indicates that Urchin is installed.
  • A value of 0 indicates that Urchin is not installed.

Urchin is no longer supported or available for purchase.

Example: The following code prints a Boolean value, as described above:



Description: This variable returns the authenticated user's language setting.

This cPanel variable is part of the deprecated lang system. Do not use this system. Instead, use our Locale System.

Example: The following code prints the authenticated user's language setting:



Description: This variable returns a string in the user's selected language that corresponds to the key value in the /usr/local/cpanel/locale file.

Example: The following code prints the key's string in the user's locale:
