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Guide to API Privilege Escalation


Poor implementations of this system may cause root-privilege vulnerabilities and compromised servers. Read the Security requirements section of this document before you use this system.

Call a function

To run a function with escalated privileges, call the function through the Cpanel::AdminBin::Call::call() method or use the send_cpwrapd_request pluggable wrapper. The system manages privilege escalation, and ensures that the user can only run the permitted code.

Create a module

To simplify construction of modules, WebPros International, LLC recommends that you write admin modules in Perl with the Admin module method. For other programming languages, use the Wrap method.

The Admin module method

We recommend that you develop Perl admin modules as subclasses of the Cpanel::Admin::Base base class. For more information, read our Admin module method documentation.

The Wrap method

We recommend that you only use this method for non-Perl programming languages.

Basic usage

To use privilege escalation in your custom code, perform the following steps:

  1. Create the following files:
    • A configuration file. Download a simple example file: Simple.tar.gz .
    • An application file. Download an an advanced example file: Advanced.tar.gz .
    • Never use any of these example files on a production system.
  2. Store these files in a new namespace in the /usr/local/cpanel/bin/admin/ directory.
    • The namespace and the directory name must be identical.
    • Do not create your AdminBin application in the Cpanel namespace.
  3. Use the Cpanel::AdminBin::send_cpwrapd_request method to call the application as the authenticated user.

Security requirements

Whenever you use this system, do not manipulate files or directories that a user owns as the root user or execute any actions on unvalidated input.


You must adhere to the following security practices:

  • Only use this system to execute code that must run as the root user.
  • Thoroughly validate any input that passes through this system.
  • Sanitize the admin script's environment.

To sanitize the admin script's environment, set environment variables to limit the paths from which the script loads libraries.

  • This action sanitizes the @INC array and ensures that users cannot load arbitrary libraries.
  • The following example adds the /usr/local/cpanel/ directory to the environment, and then removes entries that do not match standard Perl library paths:
    BEGIN {
    unshift @INC, '/usr/local/cpanel';
    @INC = grep( !/(^\.|\.\.|\/\.+)/, @INC );