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Guide to Third-Party AutoSSL Provider Modules


AutoSSL provider modules allow your server's users to automatically secure locally-hosted domains on their accounts with certificates from that SSL certificate provider. We ship the Let's Encrypt™ provider module with cPanel & WHM. This document explains how to create your own provider module.


Only advanced users should use this feature.

Module development work

When you develop your provider module, we recommend the following workflow:

  1. Research the supported parameters for your desired SSL certificate provider.
  2. Configure a module that subclasses the /usr/local/cpanel/Cpanel/SSL/Auto/ module with overrides that match the supported parameters for your certificate provider. We advise that you do not directly edit the /usr/local/cpanel/Cpanel/SSL/Auto/ file.

Authentication deployment workflow

After you develop and configure your provider module, we recommend the following workflow to deploy the module:

  1. Navigate to WHM's Manage AutoSSL interface ( WHM >> Home >> SSL >> Manage AutoSSL ).
  2. Select the provider module.
  3. Test the provider module with an account on a non-production server.
  4. Review the log files to confirm that an SSL certificate provided by the provider secures the account's domains.

AutoSSL provider workflow


AutoSSL provider modules reside in the following directories:

  • The /usr/local/cpanel/Cpanel/SSL/Auto/Provider/ directory — cPanel-provided modules.
  • The /var/cpanel/perl/Cpanel/SSL/Auto/Provider/ directory — Third-party modules.

For example, a module for the third-party ExampleSSL's module would reside in the /var/cpanel/perl/Cpanel/SSL/Auto/Provider/ location.

Module function interfaces

The tables below contain the required, recommended, and inherited methods.


You must configure the following methods in the Cpanel::SSL::Auto::Provider class. If you do not configure a required method, it will fail with a Cpanel::Exception::NotImplemented exception.

Method name Description Example
renew_ssl_for_vhosts(USERNAME, VHOST1 => \@DOMAINS1, VHOST2 => DOMAINS2, ...) Key-value pairs that declare each virtual host and which domains within those virtual hosts to secure. The key represents the Apache server's name. However, this key may change in a future version. '' => \@list1_of_domains_including_www_subdomains,
'' => \@list2_of_domains_including_www_subdomains

You can provide the following optional methods in your module:

Method name Description Example
CHECK_FREQUENCY This method indicates the frequency at which AutoSSL performs a check via a cron job.
This value defaults to daily.
DAYS_TO_REPLACE() This method indicates when to begin the renewal process. If the certificate expires in this number of days or fewer, the system starts the renewal process.
If you do not set this value, the system waits until the certificate expires before it attempts to replace it.
return 15 ;
ON_START_CHECK() This method executes after AutoSSL prints a provider name prints into the log file.
ON_FINISH_CHECK () This method executes at the end of a full AutoSSL check.
SUPPORTS_WILDCARD() This method indicates whether the provider can issue certificates that include wildcard domains. It returns one of the following values:
  • 1 — The provider supports wildcard domains.
  • 0 — The provider does not support wildcard domain.

This value defaults to 0.

You can override the following optional methods in your module:

Method name Description Example
MAX_DOMAINS_PER_CERTIFICATE() The maximum number of domains to request per certificate. This depends on the Certificate Authority's (CA) domain limits.

If you do not set this value, the system assumes that the CA does not limit the number of domains on a certificate.
return 100 ;
PROPERTIES() This method returns a list of additional key-value pairs that define additional properties for the provider module.

For example, terms_of_service defines the URL at which the API caller needs to accept in order to enable the module, which they do through the terms_of_service_accepted parameter.
EXPORT_PROPERTIES (NAME1 => VALUE1, NAME2 => VALUE2, ...) This method sends information to the external provider, such as registration data.
RESET() This method resets the server's registration with the remote provider.
CERTIFICATE_IS_FROM_HERE ( CERTIFICATE_PEM ) This method indicates whether the PEM-encoded certificate that you send to it comes from a valid AutoSSL provider and not a valid, non-AutoSSL provider. This method varies depending on the CA and the type of certificate that they issue.

If you do not define this method, the system assumes that nothing comes from this module.
return ( $parsed_certificate->{'issuer'}{'organizationalUnitName'} && $parsed_certificate->{'issuer'}{'organizationalUnitName'} eq $provider_name ) ? 1 : 0;
DISPLAY_NAME() This method defines the provider's name that the interface displays. return 'Bogus SSL Provider for Testing Purposes';
ON_ACCOUNT_RENAME (OLDNAME, NEWNAME) This method indicates what to run when an administrator renames the account.

The OLDNAME value represents the previous domain, while the NEWNAME value represents the new domain.
return oldexample, newexample;
ON_ACCOUNT_TERMINATION (OLDNAME) This method indicates what to run when the administrator terminates the account.

The OLDNAME value represents the terminated account.
return oldexample ]
ON_DOMAIN_REMOVAL (OLDNAME) This method indicatess what to run when a user or administrator removes a domain from the account.
The OLDNAME value represents the username that you removed.
get_vhost_dcv_errors(OPTIONS) This method performs Domain Control Validation (DCV) as part of the AutoSSL vhost processing. The options for this method are:
  • username — A username.
  • domains — A list of domains.
  • dcv_method — A hash whose keys are entries in the domains argument. Each hash value displays the local DCV methods (for example, http) that succeeded for the associated domain.

With this method, AutoSSL will not pass domains to the renew_ssl_for_vhosts method that fail the provider’s DCV. This can mitigate certain issues that arise if cPanel & WHM’s local DCV succeeds but the provider or CA’s DCV fails.
username => 'username',
domains => [ '', '' ],
dcv_method => {
      '' => 'http',
      '' => 'http',

The following methods are inherited, and you should not override them:

Method name Description Example
start_logging (USERNAME) This method starts the log for the declared user.

If you do not set the USERNAME value, the system notes that this is an AutoSSL run for all users.
resume_logging (START_TIME) This method appends to an existing log. The START_TIME value is an ISO 8601 time value.

If a log does not exist for the START_TIME time value, the system throws an exception.
log (LEVEL, MESSAGE) This method enters the MESSAGE text in to the log file. The LEVEL value can be one of the following:

  • success
  • info
  • warn
  • error
'success', 'I'm making a note here'
increase_log_indent_level() This method indents the entries in the log by one level.
is_all_users() A Boolean value that indicates the AutoSSL run was for all users. '1'
decrease_log_indent_level() This method outdents the entries in the log by one level.
get_log_start_time() This method returns the time that this class instance started to log, in ISO 8601 time value.
keep_log_in_progress() When AutoSSL finishes a check run, it sets that run's log to completed.

However, this method flags the log as in progress. This is useful when the module uses a separate queue to fetch the AutoSSL certificates, as the cPanel module does.
install_certificate (%OPTS) This method installs an SSL certificate for the Exim, Apache, Dovecot, cpsrvd, and cpdavd services. We may expand this method to install certificates for other services in future versions.

You must pass the following required arguments through this method:

  • web_vhost_name — The name of the virtual host on which to install the certificate. For more information about virtual host names, read our WebVhosts::list_domains documentation.
  • certificate_pem — The PEM-encoded certificate.
  • key_pem — The PEM-encoded key.

You can pass the following optional arguments:

  • cab_pem — The PEM-encoded CA-bundle, with newlines separating each certificate.
  • installing_user — The user for whom to install the certificate. This option attempts to install the certificate with the permission set of the user (instead of the root user). If the user does not possess the permission to install on the given virtual host, the system will display an exception. If you do not set this option, the system could install a certificate on the wrong user's account.

We strongly recommend that you use the install_certificate method instead of an API function to install certificates. This method improves speed and will not restart Apache and Dovecot for each certificate installation.
'web_vhost_name' => $vhost, 'certificate_pem' => $res->{ 'cert' }, 'key_pem' => $key );


The following AutoSSL module outline demonstrates a minimal set of functionality.


This is not a fully-functional module. This only demonstrates basic workflow. Your implementation will require more internal logic. Also, this module does not demonstrate the necessary API calls that would allow your module to hook into your SSL certificate provider.

#Name your module properly as a submodule of the Provider parent module::
package Cpanel::SSL::Auto::Provider::ExampleSSLProvider;

use strict;
use warnings;

use parent qw( Cpanel::SSL::Auto::Provider );

# This example uses CPAN modules here as much as possible for clarity.
# You can write your own custom parsers or requesters if necessary.

use HTTP::Tiny             ();
use JSON::MaybeXS          ();
use Crypt::X509            ();
use Crypt::OpenSSL::RSA    ();
use Crypt::OpenSSL::PKCS10 ();

# Set the DAYS_TO_REPLACE value to a reasonable window for the domain to begin requesting a new free certificate (as you may queue the DCV check).
# This ensures a seamless SSL coverage experience for users of your free certificates (instead of them having coverage gaps waiting on DCV).

sub DAYS_TO_REPLACE { return 15; }

# Set the MAX_DOMAINS_PER_CERTIFICATE value to whatever maximum you allow within your signing infrastructure for DV certificates.
# For example, Let's Encrypt has a limit of 100 domains that can be on any given CSR they'll sign.


# The DISPLAY_NAME value defines what your SSL Provider name will look like in the cPanel & WHM UIs and AutoSSL logs.

sub DISPLAY_NAME { return 'Example SSL Provider for Testing Purposes'; }

# The logic in the CERTIFICATE_IS_FROM_HERE subroutine accepts an SSL certificate string (in PEM format) and should determine if your provider generated the certificate.
# Retuns 1 if yes, 0 if no.


    my ( $self, $cert_pem ) = @_;

    # To parse a PEM-encoded certificate file, you may want to use a module such as Crypt::X509 from CPAN. See

    my $parsed_certificate = Convert::X509->new($cert_pem);

    # This subroutine looks at the organization that signed the cert, but you can use other criteria as necessary.
    # For example, you can confirm if the validity period for your certificate matches the product type of your free certificate offering.
    # The Convert::X509 module contains 'to' and 'from' subroutines for such checks.

    my $provider_name = "Example Signing Organizaton, pty";
    return ( $parsed_certificate->issuer =~ m/$provider_name/ ) ? 1 : 0;

# The optional get_vhost_dcv_errors method allows a provider to perform Domain Control Validation (DCV) as part of the AutoSSL vhost processing. When this method runs correctly, AutoSSL not pass domains to {{renew_ssl_for_vhosts()}} which fail the provider’s DCV. This can mitigate situations where cPanel & WHM’s local DCV succeeds but the provider or CA’s DCV fails.

sub get_vhost_dcv_errors {
    my ( $self, %opts ) = @_;
    my @dcv_errors;
    for my $domain ( @{ $opts{'domains'} } ) {
        my @these_dcv_errors = _check_domain_for_dcv($domain);
        push @dcv_errors, \@these_dcv_errors;
    return \@dcv_errors;

# Replace the following _check_domain_for_dcv placeholder with the external DCV logic as needed.

sub _check_domain_for_dcv {
    return;    # returns list of errors, no errors = success

# The renew_ssl_for_vhosts function is where the system makes a request to your servers, and then performs the necessary actions.
# This example assumes that the DCV happens *instantaneously* and the provider returns a certificate (as with the Let's Encrypt provider).
# If your provider cannot do this, we recommend that you create a companion script that references a queue for installing SSL certificates.

# The autossl binary passes to this function the account and a hash containing information on all vhosts and domains that they contain.
# The function can return anything, but it should probably return undef, because nothing checks the return value. If an error occurs, it should throw an exception/die.

sub renew_ssl_for_vhosts {
    my ( $self, $account_name, %vh_domains ) = @_;

    # Generate the key for the cPanel account. See for more information.
    # The /dev/random file exists on all supported platforms, so you should not need to use Crypt::OpenSSL::Random's random_seed function or importing that seed.

    my $key = Crypt::OpenSSL::RSA->generate_key(2048);
    my ( $csr, $cert, $payload, $res );

    # Each vhost on the account requires a separate CSR, because cPanel & WHM's Apache stack only allows one certificate per vhost.

    foreach my $vhost ( keys(%vh_domains) ) {

        # The following line creates the CSR for the vhost

        $csr = _create_csr_for_vhost( $key, @{ ( $vh_domains{$vhost} ) } );

        # The following line generates any additional data that you want to send to your HTTP certificate-requesting endpoint.
        # This example assumes that you will POST data along with your CSR, but you can do whatever is necessary.

        _generate_dcv_files( $csr, @{ ( $vh_domains{$vhost} ) } );

        # The following section requests the signed certificate.

        $payload = { 'validation_type' => 'dcv', 'csr' => $csr };
        $res     = HTTP::Tiny->new()->post_form( 'https://some.url.endpoint/my_ssl_api', $payload );
        $res     = $res->{content} if length $res->{content};
        $res     = JSON::MaybeXS::decode_json($res);

        # If the module has not already thrown an exception by now, the server should receive a certificate.
        # The following lines will install that certificate.

        $res = eval { $self->install_certificate( 'web_vhost_name' => $vhost, 'certificate_pem' => $res->{'cert'}, 'key_pem' => $key->get_private_key_string() ); };
        warn $@ if $@;

    # At this point, the AutoSSL logger will report a success message to the user regarding the AutoSSL check *for this account*.
    # The module will write to autossl log any exceptions or warnings that the module threw earlier.



# The following skeleton function creates a CSR for a vhost.
# See for a CPAN module that can help here.

sub _create_csr_for_vhost {
    my ( $key, @domains ) = @_;
    my $req = Crypt::OpenSSL::PKCS10->new_from_rsa($key);

    # Add whatever extensions or other items that you need for your request.

    foreach my $domain (@domains) {

        # Add whatever actions you might need to add per domain for your request.


    # Get the CSR in PEM format for us to return.

    my $csr = $req->get_pem_req();
    return $csr;


# Add the appropriate code to generate the DCV files in the places you would normally look for DCV files on a domain on your end.
# This example iterates over the array of domains in a vhost passed to the function. It also includes the CSR text.
# Pass in whatever necessary. If the function needs to parse the CSR, use

# If you want a CPAN module that can help for writing your files, use File::Slurp::write_file -- see

sub _generate_dcv_files {
    my ( $csr, @domains ) = @_;
    my $something;
    foreach my $domain (@domains) {

        #Add whatever actions you might need to generate the DCV files.


    # The foreach loop should populate data for the function to return.

    return $something;

