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Guide to Custom dnsadmin Plugins


Custom dnsadmin plugins can update DNS records on external systems. To create a custom dnsadmin plugin, you must write both of the following modules:


Servers that use custom dnsadmin plugins must disable the dnsadmin checkbox for the Dormant services setting in the Software section of WHM's Tweak Settings interface (WHM >> Home >> Server Configuration >> Tweak Settings).

The dnsadmin system

The dnsadmin system manages local DNS zones and communicates with remote systems (nodes) in your DNS cluster.

When you call a DNS-related API function, the dnsadmin system can make a second call to an external API. The initial WHM API 1 function's result determines the response function that the dnsadmin system calls. The dnsadmin system always makes this call to every node in the DNS cluster.

  • The dnsadmin system passes the action to the nodes for the account that made the request. Each node has a specific role that determines which commands it can send and receive.
  • The system assigns each action a dnsuniqid identification value. This ID is a random string that prevents duplicate actions in complicated peering setups in which member servers may repeat a single request.

Test your modules

After you create your custom Setup and Remote modules and store them in the appropriate directories, perform the following steps to test them:

  1. On a development cPanel & WHM server, navigate to WHM's DNS Cluster interface ( WHM >> Home >> Clusters >> DNS Cluster ).
  2. The Backend Type menu should include your custom server type.
    • If the menu correctly includes your custom server type, select it.
    • If your custom server type does not appear in the menu, check to ensure that the file is in the /usr/local/cpanel/Cpanel/NameServer/Setup/Remote/ directory.
  3. Click Configure . A new interface will appear.
  4. The interface should include your custom form.
    • If the interface appears as expected, enter the appropriate data and click Submit .
    • If the interface does not appear as expected, check for errors in the get_config() subroutine in your Setup module.
  5. After you click Submit , the Setup module's setup() subroutine handles the data. A message of success or failure appears.