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Guide to cPanel Market Provider Modules


This document explains how to create a third-party custom cPanel Market provider module with basic functionality. The cPanel Market system allows you to purchase and automatically install SSL certificates and other products through cPanel's SSL/TLS Wizard interface (cPanel >> Home >> Security >> SSL/TLS Wizard). cPanel & WHM servers ship with the cPanel Store provider module.

Third-party vendors can create their own provider modules in Perl in the /var/cpanel/perl/Cpanel/Market/Provider/ directory and should use the Cpanel::Market::Provider namespace. For example, the Example certificate provider would create the /var/cpanel/perl/Cpanel/Market/Provider/ module in the Cpanel::Market::Provider::Example namespace.

We recommend that only advanced users use this feature.

Module function interfaces

Third-party developers must implement the following functions in order to create a functional cPanel Market provider module:


This function retrieves the identity_verification information from the item description and returns the output that the csr subject will contain.


A list of key=value pairs:

  • Returns a list of key=value array references, which the system adds to the csr subject.


The information provided in the identity_verification hash from the request_ssl_certificates function.

Equivalent UAPI Function



This function retrieves the identity_verification information from the item description and returns the output that the item parameters will contain.


A list of key=value pairs:

Returns a list of key=value array references; these are added to the CSR's item parameters.


The information provided in the identity_verification hash from the request_ssl_certificates function.

Equivalent UAPI Function



This function sends an order to the provider.


A list of key=value pairs:

  • Required: An access_token from the validate_login_token function's results.
  • items — A reference to an array of hash references, each of which contains the following values:
    • product_id — The ID of the item to order.
    • Any other key=value pairs that a specific product ID may require.


A list of the following values:

  • The order_id value.
  • A reference to an array of hash references, each of which must include order_item_id values in the same order that they appeared in the input items array.

Equivalent UAPI Function



This function retrieves the checkout URL for the Market provider.


The order ID, which the create_shopping_cart function returns.


The URL that the browser should access to process payment.

Equivalent UAPI Function



This function retrieves the login URL for the Market provider.


The URL to which to redirect to after login.

  • This URL may contain a query parameter.
  • The login redirect must append a code parameter to the query string. The validate_login_token function requires this code value as its login token. The query string uses www-form-URIencoded format (HTML 4.01/17.13.1).


The URL that the browser should access to allow the user to log in.

Equivalent UAPI Function



This function lists all of the available Market provider's products.




A list of hashes with information about each product.

  • Each item must include a product_id .

Equivalent UAPI Function



This function gets the certificate from the provider and returns a status code.


The item's order_item_id.


A hash of the following values:

  • certificate_pem — The certificate in PEM format, or undef if the certificate is not yet available.
  • status_code — The status of the certificate, which contains one of the following values:
    • CertificateNotFound
    • RequiresApproval
    • OrderCanceled
    • OrderItemCanceled

Equivalent UAPI Function



This function retrieves the Support URI for the Market Provider if the customer needs to cancel an order or request assistance.


A list of key=value pairs:

  • order_id — The order ID, which the create_shopping_cart function returns.
  • order_item_id — The ID of the individual item in the order, which the create_shopping_cart function returns.


A string that contains the URI to contact for support.

Equivalent UAPI Function



This function performs all necessary steps to prepare the system for Domain Control Validation (DCV) for a SSL certificate.


A list of key=value pairs:

  • product_id — The SSL certificate item's ID.
  • csr — The certificate signing request (CSR) in PEM format.



Equivalent UAPI Function



This function submits a request for a certificate order to the provider.


A list of key=value pairs:

  • access_token — The access token for the session.
  • url_after_checkout — The post-checkout URL.
  • identity_verification — A hash that contains the required information for an EV or OV certificate.
  • A JSON-encoded string that contains certificate details.


A list of the following values:

  • The order_id value.
  • The checkout_url value.
  • A hash which must include order_item_id and key_id values.

Equivalent UAPI Function



This function sets the URL to which the checkout logic will redirect the user after they check out.


A list of key=value pairs:

  • order_id — The order ID, which the create_shopping_cart function returns.
  • access_token — The access token, which the validate_login_token function returns.
  • url_after_checkout — The post-checkout URL.



Equivalent UAPI Function



This function reverses changes that the prepare_system_for_domain_control_validation function makes.


A list of key=value pairs:

  • product_id — The SSL certificate item's ID.
  • csr — The CSR in PEM format



Equivalent UAPI Function



This function validates a login token to a Market provider and returns an access token.


  • The login token, which the get_login_url function returns in the "code" query string variable.
  • The value previously passed to the get_login_url function.


A hash with the access_token result, which is the API access token.

Equivalent UAPI Function



This function returns an exception if an error occurs.


A list of key=value pairs, which the create_shopping_cart function received:

  • product_id — The product ID, as referenced in the product list.
  • Any other key=value pairs that a specific product ID may require.



Equivalent UAPI Function



We recommend that third-party developers declare the following constants:

Constant Description Example
REQUEST_URI_DCV_PATH The path to DCV check file, relative to the document root directory. '^/[A-F0-9]{32}\\.txt(?: Sectigo DCV)?$',
URI_DCV_ALLOWED_CHARACTERS The characters that the provider allows in the filename that it uses to check for DCV. [ 0 .. 9, 'A' .. 'Z' ],
URI_DCV_RANDOM_CHARACTER_COUNT The number of characters that the provider allows in the DCV check filename. 32,
EXTENSION The DCV check file's extension that the provider requires. 'txt'
DCV_USER_AGENT The user agent string that the system uses for the imitated local DCV check. 'SECTIGO DCV'

cPanel Market purchase workflow

Third-party provider modules must use the following workflow:

  1. The user prepares a shopping cart in the browser with information that the provider's custom Perl module returns through the get_products_list function.
  2. When the user wants to check out, the cPanel application redirects the user to the login page that the UAPI Function get_login_url function provides.
  3. After the user logs in, the login server redirects the user back to the cPanel application with a code in the URL query parameter. The cPanel application calls the validate_login_token function in order to send that code to the provider and obtain an access token.
  4. The cPanel application prepares a shopping cart with the access token:
  5. The system validates the requests with the provider with the create_shopping_cart function. You can insert custom logic with the validate_request_for_one_item function.
  6. The create_shopping_cart function returns an order_id value that the cPanel application will use to maintain state after payment.
  7. The create_shopping_cart function also returns a unique order_item_id value for each item that the customer orders.
  8. If the user purchased a certificate, their server begins to poll the provider for that certificate's order_item_id value.
  9. The cPanel application calls the set_url_after_checkout function to set a post-checkout redirection URL.
  10. The user's server redirects the user to a checkout URL that the get_checkout_url function provides.
  11. The provider processes payment, but if the order is for a certificate, they do not finalize the charge.
  12. The provider redirects the user back to the cPanel application (for example, the URL that the set_url_after_checkout function previously set).

Certificate orders

For certificate orders, the module performs the following additional steps:

  1. The cPanel application calls the get_ssl_certificate_if_available function at regular intervals to poll the provider for the certificate.
  2. After the provider issues the certificate, the provider finalizes payment. We recommend that you finalize payment after you issue the certificate in order to avoid unnecessary additional chargeback fees. If the user deletes the Domain Control Validation (DCV) file from their account before the DCV process happens, this effectively cancels the order.
  3. If a poll is successful, the cPanel application downloads and installs the SSL certificate, and then it stops polling.


The following custom provider module outline demonstrates a minimal set of functionality.

This example does not reflect a fully-functional module and only demonstrates a basic workflow. Your implementation requires more internal logic. Also, this example does not demonstrate the necessary API functions that would allow your module to hook into your store.

package Cpanel::Market::Provider::Example;

use strict;
use warnings;
use autodie;

use constant {
    #The last bit here doesn't actually happen; we just want to
    #tag the regexp so that it's very clear where it came from since
    #otherwise this pattern is somewhat generic.
    REQUEST_URI_DCV_PATH           => '^/[A-F0-9]{32}\\.txt(?: Sectigo DCV)?$',
    URI_DCV_ALLOWED_CHARACTERS     => [ 0 .. 9, 'A' .. 'Z' ],
    EXTENSION                      => 'txt',

use HTTP::Tiny ();

sub _DISPLAY_NAME { return 'Example's stuff' }

### STEP 1 - The products list.
### example1 is a certificate, which will exist in the ssl_certificate product group.
### example2 is something other than a certificate, which will exist in the example_things product group.
sub get_products_list {
            product_id => 'example1',
            description => 'A certificate',
            display_name => 'Example Cert',
            price_unit => 'USD',
            product_group => 'ssl_certificate',
            x_price_per_domain => 100,
            x_ssl_per_domain_pricing => 1
            product_id => 'example2',
            description => 'A thing',
            display_name => 'Thing #2',
            price => 5,
            price_minimum => 4,
            price_unit => 'USD',
            product_group => 'example_things',
            x_price_per_wildcard_domain => 200,
            x_price_per_wildcard_maximum => 1000,
            x_price_per_wildcard_minimum => 100

### STEP 2 - Get the login URL.

sub get_login_url {
    my ($after) = @_;

    return '' . HTTP::Tiny->www_form_urlencode(
           ### This is where we input the redirection URI
           redirect_uri => $after,

### STEP 3 - Let's validate the code and send the code to the provider get the token

sub validate_login_token {
    my ($token) = @_;

    return { access_token => "access_$token" };

### STEP 4a - If you want to validate the request for an item.
### Validation of the item depends on your product list and store API structure.
### This subroutine intentionally left blank.

sub validate_request_for_one_item {}

### STEP 4a - Create the shopping cart.

sub create_shopping_cart {
    my (%opts) = @_;

    #Usually this will come from a remote service that manages the shopping cart.
    #For the purposes of this demonstration module, however, we generate a random order_id.
    #The order ID can be any provider-unique string or numeric value;
    #i.e., no two orders may ever have the same order ID.
    my $order_id = int rand 100000;

        ### STEP 4b - Your provider generates the true order_id. We use "int rand 100000" to skip that step.
        int( rand 100000 ),
                ### Each item in the cart must receive a provider-unique order_item_id.
                ### A given provider may only ever use a given order_item_id once.
                order_item_id => sprintf('%04x', int rand 65536),

### STEP 5 - Tell the checkout where we should go after checking out.

sub set_url_after_checkout {
    my (%opts) = @_;

    #This needs custom code that will use the "access_token"
    #to set the "url_after_checkout for the given "order_id".

### STEP 6 - Redirect to the checkout URL.

sub get_checkout_url {
    my ($after) = @_;

    return '' . HTTP::Tiny->www_form_urlencode(
            order_id => $after,


sub get_support_uri_for_order_item {
    my (%opts) = @_;
    my $query = HTTP::Tiny->www_form_urlencode(
        { map { ( $_ => $opts{$_} ) } qw( order_id  order_item_id ) },
    return "$query";


sub get_ssl_certificate_if_available {
    my ($order_item_id) = @_;

    #Check for the certificate; if it's available, return it (PEM format).

    return undef;

### Domain control validation depends on how your Certificate Authority
### confirms ownership of the domain. For example, Sectigo’s validation
### looks for specific content at a specific, publicly-accessible URL;
### both the content and the URL are functions of the CSR.

### If you are not doing automatic DCV, (e.g., you're requiring the end
### user to respond to an email) then you can safely leave these functions blank.

sub prepare_system_for_domain_control_validation {
    my (%opts) = @_;    #product_id, csr

sub undo_domain_control_validation_preparation {
    my (%opts) = @_;    #product_id, csr

### The following functions are available to retrieve information from the
### item description. The retrieved information is then added to either the
### CSR subject or the item parameters.

sub convert_ssl_identity_verification_to_csr_subject {
    my ($product_id, %id_ver) = @_;
    my @keys_in_csr = grep { _is_in_csr($_) } keys %id_ver;
    #Any kind of manipulation of the information could be done here.
    return map { [ $_ => $id_ver{$_} ] } @keys_in_csr;

sub convert_ssl_identity_verification_to_order_item_parameters
    my ($product_id, %id_ver) = @_;
    my @keys_not_in_csr = grep { !_is_in_csr($_) } keys %id_ver;
    #Any kind of manipulation of the information could be done here.
    return map { $_ => $id_ver{$_} } @keys_not_in_csr;