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Guide to API Privilege Escalation - Object Methods
Your class will inherit a number of useful methods from the Cpanel::Admin::Base
Inherited methods
Your class will inherit the following methods:
Method | Description |
cpuser_has_feature_or_die($feature) |
This method checks whether the user has the necessary $feature feature to call the function. If the user does not have access to the feature, it returns an exception. |
get_action() |
This method returns the name of the function that the user called. |
get_caller_username() |
This method returns the username of the user who called the function. |
get_cpuser_domains() |
The method returns an array of the domains that the user who called the function owns. This includes the user's primary domain. |
get_cpuser_former_domains_that_remain_unused() |
This method returns an array of the domains that the user no longer owns. |
get_cpuser_homedir() |
This method returns the home directory of the user who called the function. |
get_cpuser_uid() |
This method returns the UID of the user who called the function. |
get_passed_fh() |
This method returns the Perl file handle that the user who called the function passed. If the user did not pass a file handle, this method returns the undef value. |
verify_that_cpuser_owns_domain($domain) |
This method checks whether the user who called the function owns the $domain domain. If the user does not own the domain, it returns an exception. |
The following example demonstrates these inherited methods:
#an arrayref of owned domains, including the account's primary domain
my $domains_ar = $self->get_cpuser_domains();
#an arrayref of formerly-owned domains that the user no longer owns
my $old_domains_ar = $self->get_cpuser_former_domains_that_remain_unused();
my $uid = $self->get_cpuser_uid();
my $username = $self->get_caller_username();
my $homedir = $self->get_cpuser_homedir(); #i.e., home directory
#the function that the user requested to run
my $action = $self->get_action();
my $passed_fh = $self->get_passed_fh();
$self->verify_that_cpuser_owns_domain($domain); #die()s if not
$self->cpuser_has_feature_or_die($feature); #die()s if not