Development Guides Tools >> Guide to cPanel Interface Customization and Branding

Guide to cPanel Interface Customization - Content Includes


Content includes add custom content to the header or footer of the cPanel interface. You can create global content includes and application content includes that display on all of cPanel's interfaces. Content include files can contain HTML and Template Toolkit filenames. For more information, read our Guide to Template Toolkit documentation.


To add content includes to the cPanel interface, add the files to the following directory:


This directory does not exist by default. If it does not exist, create it.

Only users with root-level privileges can add content include files to the /var/cpanel/customizations/content_includes/ directory.

Template Toolkit filenames


cPanel's File Manager interface (cPanel >> Home >> Files >> File Manager) does not display global or individual includes.

Global content includes

Global content includes appear on every page in the cPanel interface. They override the header, footer, or styles and javascript in the element of every cPanel interface.

To add a global content include, refer to this table:

Name Filename Description
Global head This file is included at the end of the <head> element of the html page. Use this file to add any styles or javascript overrides.
Global header This file appears immediately below the main cPanel navigation bar at the top of the interface. This content include follows the same behavior as the navigation bar and remains at the top of the page even when scrolling.
After global header This file appears immediately above the page title or heading.
Global footer This file appears immediately above the cPanel footer links.
After Global footer This file appears immediately below cPanel footer links.

Application content includes

Application content includes only appear on the interface specified in the filename.

  • You must specify in which application you want your content include to appear.
  • For a complete list of appkey values for cPanel's interfaces, refer to our Guide to cPanel Interface Customization - Appkeys documentation.
  • In the table below, <appkey> has been replaced with the appkey name.
Name Filename Description Example
Application header cpanel_jupiter_<app_key> This file appears immediately below the global header include. This content include follows the same behavior as the navigation bar and remains at the top of the page even when scrolling.
After application header cpanel_jupiter_<app_key> This file appears between the global header after include and the page title.
Application footer cpanel_jupiter_<app_key> This file appears immediately above the global footer include.


For example, to add a message to the header of cPanel's API Shell interface (cPanel >> Home >> Software >> API Shell), perform the following steps:

  1. Use SSH to log in to the server as a user root -level privileges.
  2. Navigate to the /var/cpanel/customizations/content_includes/ directory. This directory does not exist by default. Use the mkdir command to create this directory if it does not already exist on the server.
  3. Use your preferred text editor to create the file and add the following contents:
    <div class="message">
      This message only appears in the API Shell interface!

Tools page includes

cPanel's Tools interface uses two additional includes in the right sidebar.

Name Filename Description
Before Tools general information This file appears immediately above the General Information panel on the right side of the Tools page.
Before Tools statistics This file appears immediately above the Statistics panel on the right side of the Tools page.