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Guide to the LiveAPI System - The header() Method

The header() method calls the cPanel interface's header. Use this method to add the necessary header buttons at the top of the interface.


LiveAPI PHP Class

// Inject the title page and application icon into the header element.
$cpanel->header(title , app_key);

LiveAPI Perl Module

# Inject the title page and application icon into the header element.
$cpliveapi->header(title , app_key);


Parameter Type Description Possible values Example
title string The title of the page to inject into the cPanel interface's <header> element. A valid HTML page's title value. title
app_key string The app_key value for the application interface that you want to inject into the cPanel interface's <header> element.

To find a valid value for this parameter, use UAPI's Branding::get_applications function or read our Guide to cPanel Interface Customization - Appkeys documentation.
A valid app_key value. mx_entry


This method returns a string value that contains the contents of the interface page before the <header> element.