Development Guides Home >> Guide to Custom dnsadmin Plugins

Guide to Custom dnsadmin Plugins - The Remote Module Command Methods


When the dnsadmin system receives a command, it runs the subroutine for that command from your Remote module. You must include command methods in your custom dnsadmin plugin's Remote module.

  • You may need to include the full /usr/local/cpanel/whostmgr/bin/ path when you call the dnsadmin binary.
  • You must include the following required methods in your module:
    • addzoneconf()
    • getallzones()
    • getips()
    • getpath()
    • getzone()
    • getzonelist()
    • getzones()
    • quickzoneadd()
    • removezone()
    • removezones()
    • savezone()
    • synczones()
    • version()
    • zoneexists()

For more information about the Remote module and additional examples, read our The Remote Module documentation.


  • Required: Yes.
  • Required input: Yes.
  • Required output: No.

The addzoneconf() method adds a zone to the configuration database (the named.conf file on BIND servers). We recommend that you queue this method, in case of non-fatal errors.

Example call

./dnsadmin --action ADDZONECONF --data


The addzoneconf() method must include the following input values:

Variable Type Description Possible values Example
zone string The zone to add to the configuration database. A valid DNS zone name.


The addzoneconf() method does not require output.

Example subroutine

# Create a method to add a zone to the configuration database.
sub addzoneconf {
    my ( $self, $unique_dns_request_id, $dataref, $rawdata ) = @_;
    chomp( $dataref->{'zone'} );
    $self->output( $self->{'publicapi'}->addzoneconf_local( $dataref->{'zone'}, $unique_dns_request_id ) );
    return $self->_check_action( "add the zone $dataref->{'zone'}", $Cpanel::NameServer::Constants::QUEUE );


  • Required: No.
  • Required input: No.
  • Required output: No.

The cleandns() method removes unnecessary DNS zones from the system.

Example call

./dnsadmin --action CLEANDNS


The cleandns() method does not require input.


The cleandns() method does not require output.

Example subroutine

# Create the cleandns method to remove unnecessary zones.
sub cleandns {
    my ( $self, $unique_dns_request_id, $dataref, $rawdata ) = @_;
    $self->output( $self->{'publicapi'}->cleandns_local($unique_dns_request_id) );
    return $self->_check_action( 'cleanup dns', $Cpanel::NameServer::Constants::DO_NOT_QUEUE );


  • Required: Yes.
  • Required input: No.
  • Required output: Yes.

The getallzones() method retrieves a complete dump of all of the zone files on the system.

Example call

./dnsadmin --action GETALLZONES --data,,

Input and output

The getallzones() method does not require input.


The getallzones() method must return a URI-encoded, ampersand-delimited (&) list of zone files and their contents.

For example:


Example subroutine

# Create the getallzones command method to get a dump of zone files.
sub getallzones {
    my ( $self, $unique_dns_request_id, $dataref, $rawdata ) = @_;
    require Cpanel::Gzip::ungzip;
    my $zdata  = $self->{'publicapi'}->getallzones_local($unique_dns_request_id);
    my $uzdata = Cpanel::Gzip::ungzip::gunzipmem($zdata);
    $self->output( $uzdata ne '' ? $uzdata : $zdata );
    return $self->_check_action( 'get all the zones', $Cpanel::NameServer::Constants::DO_NOT_QUEUE );


  • Required: Yes.
  • Required input: No.
  • Required output: Yes.

The getips() method retrieves a list of the IP addresses that the system's nameserver records use.

Example call

./dnsadmin --action GETIPS


The getips() method does not require input.


The getips() method must return a line-delimited (&) list of the IP addresses that the remote system uses.

Example subroutine

# Create a method to list the nameserver records' IP addresses.
sub getips {
   my ( $self, $unique_dns_request_id, $dataref, $rawdata ) = @_;
   $self->output( $self->{'publicapi'}->getips_local($unique_dns_request_id) );
   return $self->_check_action( "receive an ips list", $Cpanel::NameServer::Constants::DO_NOT_QUEUE );


  • Required: Yes.
  • Required input: No.
  • Required output: Yes.

The getpath() method lists the nodes with which the current node is peered. The system uses this method to build the graph in WHM's DNS Cluster interface (WHM >> Home >> Clusters >> DNS Cluster).

Example call

./dnsadmin --action GETPATH


The getpath() method does not require input.


The getpath() method must return a space-separated pair of hosts and nameservers in the DNS cluster.

  • The host values must match their entries in the node configuration file.
  • The nameserver values must match their entries in the NS records.

For example:

Example subroutine

# Create a method that lists the nodes with which the current node is peered.
sub getpath {
    my ( $self, $unique_dns_request_id, $dataref, $rawdata ) = @_;
    $self->output( $self->{'publicapi'}->getpath_local($unique_dns_request_id) . "\n" );
    return $self->_check_action( "getpath", $Cpanel::NameServer::Constants::DO_NOT_QUEUE );


  • Required: Yes.
  • Required input: Yes.
  • Required output: Yes.

The getzone() method retrieves the contents of a single zone file.

Example call

./dnsadmin --action GETZONE --data


The getzone() method must include the following input values:

Variable Type Description Possible values Example
zone string The zone file to retrieve. A valid DNS zone name.


The getzone() method must return a BIND-compatible zone file.

Example subroutine

# Create a method to get the contents of a single zone file.
sub getzone {
    my ( $self, $unique_dns_request_id, $dataref, $rawdata ) = @_;
    chomp( $dataref->{'zone'} );
    $self->output( $self->{'publicapi'}->getzone_local( $dataref->{'zone'}, $unique_dns_request_id ) );
    return $self->_check_action( "get the zone $dataref->{'zone'}", $Cpanel::NameServer::Constants::DO_NOT_QUEUE );


  • Required: Yes.
  • Required input: No.
  • Required output: Yes.

The getzonelist() method lists all of the available zones on the system.

Example call

./dnsadmin --action GETZONELIST


The getzonelist() method does not require input.


The getzonelist() method must return a line-delimited list of the available DNS zones.

Example subroutine

# Create a method to list all of the zones on the system.
sub getzonelist {
    my ( $self, $unique_dns_request_id, $dataref, $rawdata ) = @_;
    my @ZONES = $self->{'publicapi'}->getzonelist_local($unique_dns_request_id);
    my @check_action_results = $self->_check_action( "get the zone list", $Cpanel::NameServer::Constants::DO_NOT_QUEUE );
    return (@check_action_results) if $check_action_results[$Cpanel::NameServer::Constants::CHECK_ACTION_POSITION_STATUS] != $Cpanel::NameServer::Constants::SUCCESS;
    foreach my $zone (@ZONES) {
        if ( Cpanel::StringFunc::Match::endmatch( $zone, '.db' ) ) {
            my $cleanzone = $zone;
            $cleanzone =~ Cpanel::StringFunc::Trim::endtrim( $cleanzone, '.db' );
            $self->output( $cleanzone . "\n" );
        elsif ( !Cpanel::StringFunc::Match::beginmatch( $zone, '.' ) && $zone !~ /\.\./ ) {
            $self->output( $zone . "\n" );
    return ( $Cpanel::NameServer::Constants::SUCCESS, 'OK' );


  • Required: Yes.
  • Required input: Yes.
  • Required output: Yes.

The getzones() method retrieves the contents of multiple zone files.

Example call

./dnsadmin --action GETZONES --data,,


The getzones() method must include the following input values:

Variable Type Description Possible values Example
getzones string The domains for which the method will retrieve zone files. A comma-separated list of domains.,


The getzones() method must return a URI-encoded, ampersand-delimited (&) list of zone files and their contents. For example:


Example subroutine

# Create a method to get the contents of multiple zone files.
sub getzones {
    my ( $self, $unique_dns_request_id, $dataref, $rawdata ) = @_;
    chomp( $dataref->{'zone'} );
    chomp( $dataref->{'zones'} );
    require Cpanel::Gzip::ungzip;
    if ( isatleastversion( '11.1.0', $self->{'publicapi'}->cached_version() ) ) {
        my $zdata = $self->{'publicapi'}->getzones_local( ( $dataref->{'zones'} || $dataref->{'zone'} ), $unique_dns_request_id );
        my $uzdata = Cpanel::Gzip::ungzip::gunzipmem($zdata);
        $self->output( $uzdata ne '' ? $uzdata : $zdata );
    else {
        my @NEEDEDZONES = split( /\,/, ( $dataref->{'zones'} || $dataref->{'zone'} ) );
        my $count = 0;
        my $zonedata;
        foreach my $zone (@NEEDEDZONES) {
            $zonedata = $self->{'publicapi'}->getzone_local( $zone, $unique_dns_request_id . '_' . $count );
            $self->output('cpdnszone-' . Cpanel::Encoder::URI::uri_encode_str($zone) . '=' . Cpanel::Encoder::URI::uri_encode_str($zonedata) . '&' );
    return $self->_check_action( "get the zones " . ( $dataref->{'zones'} || $dataref->{'zone'} ), $Cpanel::NameServer::Constants::DO_NOT_QUEUE );


  • Required: Yes.
  • Required input: Yes.
  • Required output: Yes.

The quickzoneadd() method adds a zone to the system and saves its contents. We recommend that you queue this method, in case of non-fatal errors.

Example call

./dnsadmin --action QUICKZONEADD --data\&zonedata=< uri encoded zonefile >


The quickzoneadd() method must include the following input values:

Variable Type Description Possible values Example
zone string The zone to add to the configuration database. A valid DNS zone name.
zonedata string The contents to save in the new zone file. A valid string. < uri encoded zonefile >


The quickzoneadd() method must return a message of success or an error message:

  • An error message — The method failed.
  • Zone $zone has been successfully added — The method succeeded.

Example subroutine

# Create a method that adds a new zone to the system and saves its contents.
sub quickzoneadd {
    my ( $self, $unique_dns_request_id, $dataref, $rawdata ) = @_;
    if ( isatleastversion( '11.24.4', $self->{'publicapi'}->cached_version() ) ) {
        $self->output( $self->{'publicapi'}->quickzoneadd_local( $dataref->{'zone'}, $dataref->{'zonedata'}, $unique_dns_request_id ) );
    else {
        if ( isatleastversion( '11.24.2', $self->{'publicapi'}->cached_version() ) ) {
                'cpdnszone-' . Cpanel::Encoder::URI::uri_encode_str($dataref->{'zone'}) .
                '=' .
                Cpanel::Encoder::URI::uri_encode_str($dataref->{'zonedata'}) .
                $unique_dns_request_id . '_1'
        else {
            $self->output( $self->{'publicapi'}->addzoneconf_local( $dataref->{'zone'}, $unique_dns_request_id . '_1' ) );
            $self->output( $self->{'publicapi'}->savezone_local( $dataref->{'zone'}, $dataref->{'zonedata'}, $unique_dns_request_id . '_2' ) ) unless ( $self->{'publicapi'}->{'error'} ne '' );
        $self->output( $self->{'publicapi'}->reconfigbind_local( $unique_dns_request_id . '_3' ) ) unless ( $self->{'publicapi'}->{'error'} ne '' );
    return $self->_check_action( "quick add the zone $dataref->{'zone'}", $Cpanel::NameServer::Constants::QUEUE );


  • Required: No.
  • Required input: No.
  • Required output: No.

The reconfigbind() method forces BIND to reload the configuration file.

Example call

./dnsadmin --action RECONFIGBIND\


The reconfigbind() method does not require input.


The reconfigbind() method does not require output.

Example subroutine

# An optional method.
sub reconfigbind {
    my ( $self, $unique_dns_request_id, $dataref, $rawdata ) = @_;
    $self->output("No reload needed on $self->{'name'}\n");
    return ( $Cpanel::NameServer::Constants::SUCCESS, 'OK' );


  • Required: No.
  • Required input: No.
  • Required output: No.

The reloadbind() method forces BIND to reload completely.

Example call

./dnsadmin --action RELOADBIND


The reloadbind() method does not require input.


The reloadbind() method does not require output.

Example subroutine

# An optional method.
sub reloadbind {
    my ( $self, $unique_dns_request_id, $dataref, $rawdata ) = @_;
    $self->output("No reload needed on $self->{'name'}\n");
    return ( $Cpanel::NameServer::Constants::SUCCESS, 'OK' );


  • Required: No.
  • Required input: No.
  • Required output: No.

The reloadzones() method forces BIND to reload specific zones.

Example call

./dnsadmin --action RELOADZONES --data,


The reloadzones() method does not require input.


The reloadzones() method does not require output.

Example subroutine

# An optional method.
sub reloadzones {
    my ( $self, $unique_dns_request_id, $dataref, $rawdata ) = @_;
    $self->output("No reload needed on $self->{'name'}\n");
    return ( $Cpanel::NameServer::Constants::SUCCESS, 'OK' );


  • Required: No.
  • Required input: Yes.
  • Required output: Yes.

The removezone() method removes a single zone from the system.

Example call

./dnsadmin --action REMOVEZONE --data


The removezone() method must include the following input values:

Variable Type Description Possible values Example
zone string The zone to remove. A valid DNS zone name.


The removezone() method must return one of the following messages:

  • An error message — The method failed.
  • 'zone' => 'deleted from $node' — The method succeeded.

Example subroutine

# Create a method to remove a single zone.
sub removezone {
    my ( $self, $unique_dns_request_id, $dataref, $rawdata ) = @_;
    chomp( $dataref->{'zone'} );
    $self->output( $self->{'publicapi'}->removezone_local( $dataref->{'zone'}, $unique_dns_request_id ) . "\n" );
    return $self->_check_action( "remove the zone: $dataref->{'zone'}", $Cpanel::NameServer::Constants::QUEUE );


  • Required: Yes.
  • Required input: Yes.
  • Required output: Yes.

The removezones() method removes multiple zones from the system.

Example call

./dnsadmin --action REMOVEZONES --data,


The removezones() method must include the following values:

Variable Type Description Possible values Example
zone string The zones to remove. A comma-separated list of valid DNS zone names.,


The removezones() method must return one of the following messages:

  • An error message — The method failed.
  • 'zone' => 'deleted from $node' — The method succeeded.

Example subroutine

# Create a method to remove multiple zones.
sub removezones {
    my ( $self, $unique_dns_request_id, $dataref, $rawdata ) = @_;
    chomp( $dataref->{'zone'} );
    chomp( $dataref->{'zones'} );
    if ( isatleastversion( '11.24.2', $self->{'publicapi'}->cached_version() ) ) {
        $self->output( $self->{'publicapi'}->removezones_local( ( $dataref->{'zones'} || $dataref->{'zone'} ), $unique_dns_request_id ) . "\n" );
    else {
        my $count = 0;
        foreach my $zone ( split( /\,/, ( $dataref->{'zones'} || $dataref->{'zone'} ) ) ) {
            $zone =~ s/^\s*|\s*$//g;
            print $self->{'publicapi'}->removezone_local( $zone, $unique_dns_request_id . '_' . $count ) . "\n";
                my @check_action_results = $self->_check_action( "remove the zone(s): " . ( $dataref->{'zones'} || $dataref->{'zone'} ), $Cpanel::NameServer::Constants::QUEUE );
                return (@check_action_results) if $check_action_results[$Cpanel::NameServer::Constants::CHECK_ACTION_POSITION_IS_RECOVERABLE_ERROR];
    return $self->_check_action( "remove the zone(s): " . ( $dataref->{'zones'} || $dataref->{'zone'} ), $Cpanel::NameServer::Constants::QUEUE );


  • Required : No.
  • Required input : Yes.
  • Required output : No.

The revokekeys() method removes DNSSEC keys from a remote system and the PowerDNS DNSSEC key database.

Example call

./dnsadmin --action REVOKEKEYS --data< uri encoded DNSSEC key>\&< uri encoded DNSSEC key >


The revokekeys() method must include the following input values:

Variable Type Description Possible values Example
cpdnskey-$zonename string A URI-encoded version of the DNSSEC key to remove.

Replace $zonename with the name of the zone. For example,
A URI-encoded DNSSEC key. < uri encoded key >


  • Required: Yes.
  • Required input: Yes.
  • Required output: No.

The savezone() method saves new records to an existing zone file. This method does not add the zone file to the configuration database (for example, the named.conf file on BIND servers). We recommend that you queue this method, in case of non-fatal errors.

Example call

./dnsadmin --action SAVEZONE --data\&zonedata=< uri encoded zonefile >


The savezone() method must include the following input values:

Variable Type Description Possible values Example
zone string The zone to modify. A valid DNS zone name.
zonedata string The contents to add to the zone file. A valid string. < uri encoded zonefile >


The savezone() method does not require output.

Example subroutine

# Create a method to save new records to existing zone files.
sub savezone {
    my ( $self, $unique_dns_request_id, $dataref, $rawdata ) = @_;
    chomp( $dataref->{'zone'} );
    $self->output( $self->{'publicapi'}->savezone_local( $dataref->{'zone'}, $dataref->{'zonedata'}, $unique_dns_request_id ) );
    return $self->_check_action( "save the zone $dataref->{'zone'}", $Cpanel::NameServer::Constants::QUEUE );


  • Required : No.
  • Required input: Yes.
  • Required output: No.

The synckeys() method adds DNSSEC keys to a remote system and the PowerDNS DNSSEC key database.

Example call

./dnsadmin --action SYNCKEYS --data< uri encoded DNSSEC key>\&< uri encoded DNSSEC key >


The synckeys() method must include the following input values:

Variable Type Description Possible values Example
cpdnskey-$zonename string A URI-encoded version of the DNSSEC key to synchronize.

Replace $zonename with the name of the zone. For example,
A URI-encoded DNSSEC key. < uri encoded key >


  • Required: Yes.
  • Required input: Yes.
  • Required output: No.

The synczones() method adds multiple zones to a remote system and to the configuration database (the named.conf file on BIND servers). We recommend that you queue this method, in case of non-fatal errors.

Example call

./dnsadmin --action SYNCZONES --data< uri encoded zone>\&< uri encoded zone >


The synczones() method must include the following input values:

Variable Type Description Possible values Example
cpdnszone-$zonename string A URI-encoded version of the zone file to synchronize.

Replace $zonename with the name of the zone. For example,
A URI-encoded zone name. < uri encoded zone >


The synczones() method does not require output.

Example subroutine

# Create a method to add multiple zones to a remote system and the config database.
sub synczones {
    my ( $self, $unique_dns_request_id, $dataref, $rawdata ) = @_;
    chomp( $dataref->{'zone'} );
    $rawdata =~ s/^dnsuniqid=[^\&]+\&//g;
    $rawdata =~ s/\&dnsuniqid=[^\&]+//g;
    local $self->{'publicapi'}->{'timeout'} = ( ( int( $self->{'local_timeout'} / 2 ) > $self->{'remote_timeout'} ) ? int( $self->{'local_timeout'} / 2 ) : $self->{'remote_timeout'} );
    $self->output( $self->{'publicapi'}->synczones_local( $rawdata, $unique_dns_request_id ) );
    return $self->_check_action( "sync zones: $dataref->{'zone'}", $Cpanel::NameServer::Constants::QUEUE );


  • Required: Yes.
  • Required input: No.
  • Required output: Yes.

The version() method retrieves the version number of the module on the local or remote system.

Example call

./dnsadmin --action VERSION


The version() method does not require input values.


The version() method must return a version number to display.

Example subroutine

# Create a method that gets a module's version number.
sub version {
   my ( $self, $unique_dns_request_id, $dataref, $rawdata ) = @_;
   my $version = $self->{'publicapi'}->version();
   $self->{'error'} = $self->{'publicapi'}->{'error'} if $self->{'publicapi'}->{'error'};
   return $version;


  • Required: Yes.
  • Required input: Yes.
  • Required output: Yes.

The zoneexists() method checks whether a zone exists.

Example call

./dnsadmin --action ZONEEXISTS --data


The zoneexists() method must include the following input values:

Variable Type Description Possible values Example
zone string The zone to check. A valid DNS zone name.


The zoneexists() method must return one of the following boolean values:

  • 1 — The zone exists.
  • 0 — The zone does not exist.

Example subroutine

# Create a method to check whether a zone exists.
sub zoneexists {
    my ( $self, $unique_dns_request_id, $dataref, $rawdata ) = @_;
    chomp( $dataref->{'zone'} );
    $self->output( $self->{'publicapi'}->zoneexists_local( $dataref->{'zone'}, $unique_dns_request_id ) ? '1' : '0' );
    return $self->_check_action( "determine if the zone $dataref->{'zone'} exists", $Cpanel::NameServer::Constants::DO_NOT_QUEUE );