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Guide to Testing Custom Code - Branding


This guide explains the basics of how to troubleshoot branding issues in the cPanel interface.

This document lists appropriate test steps for most custom code, and helpful information to troubleshoot common problems. Make certain that you evaluate the testing requirements of your own code, and allow its functionality to determine the appropriate steps.


cPanel Technical Support cannot always assist third-party developers with problems that relate to custom code. For this reason, always test your projects thoroughly before you attempt to use them on production servers.

Testing steps


Because the testing requirements of custom code differ, this document begins with the assumption that you have already discovered problems.

Check to ensure that the accounts possess the correct permissions

The cPanel interface uses account permissions and ownership to determine which branding to display to each cPanel user.

  • You must update branding as the root user or a reseller.
  • When you update branding as a reseller, those branding changes will only display to cPanel accounts that that reseller owns.
  • To test branding, when you log in to cPanel, you must use the reseller account or a cPanel account that that reseller owns.

Check to ensure that you entered and saved the information correctly


We recommend that you modify branding settings in WHM's Customization interface (WHM >> Home >> cPanel >> Customization).

To check this, perform one or both of the following steps:

  • If you updated branding via the WHM interface, navigate to WHM's Customization interface ( WHM >> Home >> cPanel >> Customization ) and validate whether the interface displays the desired information. If it does not, enter the correct information and click Save .
  • If you updated branding directly within the files, check those files to ensure that the correct information exists. For a list of branding file locations, read our Guide to cPanel Interface Customization and Branding documentation.

Troubleshoot common issues

Small or warped logos and images


When you view custom branding in the cPanel interface, your custom logos appear in the wrong size, warped, or stretched.


Make certain that your logos and other images use the correct image size and file format. For more information about image requirements for branding, read our Guide to cPanel Interface Customization and Branding documentation.