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Guide to cPanel Plugins - Pluggable Statistics Modules


Pluggable statistics modules can display custom statistics items in the cPanel interface.

Module behavior

Before you create a custom statistics module, make certain that you understand how the system interacts with custom statistics modules:

  • If any item in a module fails, this function will not display any items from that module. However, failure in one module will not prevent the display of other modules.
  • Custom data modules execute on every cPanel Tools interface page load.
    • The interface loads custom modules after the initial page load.
    • The system does not cache the data that custom modules poll.

The presence of the /var/cpanel/perl/Cpanel/ResourceUsage/Custom directory triggers each ResourceUsage call. Every time that a user loads or refreshes the cPanel Tools interface, the system must open and list the contents of that directory. If no modules exist in the directory, you should delete the directory to avoid the extra disk load.

Create the custom module

To create a custom statistics module, create the /var/cpanel/perl/Cpanel/ResourceUsage/Custom/ file, where modulename represents your new module's name.

  • You must create a unique module name.
  • The system can process multiple custom modules.

The custom module will resemble the following:

package Cpanel::ResourceUsage::Custom::modulename;

use strict;
use warnings;

# This feature expects each custom module to contain a "get_usages" function
# that returns an array of hashes, with each hash matching the parameters below:

sub get_usages {
    my ($username) = @_;

    return (
            id          => 'custom_statistic1',     #string, not displayed
            description => 'new custom statistic 1',    #string, displayed
            usage       => 0,                       #nonnegative integer
            maximum     => 1,                       #optional, nonnegative integer
            formatter   => 'format_bytes',          #optional; if defined, the value is passed through the specified formatter for display
            app         => 'file_manager',          #optional, to link to a cPanel interface
            before      => 'forwarders',            #optional, to display immediately before another entry
            id          => 'custom_statistic2',       #string, not displayed
            description => 'new custom statistic 2',      #string, displayed
            usage       => 1,                         #nonnegative integer
            maximum     => undef,                     #optional, nonnegative integer
            formatter   => 'format_bytes_per_second', #optional; if defined, the value is passed through the specified formatter for display
            url         => '', #optional, to link to a URL
            after       => 'email_accounts',          #optional, to display immediately after another entry
        # insert any other modules here …



Use the following parameters to configure the module:

Key Type Description Possible Values Example
id string Required
The identifier.

The system uses this value to determine the item display order.
  • If you create two or more items with the same id value, the last item will display in the interface and this function will ignore the others.
  • You must use a unique id value across all modules.
  • The system has default ResourceUsage IDs which the user can override.
ASCII, spaces, and the underscore (_) character. new item id
description string Required
The text to display to users in the interface.

Note: This function converts all lowercase strings to start case (all words start with a capital letter). For example, a value of new custom stat will display as New Custom Stat in the interface.
ASCII, spaces , and the underscore ( _ ) character. new item description
usage integer Required
The amount of the resource that the item uses.

Items whose usage values approach the maximum value display at the top of the statistics bar.
  • A positive integer.
  • 0
maximum integer The maximum value of the range for the item. The system defaults to unlimited and displays the infinity symbol () in the interface if any of the following conditions are true:
  • You do not include this parameter.
  • You do not supply a value.
  • You enter undef.
  • A positive integer.
  • 0

    If you enter a string for the maximum parameter instead of an integer, the function will display NaN.
formatter string Applies units to the usage value based on the specified formatter. If you do not include this parameter, the system will not display any units to the user.
  • format_bytes — This function will convert the usage value into a storage format (for example, MB or GB).
  • format_bytes_per_second — This function will convert the usage value into a storage format per second (for example, 2048 displays 2 KB/s).

Any unrecognized value will cause an error.
  • format_bytes
  • format_bytes_per_second
app string A link that will redirect the user to a specific cPanel interface. If you do not include this parameter, the item will not include a link.

For each item, you can only use the app or the url parameter, not both.
A valid appkey in the specified format. This link will only appear when the statistic is at or above 80% usage.

For a list of available appkeys, use WHM API 1's get_users_links function.
url string A link that will redirect the user to a valid domain. If you do not include this parameter, the item does not include a link.

For each item, you can only use the app or the url parameter, not both.
A valid URL. This link will only appear when the statistic is at or above 80% usage.

The URL must contain the https:// or http:// protocol.
before string Display this item before another item.

For each item, you can only use the before or the after parameter, not both.

For more information, read the Customize Sort Order section below.
A valid ResourceUsage IDs or custom item's id. disk_usage
after string Display this item after another item.

For each item, you can only use the before or the after parameter, not both.

For more information, read the Customize Sort Order section below.
A valid ResourceUsage IDs or custom item's id. cachedmysqldiskusage

ResourceUsage IDs

The system uses the following default ResourceUsage IDs listed in the order they appear in the interface:

  • disk_usage
  • cachedmysqldiskusage (MySQL® Disk Usage)
  • bandwidth
  • addon_domains
  • subdomains
  • aliases
  • email_accounts
  • mailing_lists
  • autoresponders
  • forwarders
  • email_filters
  • ftp_accounts
  • mysql_databases

If you create a custom item that uses any of the above values for the id parameter, the custom item will replace the default item.

Customize Sort Order

  • Items whose usage value approaches the maximum value display at the top of the statistics bar.
  • For each item, you can only use the before or the after parameter, not both.
  • If you create a custom item that uses any of the following values for the id parameter, the custom item will replace the default item.

Enter a ResourceUsage ID or a custom id for either the before or after parameter to customize the sort order. The value of the before or after parameter must exactly match the ResourceUsage IDs or your custom item's id value. If this value doesn’t match another item’s id, this function sorts custom items to the bottom of the statistics bar.

For example:

The following entry will appear first on the Statistics panel.

    id          => 'custom_statistic1',     #string, not displayed
    description => 'custom statistic 1',    #string, displayed
    usage       => 0,                       #nonnegative integer
    maximum     => 1,                       #optional, nonnegative integer
    formatter   => 'format_bytes',          #optional; if defined, the value is passed through the specified formatter for display
    app         => 'file_manager',          #optional, to link to a cPanel interface
    before      => 'bandwidth',             #optional, to display immediately before another entry