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Guide to WHM Plugins - ACL Reference Chart


cPanel & WHM ships with a default list of Access Control Lists (ACLs) and privileges. You can assign ACLs and privileges to WHM users in WHM's Edit Reseller Nameservers and Privileges interface (WHM >> Home >> Resellers >> Edit Reseller Nameservers and Privileges).

Available ACLs


In the tables below, the Feature limit column lists the privilege's name in WHM's Edit Reseller Nameservers and Privileges interface (WHM >> Home >> Resellers >> Edit Reseller Nameservers and Privileges).

Basic privileges

The following table lists the ACLs for basic privileges and the API functions that use these ACLs:

ACL Privilege type Feature limit Associated WHM API 1 functions Description
acct-summary Initial Privileges Account Summary View an account's summary.
basic-system-info Initial Privileges Basic System Information Retrieve basic system information.
basic-whm-functions Initial Privileges Basic WHM Functions Access basic cPanel & WHM options.
connected-applications Initial Privileges Configure connected external applications Manage connections to external applications.
cors-proxy-get Third-Party Services Allow CORS HTTP Requests cors_proxy_get Perform Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) HTTP requests.
cpanel-api Initial Privileges Perform cPanel API and UAPI functions through the WHM API N/A Execute cPanel API 1, cPanel API 2, and UAPI functions via WHM.
cpanel-integration Manage cPanel Integration Links cPanel Integration Manage how a server and its services connect to other servers and services.
create-user-session Initial Privileges Create User Session Create a new temporary user session for a specified service.
Note: This privilege allows an API token user to bypass any restrictions on the API token.
digest-auth Initial Privileges Digest Authentication Manage Digest Authentication support.
generate-email-config Initial Privileges Generate Mobile Email Configurations generate_mobileconfig Generate a mobile configuration profile for an email account.
list-pkgs Initial Privileges List Packages View existing hosting plans (packages).
manage-api-tokens Initial Privileges Manage API Tokens Manage API tokens.
Note: This privilege allows an API token user to bypass any restrictions on the API token.
manage-dns-records Initial Privileges Manage DNS Records Manage DNS records.
manage-oidc Initial Privileges Manage OpenID Connect Manage external authentication for accounts.
mysql-info Account Management MySQL Information Retrieve MySQL® database and user data.
ns-config Initial Privileges Nameserver Configuration Manage nameserver records.
public-contact Initial Privileges Public Contact Information Retrieve or set the public contact information for cPanel accounts.
ssl-info Initial Privileges SSL Information View SSL information.
track-email Initial Privileges Track Email Retrieve email delivery records.

Standard privileges

The following table lists the ACLs for standard privileges and the API functions that use these ACLs:

ACL Privilege type Feature limit Associated WHM API 1 functions Description
list-accts Account Information List Accounts View the list of accounts on a server.
show-bandwidth Account Information View Account Bandwidth Usage showbw View bandwidth usage statistics.
create-acct Account Management Create Accounts Create cPanel accounts and set up 2FA (Two-Factor Authentication) on them.
kill-acct Account Management Terminate Accounts removeacct Delete cPanel accounts.
suspend-acct Account Management Suspend/Unsuspend Accounts Suspend and unsuspend cPanel accounts.
upgrade-account Account Management Upgrade/Downgrade Accounts changepackage Modify an account's hosting plan (package).
ssl Account Management SSL Site Management Modify SSL information for cPanel accounts.
ssl-buy Account Management Purchase SSL Certificates N/A Purchase SSL certificates.
ssl-gencrt Account Management SSL CSR/Certificate Generator generatessl Generate CSRs and SSL certificates.
edit-mx Account Management Edit MX Entries Modify MX entries.
passwd Account Management Change Passwords This privilege allows a reseller to change account passwords and allow users to log in without an API token.
file-restore Account Management File and Directory Restoration N/A Restore items from local backup sources.
create-dns DNS Add DNS Zones adddns Add DNS zones.
kill-dns DNS Remove DNS Zones killdns Delete DNS zones.
park-dns DNS Park DNS Zones create_parked_domain_for_user Park DNS zones.
edit-dns DNS Edit DNS Zones mass_edit_dns_zone Edit DNS zones.
add-pkg Packages Add/Remove Packages Create or delete hosting plans (packages).
edit-pkg Packages Edit Packages Modify existing hosting plans (packages).
thirdparty Third-Party Services Manage Third-Party Services N/A Manage third-party services (for example, plugins or cPAddons).
mailcheck Troubleshooting Troubleshoot Mail Delivery N/A Access WHM's Mail Troubleshooter interface (WHM >> Home >> Email >> Mail Troubleshooter).
news cPanel Management News Modification N/A Modify news in WHM's Modify cPanel & WHM News interface (WHM >> Home >> cPanel >> Modify cPanel & WHM News).
assign-root-account-enhancements Package Access Use Root Account Enhancements Allow the reseller to assign, list, or unassign Account Enhancements on their cPanel account.

Package privileges

The following table lists the ACLs for package privileges and the API functions that use these ACLs:

ACL name Privilege type Feature limit Associated WHM API 1 functions Description
allow-shell Accounts Allow Creation of Accounts with Shell Access N/A Allow account creation with shell access.
viewglobalpackages Package Access Use Root Packages Allow the reseller to use all global packages. For more information, read our reseller packages documentation.
allow-addoncreate Package Creation Create Packages with Addon Domains Create hosting plans (packages) that include addon domains.
allow-parkedcreate Package Creation Create Packages with Parked (Alias) Domains Create hosting plans (packages) that include parked domains (aliases).
add-pkg-ip Package Creation Create Packages with a Dedicated IP Address Create hosting plans (packages) that include a dedicated IP address.
add-pkg-shell Package Creation Create Packages with Shell Access Create hosting plans (packages) that grant shell access.
allow-unlimited-pkgs Package Creation Create Packages with Unlimited Features Set an unlimited quota on one or more package settings.
allow-emaillimits-pkgs Package Creation Create Packages with Custom Email Limits Create hosting plans (packages) with email quotas that are not the default quotas.
allow-unlimited-disk-pkgs Package Creation Create Packages with Unlimited Disk Usage Create packages with an unlimited disk quota.
allow-unlimited-bw-pkgs Package Creation Create Packages with Unlimited Bandwidth Create packages with unlimited bandwidth.

Additional software

The following table lists the ACLs for additional software and the API functions that use these ACLs:

ACL name Privilege type Feature limit Associated API functions Description
software-imunify360 Additional Software Third-Party Services N/A Access Imunify360 plugin.
wp-toolkit Additional Software WP Toolkit N/A Access WP Toolkit.

Global privileges

The following table lists the ACLs for global privileges and the API functions that use these ACLs:

ACL name Privilege type Feature limit Associated API functions Description
status Server Information View Server Status servicestatus View the interfaces in WHM's Server Status section (WHM >> Home >> Server Status).
stats Server Information View Server Information installed_versions View WHM's Server Information interface (WHM >> Home >> Server Status >> Server Information).
restart Services Restart Services restartservice Restart services on the server.
resftp Troubleshooting Resynchronize FTP Passwords N/A Access WHM's Synchronize FTP Passwords interface (WHM >> Home >> cPanel >> Synchronize FTP Passwords).

Super privileges

The following table lists the ACLs for super privileges and the API functions that use these ACLs:

ACL name Privilege type Feature limit Associated WHM API 1 functions Description
edit-account Account Management Account Modification Modify accounts.
limit-bandwidth Account Management Bandwidth Limit Modification limitbw Modify account bandwidth limits.
quota Account Management Quota Modification editquota Modify account quotas.
demo-setup Account Management Set an Account to be a Demo Account N/A Enable demo mode for an account.
rearrange-accts Advanced Account Management Rearrange Accounts Rearrange accounts on the server to increase available disk space.
clustering Clustering DNS Clustering Configure DNS clusters.
locale-edit Locales Modify & Create Locales N/A Create and modify locales on the server.

root privileges

The following table lists the ACLs for root privileges and the API functions that use these ACLs:

ACL Privilege type Feature limit Associated WHM API 1 functions Description
all Everything All Features All WHM API 1 functions. The reseller possesses root-level privileges on the server and can execute all WHM API 1 functions.