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Guide to WHM Plugins - AppConfig Checks


The AppConfig system's utilities automate several AppConfig functions. This document describes how to perform the following actions via AppConfig utilities:

  • Check a WHM plugin's AppConfig registration.
  • List the registered WHM plugins on the server and their configuration settings.

You can also perform the following other actions via AppConfig utilities:


AppConfig utilities also return information about specific applications in cPanel and Webmail. However, you cannot use the AppConfig system to register cPanel plugins. To register cPanel plugins, read our Guide to cPanel Plugins - Add Plugins documentation.


The system retrieves the majority of this data from each application's AppConfig configuration file.

Check plugin registration

The /usr/local/cpanel/bin/is_registered_with_appconfig script checks whether an application registered with a specific service in AppConfig.

To use this script, run the following command:

/usr/local/cpanel/bin/is_registered_with_appconfig service appname
  • Replace service with the desired cPanel & WHM service:
    • cpanel — Check for specific cPanel applications.
    • whostmgr — Check for WHM plugins .
    • webmail — Check for specific Webmail applications.
  • Replace appname with the desired application's internal name.

For example, to check whether the myplugin plugin exists in WHM, run the following command:

/usr/local/cpanel/bin/is_registered_with_appconfig whostmgr myplugin

The script returns the following output:

  • 1 — The application registered in AppConfig with the specified service.
  • 0 — The application did not register in AppConfig with the specified service.

List registered plugins

The /usr/local/cpanel/bin/show_appconfig script prints a YAML-formatted list of AppConfig applications and their configuration settings.

To use this script, run the following command:


Example output

      - webmail
    name: roundcube
    phpConfig: roundcube
    url: /3rdparty/roundcube/
    user: cpanelroundcube
      - logaholic
    name: logaholic
    url: /3rdparty/Logaholic
    user: cpanellogaholic
      - webmail
    name: roundcube
    phpConfig: roundcube
    url: /3rdparty/roundcube/
    user: cpanelroundcube
      - all
    name: internal_dnsclustering_root
      - /cgi/adjustclusterdns.cgi
      - /cgi/adjustclusteroptions.cgi
    user: root