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Tutorial - Create a New WHM Interface in Template Toolkit


This tutorial uses Template Toolkit to create a new WHM interface. The examples below use WHM's master template, which creates new interfaces that integrate seamlessly with the look and feel of the main WHM interface.

Create a new WHM interface

Create a Template Toolkit file with the correct USE statements

To begin, create a new Template Toolkit file. Generally, this file uses the .tmpl file extension.

  • Lines 2 and 3 use Template Toolkit's USE directive to load the Whostmgr and JSON modules, respectively.
  • WHM interfaces require these modules in order to load properly.
USE Whostmgr;

Add correct handling for right-to-left locales.

By default, cPanel & WHM displays interfaces correctly for left-to-right locales.

If your plugin will support multiple locales, we strongly recommend that you configure the interface to correctly display right-to-left and left-to-right locales.

USE Whostmgr;

IF locale.get_html_dir_attr() == 'rtl';
SET rtl_bootstrap = Whostmgr.find_file_url('/3rdparty/bootstrap-rtl/optimized/dist/css/bootstrap-rtl.min.css');

Add WHM's wrappers

Use Template Toolkit's WRAPPER directive to apply WHM's master template, title, and theme to the template file.

  • Line 9 uses the WRAPPER directive to set WHM's master template file.
  • Line 10 sets the interface's header text and localizes it. Use the header value to set the name at the top of the interface.
  • Line 11 applies WHM's Bootstrap theme.
USE Whostmgr;

IF locale.get_html_dir_attr() == 'rtl';
SET rtl_bootstrap = Whostmgr.find_file_url('/3rdparty/bootstrap-rtl/optimized/dist/css/bootstrap-rtl.min.css');

WRAPPER 'master_templates/master.tmpl'
    header = locale.maketext("Example Plugin")

[% END %]

You can use additional flags to customize the way in which you include the master template, or the individual header and footer files. For more information and a full list of flags, read our Guide to WHM Plugins - Interfaces documentation.

Add stylesheets

Add stylesheets to customize the appearance of your interface.

  • Line 9 uses Template Toolkit's SET directive to set the list of stylesheets.
  • Line 10 adds the rtl_bootstrap stylesheet, which you set in Step 2.
  • Line 11 adds the /libraries/fontawesome/css/font-awesome.min.css stylesheet, which allows your interface to load Font Awesome icons.
  • Line 16 adds this list of stylesheets to the WRAPPER directive.

Enter the CSS files' paths relative to the /docroot/ directory.

USE Whostmgr;

IF locale.get_html_dir_attr() == 'rtl';
SET rtl_bootstrap = Whostmgr.find_file_url('/3rdparty/bootstrap-rtl/optimized/dist/css/bootstrap-rtl.min.css');

SET styleSheets = [

WRAPPER 'master_templates/master.tmpl'
    header = locale.maketext("Example Plugin")
    stylesheets = styleSheets,

[% END %]

Add interface contents

Add the contents of your plugin's interfaces. These contents may use any combination of Template Toolkit and other web languages.

USE Whostmgr;

IF locale.get_html_dir_attr() == 'rtl';
SET rtl_bootstrap = Whostmgr.find_file_url('/3rdparty/bootstrap-rtl/optimized/dist/css/bootstrap-rtl.min.css');

SET styleSheets = [

WRAPPER 'master_templates/master.tmpl'
    header = locale.maketext("WHM Example Plugin")
    stylesheets = styleSheets,

<div class="callout callout-info">
Interface contents go here.

[% END %]