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Tutorial - Register a WHM Plugin with AppConfig


To use WHM plugins, you must register them with the AppConfig system. AppConfig registration adds plugin icons to the WHM interface automatically. It also configures the plugin's ACL requirements and other plugin variables.

Configure the AppConfig directory

If it does not already exist, you must create the /var/cpanel/apps/ directory. Use the chmod command to set it to 755 permissions.

Create the AppConfig configuration file

Create an AppConfig configuration file. AppConfig configuration files store each plugin's or application's AppConfig settings. For more information, read our Guide to WHM Plugins - AppConfig Configuration File documentation.


Configuration files must exist in the /var/cpanel/apps/ directory and must use the .conf file extension.

Register the plugin in AppConfig

To register the plugin with AppConfig, run the following command, where example.conf represents the configuration file's name:

/usr/local/cpanel/bin/register_appconfig ~/example.conf

When you run this command, the AppConfig system performs the following actions:

  • Validates the configuration file and stores a version of it in the /var/cpanel/apps/ directory.
  • Regenerates the WHM plugin cache.
  • Restarts the cpsrvd daemon.

The system will not apply changes to AppConfig configuration files until the cpsrvd daemon restarts.

Check plugin registration

If the plugin registered correctly, the system adds the configuration file to the /var/cpanel/apps/ directory. To check whether a plugin registered with AppConfig correctly, run the following command:

ls -al /var/cpanel/apps

The command's output should resemble the following example:

total 12
drwxr-xr-x  2 root root 4096 Aug  6 22:41 ./
drwxr-xr-x 83 root root 4096 Aug  7 18:00 ../
-rw-------  1 root root  259 Aug  6 22:41 example.conf