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Guide to Standardized Hooks - Cpanel Functions

The Cpanel category creates hookable events for cPanel API 1, cPanel API 2, or UAPI functions.


Cpanel events all use the API::Module::function naming format, where:

  • API is the API that calls the hook point. This value is case-sensitive .
    • Use Api1 for cPanel API 1 functions, Api2 for cPanel API 2 functions, or UAPI for UAPI functions.
  • Module is the function's module name (for example, StatsBar ).
  • function is the function name (for example, stat ).


  • Action code runs as:  The cPanel user.
    • Remote API calls that proxy to cPanel's API and cPanel API calls that are performed as a reseller in the cPanel interface will affect this user and not the authenticated user.
  • Blocking attribute: Available.
  • Escalate privileges attribute: Available.

Available stages

  • pre — Hook action code runs before the event.
  • post — Hook actions code runs after the event.

post stage call failure

If an API call fails to execute, whether the post-stage hook runs depends on which API that you use.

  • cPanel API 1 function post-hooks always run, regardless of whether the call succeeds.
  • cPanel API 2 function post-hooks always run, but also include data about whether the API function succeeds. In your post-hook code, the data->{'output'}{'result'} section displays the call's status. For example:
    "output" : [
       "reason" : "File not found.\n",
       "result" : 0
  • UAPI post-hooks do not run if the API call fails.

pre returns

Return Type Description Possible values Example
args See description.
  • For cPanel API 1 functions, an array reference with elements for each of the function's parameters.
  • For cPanel API 2 functions, a hash reference with key=value pairs for each of the function's parameters.
See the desired function's documentation.
output string A variable reference, which cPanel & WHM is likely to overwrite during processing.
  • A variable reference.
  • An undefined value. Expect an undefined value.
user string The cPanel user's username. A valid cPanel username on the server. username

post returns

Return Type Description Possible values Example
args See description.
  • For cPanel API 1 functions, an array reference with elements for each of the function's parameters.
  • For cPanel API 2 functions, a hash reference with key=value pairs for each of the function's parameters.
See the desired function's documentation.
output string A variable reference, which cPanel & WHM is likely to overwrite during processing.
  • A variable reference.
  • An undefined value. Expect an undefined value.
user string The cPanel user's username. A valid cPanel username on the server. username