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Guide to Standardized Hooks - Passwd Functions

The Passwd category's events occur when a WHM user or a cPanel user changes a cPanel user's password. These events trigger during the use of the following interfaces:

These events also trigger during the use of the following API functions:


This event takes place when a user's password changes.


  • Action code runs as: root
  • Blocking attribute: Available.
  • Escalate privileges attribute: Unavailable.

Available stages

  • pre — Hook action code runs before the password changes.
  • post — Hook action code runs after the password changes.

pre returns

Return Type Description Possible values Example
user string The user for whom the password will change. A valid username on the server. username
new_password string The user's new password. A secure password. 123456luggage

post returns

Return Type Description Possible values Example
user string The user for whom the password changed. A valid username on the server. username
new_password string The user's new password. A secure password. 123456luggage
rawout string The event's raw output. A string value. This is raw output.
applist string A list of applications for which the password changed. A list of one or more application names. application1,application2