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Guide to Standardized Hooks - Stats Functions

The Stats category's events occur during statistics processing.


This event takes place when the system processes statistics for all of the server's cPanel accounts.


  • Action code runs as: root
  • Blocking attribute: Unavailable.
  • Escalate privileges attribute:  N/A

Available stages

  • pre — Hook action code runs before the system processes cPanel statistics.
  • post — Hook action code runs after the system processes cPanel statistics.


The pre and post stages do not produce output.


This event takes place when the system processes statistics for a specific cPanel account.


  • Action code runs as: The cPanel User
  • Blocking attribute: Unavailable.
  • Escalate privileges attribute:  Unavailable.

Available stages

  • pre — Hook action code runs before the system processes cPanel statistics.
  • post — Hook action code runs after the system processes cPanel statistics.

pre returns

Return Type Description Possible values Example
lastruntime integer The last time at which the system processed the user's statistics. A valid Unix timestamp. 1417584474
user string The cPanel account username. A valid cPanel username. username
homedir string The cPanel account's home directory. An absolute directory path. /home/username/
rLOG_CONF hash reference A hash reference that indicates which analytics programs will process each of the user's domains. A valid hash reference.
maindomain string The cPanel account's main domain. A valid domain.
rALLDOMAINS array reference An array reference that contains all of the user's domains. A valid array reference.
logfiledesc array An array of hashes for each domain that the cpanellogd daemon will process. This array contains a hash for each domain. Each hash contains the domain, filename, and logfile parameters.
    domain string A domain on the cPanel account.

The event returns this parameter in each logfiledesc hash.
A valid domain.
    filename string The log file's filename.

The event returns this parameter in each logfiledesc hash.
A valid filename. logfile
    logfile string The log file's absolute path.

The event returns this parameter in each logfiledesc hash.
A valid file path. /home/users/logfile

post returns

Return Type Description Possible values Example
lastruntime integer The last time at which the system processed the user's statistics. A valid Unix timestamp. 1417584474
user string The cPanel account username. A valid cPanel username. username
homedir string The cPanel account's home directory. An absolute directory path. /home/username/
rLOG_CONF hash reference A hash reference that indicates which analytics programs processed each of the user's domains. A valid hash reference.
maindomain string The cPanel account's main domain. A valid domain.
rALLDOMAINS array reference An array reference that contains all of the user's domains. A valid array reference.
logfiledesc array An array of hashes for each domain that the cpanellogd daemon processed. This array contains a hash for each domain. Each hash contains the domain, filename, and logfile parameters.
    domain string A domain on the cPanel account.

The event returns this parameter in each logfiledesc hash.
A valid domain.
    filename string The log file's filename.

The event returns this parameter in each logfiledesc hash.
A valid filename. logfile
    logfile string The log file's absolute path.

The event returns this parameter in each logfiledesc hash.
A valid file path. /home/users/logfile