Development Guides Home >> Guide to Standardized Hooks >> Hookable Events

Guide to Standardized Hooks - System Functions

The System category's events occur during system updates or backups.


This event takes place when cPanel & WHM updates.


  • Action code runs as: root
  • Blocking attribute: Unavailable.
  • Escalate privileges attribute:  N/A

Available stages

  • pre — Hook action code runs before the update process. Unlike other pre stages, the success or failure of this event's hook action code cannot block execution of the cPanel & WHM event. The Standardized Hooks System cannot affect the cPanel & WHM update process.
  • post — Hook action code runs after the update process.


The pre and post stages do not produce output.


This event takes place when the system performs backups.


  • Action code runs as: root
  • Blocking attribute: Unavailable.
  • Escalate privileges attribute:  N/A

Available stages

  • pre — Hook action code runs before the system performs backups.
  • post — Hook action code runs after the system performs backups.

Hooks for this event do not trigger the legacy backup system.


The pre and post stages do not produce output.