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Guide to Standardized Hooks - Whostmgr Functions

The Whostmgr category's events occur during WHM functions.

Accounts Hooks

These hooks affect account creation, deletion, shell access and more:


This event triggers whenever a hosting plan (package) or an account's use of it changes.


  • Action code runs as: root
  • Blocking attribute: Available.
  • Escalate privileges attribute:  N/A

Available stages

  • pre — Hook action code runs before the change.
  • post — Hook actions code runs after the change.

pre returns

Return Type Description Possible values Example
cur_pkg string The hosting plan's (package's) current name. A valid hosting plan name. oldpackagename
new_pkg string The new hosting plan's (package's) name. A valid hosting plan name. newpackagename
user string The user for whom the package will change. A valid username on the server. username

post returns

Return Type Description Possible values Example
cur_pkg string The hosting plan's (package's) current name. A valid hosting plan name. oldpackagename
new_pkg string The new hosting plan's (package's) name. A valid hosting plan name. newpackagename
user string The user for whom the package changed. A valid username on the server. username


This event triggers whenever the system creates an account.


  • Action code runs as: root
  • Blocking attribute: Available.
  • Escalate privileges attribute:  N/A

Available stages

  • pre — Hook action code runs before the system creates the account.
  • post — Hook actions code runs after the system creates the account.


This event returns the WHM API 1 createacct function's returns.


This event triggers whenever the system modifies an account.


  • Action code runs as: root
  • Blocking attribute: Available.
  • Escalate privileges attribute:  N/A

Available stages

  • pre — Hook action code runs before the change.
  • post — Hook actions code runs after the change.


This event returns the WHM API 1 modifyacct function's returns.


This event triggers whenever the system performs an account rearrangement, whether through a transfer or the WHM interface.


  • Action code runs as: root
  • Blocking attribute: Available.
  • Escalate privileges attribute:  N/A

Available stages

  • pre — Hook action code runs before the change.
  • post — Hook actions code runs after the change.


The pre and post stages do not produce output.


This event triggers whenever the system deletes an account.


  • Action code runs as: root
  • Blocking attribute: Available.
  • Escalate privileges attribute:  N/A

Available stages

  • pre — Hook action code runs before the system deletes the account.
  • post — Hook actions code runs after the system deletes the account.


This event returns the WHM API 1 removeacct function's returns.


This event triggers whenever the system assigns a cPanel account's Account Enhancements.


  • Action code runs as: root
  • Blocking attribute: Available.
  • Escalate privileges attribute: N/A

Available stages

  • pre — Hook action code runs before the system assigns the Account Enhancements.
  • post — Hook actions code runs after the system assigns the Account Enhancements.


pre returns

Return Type Description Possible values Example
id string The Account Enhancement's human-readable ID. An Account Enhancement ID. my-enhancement-example
name string The Account Enhancement's name. A valid string. My Enhancement Example

post returns

Return Type Description Possible values Example
id string The Account Enhancement's human-readable ID. An Account Enhancement ID. my-enhancement-example
name string The Account Enhancement's name. A valid string. My Enhancement Example


This event triggers whenever the system unassigns a cPanel account's Account Enhancements.


  • Action code runs as: root
  • Blocking attribute: Available.
  • Escalate privileges attribute: N/A

Available stages

  • pre — Hook action code runs before the system unassigns the Account Enhancements.
  • post — Hook actions code runs after the system unassigns the Account Enhancements.


pre returns

Return Type Description Possible values Example
id string The Account Enhancement's human-readable ID. An Account Enhancement ID. my-enhancement-example
name string The Account Enhancement's name. A valid string. My Enhancement Example

post returns

Return Type Description Possible values Example
id string The Account Enhancement's human-readable ID. The Account Enhancement's human-readable ID. my-enhancement-example
name string The Account Enhancement's name. A valid string. My Enhancement Example


This event triggers whenever the system modifies an account's shell.


  • Action code runs as: root
  • Blocking attribute: Available.
  • Escalate privileges attribute: N/A

Available stages

  • pre — Hook action code runs before the system modifies the shell.
  • post — Hook actions code runs after the system modifies the shell.


pre returns

Return Type Description Possible values Example
new_shell string The new shell setting.
  • noshell
  • nologin
  • false
  • shutdown
  • sync
current_shell string The current shell setting.
  • noshell
  • nologin
  • false
  • shutdown
  • sync
user string The account for which shell settings will change. A valid username on the server. username

post returns

Return Type Description Possible values Example
new_shell string The new shell setting.
  • noshell
  • nologin
  • false
  • shutdown
  • sync
current_shell string The previous shell setting.
  • noshell
  • nologin
  • false
  • shutdown
  • sync
user string The account for which shell settings changed. A valid username on the server. username
rawout string Additonal raw output from the event. A string value. raw output


This event triggers whenever the system changes a user's IP address.


  • Action code runs as: root
  • Blocking attribute: Available.
  • Escalate privileges attribute:  N/A

Available stages

  • pre — Hook action code runs before the system changes the IP address.
  • post — Hook actions code runs after the system changes the IP address.

pre returns

Return Type Description Possible values Example
user string The account's username. A valid username that exists on the system. example
oldip string The old IP address. A valid IP address on the system.
newip string The new IP address. A valid IP address on the system.

post returns

Return Type Description Possible values Example
user string The account's username. A valid username that exists on the system. example
oldip string The old IP address. A valid IP address on the system.
newip string The new IP address. A valid IP address on the system.


This event triggers whenever the system suspends an account.


  • Action code runs as: root
  • Blocking attribute: Available.
  • Escalate privileges attribute:  N/A

Available stages

  • pre — Hook action code runs before the system suspends the account.
  • post — Hook actions code runs after the system suspends the account.

pre returns

Return Type Description Possible values Example
user string The account to suspend. A valid username on the server. username
reason string The reason for suspension, if one exists. A string value. Nonpayment
disallowun Boolean Whether resellers can unsuspend the account.
  • 1 — Resellers cannot unsuspend the account.
  • 0 — Resellers can unsuspend the account.

post returns

Return Type Description Possible values Example
user string The suspended account. A valid username on the server. username
reason string The reason for suspension, if one exists. A string value. Nonpayment
disallowun Boolean Whether resellers can unsuspend the account.
  • 1 — Resellers cannot unsuspend the account.
  • 0 — Resellers can unsuspend the account.
rawout string The event's raw output. A string value. raw output


This event triggers whenever the system unsuspends an account.


  • Action code runs as: root
  • Blocking attribute: Available.
  • Escalate privileges attribute:  N/A

Available stages

  • pre — Hook action code runs before the system unsuspends the account.
  • post — Hook actions code runs after the system unsuspends the account.

pre returns

Return Type Description Possible values Example
user string The account to unsuspend. A valid username on the server. username

post returns

Return Type Description Possible values Example
user string The unsuspended account. A valid username on the server. username
rawout string The event's raw output. A string value. raw output

AutoSSL Hook

This hook affects the AutoSSL service:


This event triggers when the AutoSSL service installs or changes an SSL certificate. This hook does not listen for uninstallation events.


  • Action code runs as: root
  • Blocking attribute: Available.
  • Escalate privileges attribute:  N/A

Available stages

  • pre — Hook action allows for pre-installation validation and actions.
  • post — Hook action allows for post-installation validation and actions.

pre returns

Return Type Description Possible values Example
domain_set_name string Required
The domain name.
A valid domain name.
username string Required
The user who owns the given domain_set_name.
A valid string. example
certificate_pem string Required
The certificate in PEM format.
A valid SSL certificate in PEM format. -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----\r\n
key_pem string Required
The certificate's key in PEM format.
A valid private key in PEM format. -----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY-----
cab_pem string The certificate's CA bundle in PEM format.

If you do not use this parameter, the system will automatically determine the appropriate CA bundle file to use.
A valid CA bundle in PEM format. -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----\r\n

post returns

Return Type Description Possible values Example
rawout string The function's raw output. A valid string in HTML format. The Certificate for the domain was installed on the IP
status Boolean Whether the function was successful.
  • 1 — Success.
  • 0 — Failure.

Domain Hook

These hooks affect a user's domains:


This event triggers whenever a user creates a subdomain.


  • Action code runs as: root
  • Blocking attribute: Available.
  • Escalate privileges attribute:  N/A

Available stages

  • pre — Hook action code runs before the change.
  • post — Hook actions code runs after the change.

pre returns

Return Type Description Possible values Example
user string The user who creates the subdomain. A valid username. username
subdomain string The subdomain the user creates. A valid subdomain name.
rootdomain string The root domain of the new subdomain. A valid domain name.

post returns

Return Type Description Possible values Example
user string The user who creates the subdomain. A valid username. username
subdomain string The subdomain the user creates. A valid subdomain name.
rootdomain string The root domain of the new subdomain. A valid domain name.


This event triggers whenever a user deletes a subdomain.


  • Action code runs as: root
  • Blocking attribute: Available.
  • Escalate privileges attribute:  N/A

Available stages

  • pre — Hook action code runs before the change.
  • post — Hook actions code runs after the change.

pre returns

Return Type Description Possible values Example
user string The user who is deleting the subdomain. A valid username. username
subdomain string The subdomain the user is deleting. A valid subdomain name.
rootdomain string The root domain of the subdomain to be deleted. A valid domain name.

post returns

Return Type Description Possible values Example
user string The user who is deleting the subdomain. A valid username. username
subdomain string The subdomain the user is deleting. A valid subdomain name.
rootdomain string The root domain of the subdomain to be deleted. A valid domain name.


This event triggers whenever a user creates a domain alias (parks a domain).


  • Action code runs as: root
  • Blocking attribute: Available.
  • Escalate privileges attribute:  N/A

Available stages

  • pre — Hook action code runs before the change.
  • post — Hook actions code runs after the change.

pre returns

Return Type Description Possible values Example
target_domain string The domain name for which to create an alias. A valid domain name.
new_domain string The domain name to which the alias will point. A valid domain name.
user string The user who will create the alias. A valid username on the server. username

post returns

Return Type Description Possible values Example
target_domain string The domain name for which you created an alias. A valid domain name.
new_domain string The domain name to which the alias points. A valid domain name.
user string The user who created the alias. A valid username on the server. username

Lang Hooks

These hooks affect the php.ini file:


This event triggers when an administrator uploads a new complete php.ini file. When you hook this event, you must also hook UAPI's LangPHP::php_ini_set_user_content function to ensure consistent behavior.


  • Action code runs as: root
  • Blocking attribute: Unavailable.
  • Escalate privileges attribute:  N/A

Available stages

  • pre — Hook action code runs before the change.
  • post — Hook actions code runs after the change.


This event returns the WHM API 1 php_ini_set_content function's returns.


This event triggers when an administrator changes the directives in the php.ini file. When you hook this event, you must also hook UAPI's LangPHP::php_ini_set_user_basic_directives function to ensure consistent behavior.


  • Action code runs as: root
  • Blocking attribute: Unavailable.
  • Escalate privileges attribute:  N/A

Available stages

  • pre — Hook action code runs before the system changes the directives.
  • post — Hook actions code runs after the system changes the directives.


This event returns the WHM API 1 php_ini_set_directives function's returns.


This event triggers when an administrator changes the handler that serves the PHP files for any version of PHP.


  • Action code runs as: root
  • Blocking attribute: Unavailable.
  • Escalate privileges attribute:  N/A

Available stages

  • pre — Hook action code runs before the system changes the handler.
  • post — Hook actions code runs after the system changes the handler.


This event returns the WHM API 1 php_set_handler function's returns.


This event triggers when an administrator changes the system default PHP version.


  • Action code runs as: root
  • Blocking attribute: Unavailable.
  • Escalate privileges attribute:  N/A

Available stages

  • pre — Hook action code runs before the system changes the default PHP version.
  • post — Hook actions code runs after the system changes the default PHP version.


This event returns the WHM API 1 php_set_system_default_version function's returns.


This event triggers when an administrator changes the PHP version for a specific virtual host. When you hook this event, you must also hook UAPI's LangPHP::php_set_vhost_versions function to ensure consistent behavior.


  • Action code runs as: root
  • Blocking attribute: Unavailable.
  • Escalate privileges attribute:  N/A

Available stages

  • pre — Hook action code runs before the system changes the virtual host's PHP version.
  • post — Hook actions code runs after the system changes the virtual host's PHP version.


This event returns the WHM API 1 php_set_vhost_versions function's returns.

RemoteMySQL Hook

This hook affects Remote MySQL® profiles:


This event triggers whenever the system activates a Remote MySQL® profile.


  • Action code runs as: root
  • Blocking attribute: Available.
  • Escalate privileges attribute:  N/A

Available stages

  • pre — Hook action code runs before the system activates the remote profile.
  • post — Hook actions code runs after the system activates the remote profile.

pre input parameters

Parameter Type Description Possible values Example
profile_name string The Remote MySQL profile's name. A valid profile name on the server. notlocalhost

post input parameters

Parameter Type Description Possible values Example
profile_name string The Remote MySQL profile's name. A valid profile name on the server. notlocalhost

pre returns

The pre stage does not return output.

post returns

Return Type Description Possible values Example
result Boolean Whether the function succeeded.
  • 1 — The function succeeded.
  • 0 — The function failed.

ParkAdmin Hooks

These hooks affect domains handled by ParkAdmin:


This event triggers whenever the system parks a domain.


  • Action code runs as: root
  • Blocking attribute: Available.
  • Escalate privileges attribute:  N/A

Available stages

  • pre — Hook action code runs before the system parks the domain.
  • post — Hook actions code runs after the system parks the domain.

pre returns

Return Type Description Possible values Example
user string The cPanel account that owns the domains. A valid username on the server. username
target_domain string The domain on which to park the new_domain domain. A valid domain.
new_domain string The domain to park on the target_domain domain. A valid domain.

post returns

Return Type Description Possible values Example
user string The cPanel account that owns the domains. A valid username on the server. username
target_domain string The domain on which the system parked the new_domain domain. A valid domain.
new_domain string The domain that the system parked on the target_domain domain. A valid domain.


This event triggers whenever the system unparks a domain.


  • Action code runs as: root
  • Blocking attribute: Available.
  • Escalate privileges attribute:  N/A

Available stages

  • pre — Hook action code runs before the system unparks the domain.
  • post — Hook actions code runs after the system unparks the domain.

pre returns

Return Type Description Possible values Example
user string The cPanel account that owns the domains. A valid username on the server. username
parent_domain string The domain on which the domain is parked. A valid domain.
domain string The domain to unpark. A valid domain.

post returns

Return Type Description Possible values Example
user string The cPanel account that owns the domains. A valid username on the server. username
parent_domain string The domain on which the domain was parked. A valid domain.
domain string The unparked domain. A valid domain.

Package Hook

This hook affects account package access verification:


This event triggers when an account package is added or modified.


  • Action code runs as: root
  • Blocking attribute: Available.
  • Escalate privileges attribute:  N/A

Available stages

  • pre — Hook action allows for package field input checks and rejects the creation or modification of the package if values do not match desired criteria.
  • post — N/A

pre returns

Return Type Description Possible values Example
bwlimit string The hosting plan's maximum bandwidth use.

This parameter defaults to unlimited.
  • A positive integer between one and 999,999 that represents the maximum bandwidth use, in megabytes (MB).
  • 0, unlimited, or null — The account has unlimited bandwidth.
cgi Boolean Whether CGI access is enabled for the account.

When a server profile disables the Web Server role, this parameter defaults to 0. On these servers, you cannot enable CGI access.

This parameter defaults to 1.
  • 1 — Enabled.
  • 0 — Disabled.
ip string Whether the account has a dedicated IP address.

This parameter defaults to n.
  • y — The account has a dedicated IP address.
  • n — The account does not have a dedicated IP address.
maxsub string The hosting plan's maximum number of subdomains.
  • unlimited
  • An integer that represents a number of subdomains.
maxpop string The hosting plan's maximum number of email accounts.

This parameter defaults to unlimited.
  • A positive integer between one and 999,999.
  • 0, unlimited, or null — The account has unlimited email accounts.
maxlst string The hosting plan's maximum number of mailing lists.
  • unlimited
  • An integer that represents a number of mailing lists.
cpmod string The hosting plan's cPanel theme.

This parameter defaults to the server's default cPanel theme.
  • jupiter
  • A valid theme on the server.
language string The hosting plan's default locale.

This value defaults to the server's default locale.
A two-letter ISO-3166 code. en
featurelist string The hosting plan's feature list.

If you do not use this parameter, the function assigns the default feature list to the hosting plan's accounts.
A valid feature list name on the server. default
maxftp string The hosting plan's maximum number of FTP accounts.

This parameter defaults to unlimited.
  • A positive integer between one and 999,999.
  • 0, unlimited, or null — The account has unlimited FTP accounts.
max_emails_per_hour string The maximum number of emails that the account can send in one hour.

This parameter defaults to unlimited.
  • A positive integer.
  • 0 or unlimited — The account can send an unlimited number of emails.
maxaddon string The hosting plan's maximum number of addon domains.

This parameter defaults to unlimited.
  • A positive integer between one and 999,999.
  • 0, unlimited, or null — The account has unlimited addon domains.
maxsql string The hosting plan's maximum number of each available type of SQL database.

For example, if you set this value to 5 and the system administrator allows MySQL® and PostgreSQL® databases, users can create up to five MySQL databases and up to five PostgreSQL databases.

This parameter defaults to unlimited.
  • A positive integer between one and 999,999.
  • 0, unlimited, or null — The account has unlimited databases.
hasshell Boolean Whether the account has shell access.

This parameter defaults to 0.
  • 1 — The account has shell access.
  • 0 — No shell access.
edit string Whether the user wishes to modify or add an existing package extension.

This parameter is part of the API call and not included in the package. The system displays yes when a user modifies an existing package extension and no when they wish to add one.
  • yes — The user wishes to modify an existing package extension.
  • no — The user wishes to add an existing package extension.
max_defer_fail_percentages integer The percentage of failed or deferred email messages that the account can send per hour before outgoing mail is rate-limited.
  • A positive integer.
  • 0 or unlimited — The account can send an unlimited number of failed or deferred messages.
quota integer The hosting plan's disk space quota.

This parameter defaults to 0 (unlimited).
  • A positive integer between one and 999,999 that represents the maximum disk space that the account may use, in megabytes (MB).
  • 0 — The hosting plan's disk space is unlimited.
maxpark string The hosting plan's maximum number of parked domains (aliases).

This parameter defaults to unlimited.
  • A positive integer between one and 999,999.
  • 0, unlimited, or null — The account has unlimited parked domains.
name string The hosting plan name. An existing hosting plan name on the server. exampleplan
_package_extensions string The hosting plan's package extensions.

If you do not provide a value, the hosting plan will not include package extensions.
A space-delimited list of one or more package extensions on the server. Extension names and variables are case-sensitive.

You can also include the extension's variables in your function call, in key=value format. Consult the extension's documentation for a list of possible variables.
extension1 extension2 extension3
digestauth string Whether to enable Digest Authentication for the account.
  • y — Enable.
  • n — Disable.

post returns

The post stage does not return output.

SSL Hook

This hook affects manual SSL modification:


This event triggers when a system administrator manually installs or changes an SSL certificate via WHM interfaces or WHM API 1 functions.


  • Action code runs as: root
  • Blocking attribute: Available.
  • Escalate privileges attribute:  N/A

Available stages

  • pre — Hook action allows for pre-installation validation and actions.
  • post — Hook action allows for post-installation validation and actions.

pre returns

Return Type Description Possible values Example
domain string Required
The domain's name.
A valid domain name.
crt string Required
The certificate's text.
A valid SSL certificate. -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----\r\n
key string Required
The certificate's key.
A valid private key. -----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY-----
cab string The certificate's CA bundle.

If you do not use this parameter, the system will automatically determine the appropriate CA bundle file to use.
A valid CA bundle. -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----\r\n
ip string The IP address of the certificate's domain.

This parameter defaults to the local IP address for the domain.
A valid IP address.

post returns

Return Type Description Possible values Example
rawout string The function's raw output. A valid string in HTML format. The Certificate for the domain was installed on the IP
status Boolean Whether the function was successful.
  • 1 — Success.
  • 0 — Failure.

Transfer Hook

This hook tracks transfer sessions:


This event triggers when the system begins or finishes a transfer session.


  • Action code runs as: root
  • Blocking attribute: Available.
  • Escalate privileges attribute:  N/A

Available stages

  • pre — Hook action occurs before the transfer session begins.
  • post — Hook action occurs after transfer finishes.

pre returns

Return Type Description Possible values Example
creator string The user under which the server created the transfer session. A valid string. root
pid integer The transfer session's process ID.
  • A valid PID.
  • 0 — The session has not started yet.
version string The transfer system's version. A valid string. 2.3
sessionid string The transfer session's ID. A valid string. sourceexampcopya20190429175239zSOL
starttime string The transfer session's start time. A date and time in YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS format. 2019-04-29 17:52:39
state integer The current state of the transfer session. 0 — The session has not started yet. 0
targethost string The target system's hostname. A valid hostname.
initiator string The service that initiated the transfer session. A valid service name. copyacct
endtime string When the transfer session ended. undef — The session has not started yet. undef
starttime_unix integer When the transfer session started. A positive integer that represents a time, in Unix time. 1556560359
source_host string The source system's hostname. A valid hostname.
endtime_unix integer When the transfer session ended. undef — The session has not started yet. undef

post returns

Return Type Description Possible values Example
creator string The user under which the server created the transfer session. A valid string. root
pid integer The transfer session's process ID. A valid integer. 13401
version string The transfer system's version. A valid string. 2.3
sessionid string The transfer session's ID. A valid string. sourceexampcopya20190429175239zSOL
starttime string The transfer session's start time. A date and time in YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS format. 2019-04-29 17:52:39
state integer The current state of the transfer session. 100 — The session has ended. 100
targethost string The target system's hostname. A valid hostname.
initiator string The service that initiated the transfer session. A valid service name. copyacct
endtime string When the transfer session ended. A date and time in YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS format. 2019-04-29 17:53:5
starttime_unix integer When the transfer session started. A positive integer that represents a time, in Unix time. 1556560359
source_host string The source system's hostname. A valid hostname.
endtime_unix integer When the transfer session ended. A positive integer that represents a time, in Unix time. 1556560432

TweakSettings Hook

This hook tracks user modifications of TweakSettings:


This event triggers before or after a user modifies a Tweak Setting value.


  • Action code runs as: root
  • Blocking attribute: Unavailable.
  • Escalate privileges attribute:  N/A

Available stages

  • pre — Hook action occurs before updating the Tweak Setting value.
  • post — Hook action occurs after updating the Tweak Setting value.


The pre and post stages do not return output.