Development Guides Home >> Guide to Standardized Hooks >> Hookable Events

Guide to Standardized Hooks - RPM::Versions Functions

The RPM::Versions category creates hookable events for RPMs. cPanel & WHM ships with the preconfigured RPM::Versions hooks.

The /var/cpanel/legacy_hooks touch file determines whether the system has already created the following hooks. To prevent the creation of these preconfigured hooks, touch the file before you install cPanel & WHM.


RPM::Versions events use the RPM naming format, where RPM is the name of the RPM to associate with the hook.


  • Action code runs as: The WHM user.
  • Blocking attribute: Available.
  • Escalate privileges attribute: Available.

Available stages

  • pre — Hook action code runs before the event.
  • post — Hook actions code runs after the event.


The pre and post stages do not produce output.

Preconfigured hooks

The following table lists cPanel & WHM's preconfigured RPM::Versions hooks:

RPM pre Script(s) post Script(s)
dovecot /scripts/predovecotup /scripts/postdovecotup
exim /scripts/preeximup /scripts/posteximup
proftpd /scripts/preftpup
  • /scripts/postftpinstall
  • /scripts/postftpup
pure-ftpd /scripts/preftpup
  • /scripts/postftpinstall
  • /scripts/postftpup
MySQL55-server /scripts/premysqlup
  • /scripts/postmysqlinstall
  • /scripts/postmysqlup