Development Guides Home >> Guide to Standardized Hooks >> Hookable Events

Guide to Standardized Hooks - ModSecurity Functions

The ModSecurity™ category's events occur during WHM functions. These events also trigger when you use the following interfaces to perform the corresponding actions:

  • WHM's ModSecurity Vendors interface ( WHM >> Home >> Security Center >> ModSecurity Vendors ).
  • WHM's ModSecurity Tools interface ( WHM >> Home >> Security Center >> ModSecurity Tools ).


This event triggers when the system adds a ModSecurity rule.


  • Action code runs as:   root
  • Blocking attribute: Unavailable.
  • Escalate privileges attribute: N/A

Available stages

  • pre — Hook action code runs before the system adds a ModSecurity vendor.
  • post — Hook actions code runs after the system adds a ModSecurity vendor.


This event returns the WHM API 1 modsec_add_rule function's returns.


This event triggers when the system adds a ModSecurity vendor.


  • Action code run as:   root
  • Blocking attribute: Unavailable.
  • Escalate privileges attribute: N/A

Available stages

  • pre — Hook action code runs before the system adds a ModSecurity vendor.
  • post — Hook actions code runs after the system adds a ModSecurity vendor.


This event returns the WHM API 1 modsec_add_vendor function's returns.


This event triggers when the system adds text to a ModSecurity configuration file.


  • Action code run as:   root
  • Blocking attribute: Unavailable.
  • Escalate privileges attribute: N/A

Available stages

  • pre — Hook action code runs before the system adds text to a ModSecurity configuration file.
  • post — Hook actions code runs after the system adds text to a ModSecurity configuration file.


This event returns the WHM API 1 modsec_assemble_config_text function's returns.


This event triggers when the system updates ModSecurity configuration directives.


  • Action code run as:   root
  • Blocking attribute: Unavailable.
  • Escalate privileges attribute: N/A

Available stages

  • pre — Hook action code runs before the system updates the ModSecurity configuration directives.
  • post — Hook actions code runs after the system updates the ModSecurity configuration directives.


This event returns the WHM API 1 modsec_batch_settings function's returns.


This event triggers when the system copies a ModSecurity rule.


  • Action code run as:   root
  • Blocking attribute: Unavailable.
  • Escalate privileges attribute: N/A

Available stages

  • pre — Hook action code runs before the system copies a ModSecurity rule.
  • post — Hook actions code runs after the system copies a ModSecurity rule.


This event returns the WHM API 1 modsec_clone_rule function's returns.


This event triggers when the system writes the ModSecurity rule changes.


  • Action code run as:   root
  • Blocking attribute: Unavailable.
  • Escalate privileges attribute: N/A

Available stages

  • pre — Hook action code runs before the system writes the ModSecurity rule changes.
  • post — Hook actions code runs after the system writes the ModSecurity rule changes.


This event returns the WHM API 1 modsec_deploy_all_rule_changes function's returns.


This event triggers when the system deploys ModSecurity rule changes.


  • Action code run as:   root
  • Blocking attribute: Unavailable.
  • Escalate privileges attribute: N/A

Available stages

  • pre — Hook action code runs before the system deploys the rule changes.
  • post — Hook actions code runs after the system deploys the rule changes.


This event returns the WHM API 1 modsec_deploy_rule_changes function's returns.


This event triggers when the system deploys ModSecurity settings changes.


  • Action code run as:   root
  • Blocking attribute: Unavailable.
  • Escalate privileges attribute: N/A

Available stages

  • pre — Hook action code runs before the system deploys the settings changes.
  • post — Hook actions code runs after the system deploys the setting changes.


This event returns the WHM API 1 modsec_deploy_settings_changes function's returns.


This event triggers when the system disables a ModSecurity rule.


  • Action code run as:   root
  • Blocking attribute: Unavailable.
  • Escalate privileges attribute: N/A

Available stages

  • pre — Hook action code runs before the system disables the rule.
  • post — Hook actions code runs after the system disables the rule.


This event returns the WHM API 1 modsec_disable_rule function's returns.


This event triggers when the system disables a ModSecurity vendor's rule set.


  • Action code run as:   root
  • Blocking attribute: Unavailable.
  • Escalate privileges attribute: N/A

Available stages

  • pre — Hook action code runs before the system disables the vendor's rule set.
  • post — Hook actions code runs after the system disables the vendor's rule set.


This event returns the WHM API 1 modsec_disable_vendor function's returns.


This event triggers when the system disables a ModSecurity vendor's configuration files.


  • Action code run as:   root
  • Blocking attribute: Unavailable.
  • Escalate privileges attribute: N/A

Available stages

  • pre — Hook action code runs before the system disables the vendor's configuration files.
  • post — Hook actions code runs after the system disables the vendor's configuration files.


This event returns the WHM API 1 modsec_disable_vendor_configs function's returns.


This event triggers when the system disables automatic updates for a ModSecurity vendor.


  • Action code run as:   root
  • Blocking attribute: Unavailable.
  • Escalate privileges attribute: N/A

Available stages

  • pre — Hook action code runs before the system disables the automatic updates.
  • post — Hook actions code runs after the system disables the automatic updates.


This event returns the WHM API 1 modsec_disable_vendor_updates function's returns.


This event triggers when the system discards the staged ModSecurity rule changes.


  • Action code run as:   root
  • Blocking attribute: Unavailable.
  • Escalate privileges attribute: N/A

Available stages

  • pre — Hook action code runs before the system discards the staged ModSecurity rule changes.
  • post — Hook actions code runs after the system discards the staged ModSecurity rule changes.


This event returns the WHM API 1 modsec_discard_all_rule_changes function's returns.


This event triggers when the system stages changes to a ModSecurity rule.


  • Action code run as:   root
  • Blocking attribute: Unavailable.
  • Escalate privileges attribute: N/A

Available stages

  • pre — Hook action code runs before the system stages the changes.
  • post — Hook actions code runs after the system stages the changes.


This event returns the WHM API 1 modsec_edit_rule function's returns.


This event triggers when the system enables a ModSecurity vendor's rule set.


  • Action code run as:   root
  • Blocking attribute: Unavailable.
  • Escalate privileges attribute: N/A

Available stages

  • pre — Hook action code runs before the system enables the vendor's rule set.
  • post — Hook actions code runs after the system enables the vendor's rule set.


This event returns the WHM API 1 modsec_enable_vendor function's returns.


This event triggers when the system enables a ModSecurity vendor's configuration files.


  • Action code run as:   root
  • Blocking attribute: Unavailable.
  • Escalate privileges attribute: N/A

Available stages

  • pre — Hook action code runs before the system enables the vendor's configuration files.
  • post — Hook actions code runs after the system enables the vendor's configuration files.


This event returns the WHM API 1 modsec_enable_vendor_configs function's returns.


This event triggers when the system enables automatic updates for a ModSecurity vendor.


  • Action code run as:   root
  • Blocking attribute: Unavailable.
  • Escalate privileges attribute: N/A

Available stages

  • pre — Hook action code runs before the system enables automatic updates for the vendor.
  • post — Hook actions code runs after the system enables automatic updates for the vendor.


This event returns the WHM API 1 modsec_enable_vendor_updates function's returns.


This event triggers when the system activates a ModSecurity configuration.


  • Action code run as:   root
  • Blocking attribute: Unavailable.
  • Escalate privileges attribute: N/A

Available stages

  • pre — Hook action code runs before the system activates a ModSecurity configuration.
  • post — Hook actions code runs after the system activates a ModSecurity configuration.


This event returns the WHM API 1 modsec_make_config_active function's returns.


This event triggers when the system deactivates a ModSecurity configuration.


  • Action code run as:   root
  • Blocking attribute: Unavailable.
  • Escalate privileges attribute: N/A

Available stages

  • pre — Hook action code runs before the system deactivates a ModSecurity configuration.
  • post — Hook actions code runs after the system deactivates a ModSecurity configuration.


This event returns the WHM API 1 modsec_make_config_inactive function's returns.


This event triggers when the system removes a ModSecurity rule.


  • Action code run as:   root
  • Blocking attribute: Unavailable.
  • Escalate privileges attribute: N/A

Available stages

  • pre — Hook action code runs before the system removes a ModSecurity rule.
  • post — Hook actions code runs after the system removes a ModSecurity rule.


This event returns the WHM API 1 modsec_remove_rule function's returns.


This event triggers when the system removes a ModSecurity configuration directive.


  • Action code run as:   root
  • Blocking attribute: Unavailable.
  • Escalate privileges attribute: N/A

Available stages

  • pre — Hook action code runs before the system removes a ModSecurity configuration directive.
  • post — Hook actions code runs after the system removes a ModSecurity configuration directive.


This event returns the WHM API 1 modsec_remove_setting function's returns.


This event triggers when the system removes a ModSecurity vendor.


  • Action code run as:   root
  • Blocking attribute: Unavailable.
  • Escalate privileges attribute: N/A

Available stages

  • pre — Hook action code runs before the system removes a ModSecurity vendor.
  • post — Hook actions code runs after the system removes a ModSecurity vendor.


This event returns the WHM API 1 modsec_remove_vendor function's returns.


This event triggers when the system stages changes to a ModSecurity configuration file.


  • Action code run as:   root
  • Blocking attribute: Unavailable.
  • Escalate privileges attribute: N/A

Available stages

  • pre — Hook action code runs before the system stages changes to a ModSecurity configuration file.
  • post — Hook actions code runs after the system stages changes to a ModSecurity configuration file.


This event returns the WHM API 1 modsec_set_config_text function's returns.


This event triggers when the system sets a ModSecurity configuration directive.


  • Action code run as:   root
  • Blocking attribute: Unavailable.
  • Escalate privileges attribute: N/A

Available stages

  • pre — Hook action code runs before the system sets a ModSecurity configuration directive.
  • post — Hook actions code runs after the system sets a ModSecurity configuration directive.


This event returns the WHM API 1 modsec_set_setting function's returns.


This event triggers when the system enables a ModSecurity rule.


  • Action code run as:   root
  • Blocking attribute: Unavailable.
  • Escalate privileges attribute: N/A

Available stages

  • pre — Hook action code runs before the system enables the rule.
  • post — Hook actions code runs after the system enables the rule.


This event returns the WHM API 1 modsec_undisable_rule function's returns.


This event triggers when the system updates a ModSecurity vendor's rule set.


  • Action code run as:   root
  • Blocking attribute: Unavailable.
  • Escalate privileges attribute: N/A

Available stages

  • pre — Hook action code runs before the system updates a ModSecurity vendor's rule set.
  • post — Hook actions code runs after the system updates a ModSecurity vendor's rule set.


This event returns the WHM API 1 modsec_update_vendor function's returns.