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Guide to Standardized Hooks - PkgAcct Functions

The PkgAcct category's events occur during backup creation.


This event takes place when the /usr/local/cpanel/scripts/pkgacct script creates the cpmove archive.


  • Action code runs as:
    • During transfers, the root user.
    • While the system generates backup files, the user who owns the backup.
  • Blocking attribute: Available.
  • Escalate privileges attribute: Unavailable.

Available stages

  • pre — Hook action code runs before the pkgacct script collects or writes data.
  • preFinalize – Hook action code runs before the system compresses or transfers the cpmove file.
  • postFinalize — Hook action code runs after the system compresses or transfers the cpmove file. This stage does not occur if the skiphomedir value is 1 .

pre returns

Return Type Description Possible values Example
workdir string The temporary working directory that the system uses to build the cpmove archive. A valid directory path. workingdir
homedir string The user's home directory. A valid directory path. /home/username
user string The user for whom the system will perform the backup. A valid username on the server. username

preFinalize returns

Return Type Description Possible values Example
workdir string The temporary working directory that the system uses to build the cpmove archive. A valid directory path. workingdir
homedir string The user's home directory. A valid directory path. /home/username
user string The user for whom the system will perform the backup. A valid username on the server. username
is_incremental Boolean Whether the archive is an incremental backup.
  • 1 — Incremental backup.
  • 0 — Not an incremental backup.
is_split Boolean Whether the system split the archive into multiple files.
  • 1 — Split.
  • 0 — Not split.
is_tarball Boolean Whether the system will generate a tarball.
  • 1 — Will generate.
  • 0 — Will not generate.
is_backup Boolean Whether the archive is a backup.
  • 1 — Backup.
  • 0 — Not a backup.

postFinalize returns

Return Type Description Possible values Example
workdir string The temporary working directory that the system used to build the cpmove archive. A valid directory path. workingdir
homedir string The user's home directory. A valid directory path. /home/username
user string The user for whom the system performed the backup. A valid username on the server. username
is_incremental Boolean Whether the archive is an incremental backup.
  • 1 — Incremental backup.
  • 0 — Not an incremental backup.
is_split Boolean Whether the system split the archive into multiple files.
  • 1 — Split.
  • 0 — Not split.
is_tarball Boolean Whether the system generated a tarball.
  • 1 — Generated a tarball.
  • 0 — Did not generate a tarball.
is_backup Boolean Whether the archive is a backup.
  • 1 — Backup.
  • 0 — Not a backup.
tarball string The tarball's path.

If the is_split value is 1 or the pkgacct script's $create_tarball variable is false, the system does not return this parameter.
A valid file path. /home/username/backup.tar.gz
md5sum integer The tarball's md5sum value.

If the is_split value is 1 or the pkgacct script's $create_tarball variable is false, the system does not return this parameter.
A positive integer. 595f44fec1e92a71d3e9e77456ba80d1


This event takes place when the /usr/local/cpanel/scripts/pkgacct script restores the cpmove archive.


  • Action code runs as:
    • During restoration, the root user.
    • While the system restores backup files, the user who owns the backup.
  • Blocking attribute: Available.
  • Escalate privileges attribute: Unavailable.

Available stages

  • postExtract — Hook action code runs before the system restores the cpmove file. This stage does not occur if the skiphomedir value is 1 .
  • post — Hook action code runs after the system restores the cpmove file.

postExtract returns

Return Type Description Possible values Example
user string The source for which the system restored the backup. The name of the account or the full path to the backup file. account_name
old_user string The user for whom the system performed the backup. A valid username on the server. username
user_homedir string The user's home directory to which the system restored the backup. A valid directory name. /userhome
domain string The domain on which to restore the account. A valid domain on the server.

post returns

Return Type Description Possible values Example
user string The source for which the system restored the backup. The name of the account or the full path to the backup file. account_name
old_user string The user for whom the system performed the backup. A valid username on the server. username
user_homedir string The user's home directory to which the system restored the backup. A valid directory name. /userhome
domain string The domain on which to restore the account. A valid domain on the server.